Google’s getting all artsy fartsy.

  1. Floyd says:

    So they have a good ad department…but it doesn’t mean the browser’s easier to use than other browsers.

  2. jescott418 says:

    Kind of boring. I could not watch all of it. In my own opinion it would not get a average person to switch to Google Chrome.

  3. Don Quixote says:

    The add kept hanging causing long waits..

  4. Heinrich Moltke says:

    This is just the kind of ad to appeal to women, children, and the infirm.

  5. Riker17 says:

    No useful information, I would like to know why I should use Chrome. I do use it myself, but this ad does nothing to inform the initiated.

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    This is the most creative form of advertising that I have seen in years.
    No explosions, no loud noises, nice music, pleasant graphics.
    As far as advertising goes, I like it.

    Mainstream advertising rarely gives real reasons or technical descriptions of products, that kind of stuff bores most people.

  7. amodedoma says:

    Far as I’m concerned they don’t need no advertising, been using Chromium in Ubuntu for some time now and it Rocks!

  8. Dallas says:

    Pretty cool ! I like it. Chrome runs pretty fast on my Netbook.

    For heavy duty use and plugins, Firefox can’t be beat although it needs a speed upgrade.

  9. Faxon says:

    Chrome has been my browser since Firefox crashed after I upgraded to the newest. I run a newer system, and Chrome rocks. Fast, simple, stable. The only thing I don’t like….it won’t let PayPal integrate into eBay. I have to go to Firefox to pay completed eBay auctions. I like it’s stability, simplicity, and that ad.

  10. Faxon says:

    Note the “incognito” mode. The website to be hidden from everyone is a jewelry store…RIIIGHT.

  11. Rufus says:

    Annoying. I like fine art, but this video was “artsy fartsy”.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    Chrome is still Google spyware. Google won’t give up until they’ve got a permanent foothold in your life.

  13. AdmFubar says:

    funny, Opera has most of these features, and had them for years already..

    i wonder why i should change?

  14. zzzzzz says:

    too much using of Google and its products is bad health for the internets.

  15. honeyman says:

    Cool ad. Nice retro style. Wasted on a browser.

  16. zorkor says:

    Once I have used Google Chrome. I never went back to Firefox which is dying under the weight of plugins and skins. Google Chrome is what a net browser should have been in the first place. Small, clean interface and no artsy and fartsy plugins…

  17. wirelessg says:

    Is it over yet? geez, i was ready for Steve Zissou to swim across the screen hanging onto a rope swing.

  18. Red says:

    Gte a decent Adblock on there and I will use it.

  19. L1A says:

    well they won’t be playing it in england for it’s false advertising XD
    good browser, won’t be for long as soon as all these plugins roll out and it’ll be just another firehog. one thing google and ms have in common, they sure can’t piece of software that actually works on mac.

  20. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    A well done ad. I’m sticking with FireFox though. It just works and I’m familiar with it.

    I turned my wife on to Opera a few years ago and now she swears by it. The kids all seem to favor IE. Go figure.

  21. Animby says:

    #19 Red – It would be a conflict of interest for Google – and advertising company – to allow an ad blocker on Chrome. I’m just fine with Firefox, thank you.

  22. FRAGaLOT says:

    Acctually it was kina noisey.. baloons popping, and hammers falling. Sounded like breaking glass at one time. Still it plays too long; they need a better editor to cut this down shorter.

    Lately I’ve been hearing Goggle Chrome Ads while listening to Pandora. This is the first time I’ve ever heard an actual advertisement for Google, and it too didn’t seem that good. At most you see/hear Google mentioned with a product, like a phone.


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