Police say 2 dogs fed on Nebraska owner’s body – msnbc.com — FYI.

PAPILLION, Nebraska – The Nebraska Humane Society is seeking a new home for two small dogs that police say fed on their owner’s body after he killed himself.

Police in the Omaha suburb of Papillion found the pugs named Harry and Sally late last week. Lt. Chris Whitted said Wednesday an autopsy showed the man was dead for two weeks of a self-inflicted gunshot before his body was found.

Humane Society spokesman Mark Langan says he can’t verify the dogs had fed on the body, but he says it would be normal behavior for dogs left without food or water for two weeks.

Dog bites man!

Found by Andrew Horowitz.

  1. Rufus says:

    It’s a dog’s life….er afterlife.

  2. The DON says:

    That Bites!

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    And they said, “Tastes like chicken.”

  4. Kap says:

    Ok, I’m officially desensitized. First thing I did when I read this story – laughed.

  5. sargasso says:

    I have seen dogs eat worse, believe me.

  6. amodedoma says:

    Just because their dumbass owner decides to off himself, doesn’t mean the dogs should starve to death.

  7. Dallas says:

    Adoption notice:

    “Great pets! Not recommended in sleeping quarters”

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    If we’re talking about the pugs in the photo, they don’t appear to have missed many meals. Wonder what part they went for first.

  9. Ryan says:

    i know this is twisted/funny, but what about this article? an earthquake in the midwest


  10. sargasso says:

    #9. now, if Nebraskans resorted to rampant cannibalism due to a 3.5 quake, that would be news.

  11. Ryan says:

    dogs eating meat to survive isn’t anything new. an earthquake in the midwest however is something completely mind blowing for me, and im sure it’s other residents, as so far in my 23 years of living here i have yet to experience one until now.

  12. hhopper says:

    Wait a minute:

    Humane Society spokesman Mark Langan says he can’t verify the dogs had fed on the body, but he says it would be normal behavior for dogs left without food or water for two weeks.

  13. saltlick says:

    I work EMS and saw a dog that lived it up after its owner died. The dog’s bed was in front of the television, which was on, and the owner’s leg was within reach of the bed. The dog ate and watched tv in bed for several days before we got there.

  14. Rich says:

    A couple of my friends own a puggle. Is he also thinking dark thoughts of lunch? He’s alot bigger and more aggressive than any pug.

  15. Floyd says:

    #11: Don’t get the idea that earthquakes don’t occur in the Midwest.

    I can assure you that earthquakes have happened in the Midwest, especially in the area from New Madrid MO over to near Vincennes IN. When I was in college in West Lafayette IN, I felt a quake in the Vincennes area, about 80 miles away.

    Furthermore, earthquakes near New Madrid MO in the early 1810 and 1811 temporarily reversed the flow of the Mississippi River, and has been estimated to have a magnitude of 8.0.

    The rest of the quakes in the Midwest have been minor, but the New Madrid fault is still considered active,and could quake again.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    And here I am this week….bitching because my dumbass dog ate my brand-new chapstick. Twice.

    Little bastard would probably eat me, given the chance.

    …felt a quake here in Michigan a couple years ago.

  17. supper says:

    They’re only waiting for us to stop moving. That explains the long stares.

  18. chris says:

    Harry and Sally… “I’ll have what she’s having.”

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Man’s best friend. Cleans up after the suicides.

  20. Lou says:

    Call PETA

  21. Faxon says:


  22. Chris200 says:

    Only in the same town I live in.

  23. MattS says:

    Pugs can’t do that, they don’t have any teeth to chew!


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