This is BS. So many conservative politicians, priests, etc have been outed as gay, pedophiles, politicians and other ‘disgusting’ things for this to be true.

Imagine taking a sip from your drink, only to realize that it belongs to a stranger. Grossed out? If so, then you may be a conservative thinker.

High “disgust sensitivity,” or a tendency to react strongly to things you think are gross, can predict political conservatism, researchers say. Less turned off? That could indicate more liberal views.

Two recent studies link disgust sensitivity with conservative attitudes on gay marriage and abortion. In one, 181 participants were tested for how they’d react to unpleasant situations, such as finding an unflushed toilet in a public restroom. Then they were asked about their political leanings. Researchers found a correlation between being easily disgusted and politically conservative.
Because disgust is a reaction to perceived impurity, he says, it might inform conservative values such as opposing homosexuality, gay marriage and abortion.

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    #28: Don’t you understand this is research — done by scientists… with degrees! They know everything, just as with global warming/climate change.

  2. Phydeau says:

    #27 I’m amused by your outward loathing of morality. I suppose we should do away with that anchor around the neck so you can do what you want without consequences.

    Yes, Dodd, I understand that you were taught to constantly tell the world how moral you are. And so you think that people who aren’t constantly telling the world how moral they are, don’t care about morality.

    I prefer to look at what people do, rather than what they say. Us liberals are like that. 🙂

  3. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    This article is complete BS. Conservative politics vs. being conservative in how you like to see or talk about are two different things. I tend to be on the conservative side of the spectrum, but I am very rarely grossed out about anything. I sometimes enjoy making other uncomfortable by what I am talking about, and almost always they are liberal in their politics, though I know they are almost prudish in what they want to think or talk about.

    I think someone should do a study to understand why liberals almost always resort to personal attacks when commenting on a blog, while conservatives unsuccessfully try to reason with them. Why is it that ad-hominem attacks are linearly related to both the amount of times someone posts comments and how liberal they are?

  4. Loupe Garou says:

    #25 Phydeau “Us liberals in the blue states are doing better, maybe y’all could take lessons from us.”

    It’s hard to pick which blue state to emulate, California maybe?

  5. Dr Dodd says:


    Having a conversation with yourself, again?

    It’s funny watching you impose what you think I believe then scold me for it.

    I especially like how you end by giving yourself a pat on the back as if confirming some illusion that you care about more than what your fellow liberals think of you.

    Excuse me while I wipe away the tears of laughter.

    Good Grief!

  6. Phydeau says:

    #35 Dodd dude, you’re the one who decided I had an “outward loathing of morality”. You’re the one who started “imposing” what you think I believe, then scolded me for it. Just like a wingnut conservative… criticizing others for doing what they do themselves.

    This little bit of projection was interesting:

    I especially like how you end by giving yourself a pat on the back as if confirming some illusion that you care about more than what your fellow liberals think of you.

    It makes sense that conservatives, trained to bray and strut about how moral they are, are overly concerned about what other conservatives think about them. It’s the appearance of morality that ultimately matters most to a conservative.

    But it’s consistent with how things work in the U.S. The red states, where people brag so much of how moral they are, actually have higher incidences of “immoral” behavior than the places where people don’t brag so much (the blue states).

    Dodd, you’re an interesting specimen of U.S. wingnut conservative. Thanks. 🙂

  7. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: All

    Since I was not privy to how the data was collected or the interpretation of the data I cannot speak to the researchers’ conclusions. I can speak to a likely back story. It follows:

    Researcher A: Damn! I have no money and I have a house note and a car note coming do.

    Researcher B: Me too!! What do we do?

    Researcher C: I think we can get some grant money by writing up an experiment to show how liberals and conservatives differ in their respective responses in things that are nasty.

    Researches A and B: Sounds good. Let’s do it.

    Researcher C: O.K.

    And thus kiddies is how we “know” that babies can count (i.e. 1+2=3).

    If you want to “out” a conservative you can do the following:

    You ask the person why there are poor people.

    Now, when I ask the person the ‘poor people’ question I am 99.99% sure the person is a conservative. The reason I ask the question is because I love to see the pinheads squirm.

    Without fail, the only response I get is a shooting daggers stair. They know that I know that they have only one verbal response:

    The reason people are poor is that they are too lazy to work.

    Try it. Works every time.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Special Ed

    LMAO – Man, you crack me up. 😀

  9. Are you kidding me says:

    Most conservatives are closeted gay pedophiles.

  10. Phydeau says:

    #39 Now now, don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel. 🙂

  11. Mark T. says:

    By this logic, ever woman I have ever met would be a conservative. This is bunk.

  12. William says:

    What happens if you’re a liberal conservative?

  13. roddy6667 says:

    So gays are disgusting?

  14. Somebody says:

    No gag reflex at all? You can date Bill Clinton!

  15. punster says:

    I have been reading the ideas of Jon Haidt and he thinks that conservatives and liberals have slightly different morals. Both place great value on care and fairness but conservatives also value things like tradition and purity.

    “This is BS. So many conservative politicians, priests, etc have been outed as gay, pedophiles, politicians and other ‘disgusting’ things for this to be true.”

    Maybe they have been “outed” as some of these things like homosexuality are considered disgusting and are kept hidden but are also things that are not chosen.

    #3 If Haidt is correct in his ideas, then you are mistaken. Liberals are not amoral, they only have narrower moral focus. According to Haidt, conservatives should be able to understand this as they share these morals with liberals but liberals might have difficulties understanding those conservative morals they do not share.

  16. deowll says:

    #1 Sorry dude. They guy posting hates everybody that doesn’t go around screaming, “I want to be gay! Being gay is wonderful!”

    Actually it means you are gender confused and like nearly always being confused means the confused person has problems.

    Since all of us have our own problems and this isn’t a help group for gender confused people we just wish the dude would stick a red wood in it.

    Very few if any of the other posters are interested in this topic any more than they want to hear about Uncle Ethbert’s hemorrhoids for the 97th time.

  17. Fed Up says:

    [quote]Uncle Dave said, on December 18th, 2009 at 7:31 am

    #1: You have no reading comprehension ability.

    First, we don’t hate gays, etc. We hate those who hate them.[/quote]
    So is this a “royal we” U.D.? Or do you speak for the entire blog?

    Disapproving of something is hating?

  18. ruletka says:

    Sometimes it’s really that simple, isn’t it? I feel a little stupid for not thinking of this myself/earlier, though.


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