A Bloomberg report seems to indicate that:

Iranian forces yesterday entered Iraqi territory at dawn, and occupied well number 4 in the East Maysan field in al-Fakah region, 450 kilometers (280 miles) south of Baghdad, Border Guard General Zafer Nazmi said. The Iranian forces positioned tanks around the well.

“They positioned tanks around it and dug trenches,” Nazmi said by phone from Basra. “They are still there, they raised the flag.”

East Maysan in southern Iraq is an old oil field that is no longer in production, according to Nazmi. Iraq is the third largest oil producer in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia and Iran.

  1. Alexander says:

    If the third world war breaks out now Im gonna be PISSED!

  2. Tim says:

    Iran says no. I guess that sorts that out. ……In other news Tiger woods could be going through the most costly divorce in US history.

  3. qb says:

    Cool. Who went long on oil? After all, it is December crude options expiration day, and the two couldn’t possibly be related?

  4. Reader1 says:

    There is something going on with Iran government,

    They have also hacked Twitter website and defaced it for a few hours.

  5. Dallas says:

    Well, Bush eliminated Iran’s only counter force in the region – Iraq.

    On the upside, Bush senior got even with Saddam for name calling.

  6. chuck says:

    #4 – they hacked Twitter? Those bastards! How will I know what Demi is thinking? How will I know what Oprah wants me to think?

  7. #5 On the upside, Bush senior got even with Saddam for name calling.

    Yea, and it only cost 4,300 dead Americans! A small price to pay so Junior could feel like a big tough cowboy.

  8. Nth of the 49th says:

    I think I saw them in the Gulf of Tonkin as well.
    Better invade real quick.

  9. Abbas says:

    It is all bullshit, how stupid these people are who trust the false news just beacause somebody said so.
    Did you know that lying is a big sinn, it means you will probebly go to hell by just lying.

  10. Abbas says:

    There is something going on with Iran government,

    They have also hacked Twitter website and defaced it for a few hours

    How could u know that?????
    I am sure you read it on CNN, THE LORD OF EVIL:P

  11. Joe says:

    Just another FALSE FLAG op.

    It’s Israelis wearing Iranian military costumes.

  12. Reader1 says:

    #10 I actually read it on the New York times website

    here is the link

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m betting its a short term iranain plan to spike oil prices. Need to buy more centrifuges!

  14. Dugger says:

    Just send a Predator drone to fire a HellFire missle at the tanks, it’s just that eas….. umm, oh, I forgot they can hack the Predator drones as well.

  15. Animby says:

    #14 Dugger : Maybe we could get the Israelis to do it for us. And the subsequent nuclear winter would hold off global warming for a few years.

  16. Dennis says:

    If you have a milkshake, and I have a Milkshake and I have a straw and my straw reaches ACROSSSSSSS the room and starts to drink your milkshake: I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE! I DRINK IT UP.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #16, “There Will Be Blood”

    Good movie.

  18. The Aberrant says:

    CNN is reporting this as well.

  19. Rounin says:

    Stratfor is reporting that this incursion was conducted by the IRGC.

    “A U.S. military official in Iraq, Col. Peter Newell, has also characterized the event as somewhat routine, and one that both Iraqi and Iranian forces participate in: “What happens is, periodically, about every three or four months, the oil ministry guys from Iraq will go… to fix something or do some maintenance. They’ll paint it in Iraqi colors and throw an Iraqi flag up. They’ll hang out there for a while, until they get tired, and as soon as they go away, the Iranians come down the hill and paint it Iranian colors and raise an Iranian flag. It happened about three months ago and it will probably happen again.””

  20. Lou says:

    Iran needs a good old fashioned ass kicking, to get them back in line.
    Only because, It’d Gods will !

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    This happened a few years back too.

    It seems that Polish troops invaded Germany and blew up a radio transmitter that was playing a lot of anti Polish propaganda. Fortunately the local Nazis repulsed the invaders with total loss of life and protected the Fatherland.

  22. jescott418 says:

    We are so screwed! Obama gonna wish he had lost the election in four years. Their is so much unrest over there and we have already lost so many brave men and woman. What is next for the US? I am not sure we have the logistics to wage a war against Iran? I think they now that!

  23. soundwash says:

    Complete BS news. sounds like a False flag

    Seems I’m having trouble finding “Al-Fakah” on an Iraq map.

    Why would Iran make such a move over the boarder when they know US/Israel Shadow Factions are just itching for an excuse to unload a Nuke on them?

    (were the russian bolsheviks ever “evicted” from control of the pentagon in the 70’s and 80’s?)

    I gather perhaps, as soon as x-mas is over all hell is going to break loose. -unless the fancy delta craft intervene.

    In any case, i’m with others in the thread. BS news to push a false-flag Op.

    This is tactically UNSOUND and INSANE to move troops in FIRST, -in an age where air and electronic superiority win the day.

    Iran not only produces their own weapons, they have some of the very best Russian technology which is far superior to anything the west produces.

    I have come to the conclusion the billions in “foreign aid” the U.S. pays out year after year is payola to keep the rest of the planet from spilling the beans to the US public that we are dead last in the arms and space race.

    (That our public is scientifically, -dumber than a turnip is not a mistake. -as is evident by the majority of posters on DU)

    The Sunburn Missile of the 90’s is just one, very minor hint. Cosmospheres of the 70-80’s another..

    Quite simply: Russia OWNS the Space around the planet -and has done so since the 60’s.

    That they can locate *anything* *anywhere* by it’s atomic structure, speaks loudly.

    -ignorance, is NOT bliss.

    Seek and ye shall find.


  24. Ah_Yea says:

    jescott418 #22,
    I’m betting Obama ALREADY feels that way!

  25. youwatchtoomuchtv says:

    I’m an idiot..sorry

  26. amodedoma says:

    Iran and Iraq have a long standing history of conflict. Timing sucks, Iran’s supposed nuclear weapon research and the conflict in the region. Funny thing is if oil reserves are running short it makes sense that an aggressor nation would move troops in the region. Saudi’s and Kuwaiti’s are allies, Iraq’s under control, Iran seems to me the last piece of the puzzle. Kick their ass and you can control or access more than half the world’s oil supply. This could be an amazingly convenient pretext to war.

  27. Carcarius says:

    Somebody mentioned Tiger. Funny that not long after the media hailed him as being the first billionaire athlete he gets caught playing and may drop half his wealth.

    Btw, nothing to see here.

  28. RTaylor says:

    Not so subtle diplomatic move. A minor border dispute to remind Washington that Iran could make things shittier if they want to. If shots are fired, oil skyrockets. Points to the Iranians for testing the waters.

  29. mrvco says:

    Failenhagen isn’t going to drive up oil prices, so I guess the Iranians are taking matters into their own hands.

  30. qb says:

    Give me a break. 11 guys going 300 metres across the border, grabbing a pump well, and raising a flag. Either somebody is manipulating oil futures on a critical trading day or some locals are pissed about last week’s oil auctions.

    This should be wrapped up by kick off time on Sunday.


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