
The study has prompted calls for further research into the possibility of adding lithium to drinking supplies – like water fluoridation to improve dental health.

Researchers at Oita University in Japan measured natural lithium levels in tap water in 18 communities in the surrounding region of southern Japan. The researchers then calculated the suicide rate in each of the 18 areas. They found that the suicide rate was significantly lower in those areas with the highest levels of lithium in the water. Writing in the British Journal of Psychiatry, the researchers said: “Our study suggests that very low levels of lithium in drinking water can lower the risk of suicide. Very low levels may possess an anti-suicidal effect.”

Lithium is a naturally occurring metal found in variable amounts in food and water. In medicine, very high doses are used to treat bipolar disorder and mood disorders. But so far the potential benefit of using low levels of lithium to reduce the risk of suicide has not been studied closely. Professor Allan Young, a Vancouver-based psychiatrist, has described the study as “intriguing”. Professor Young said: “A logical first step would be for the Medical Research Council to convene an expert working party to examine the available evidence and suggest further research.

“Large-scale trials involving the addition of lithium to drinking water supplies may then be feasible, although this would undoubtedly be subject to considerable debate. Following up on these findings will not be straightforward or inexpensive, but the eventual benefits for community mental health may be considerable.”

I’m starting to feel like a lab rat… meanwhile, the world has gone mad…

  1. smartalix says:


    Why do they have to be non-white? THere are white terrorists too, you know. Racist shitbag.

  2. cmorris says:

    Not to worry. with all of the lithium batteries ending up in the landfill, especially now that EV’s are coming online, the water supply will be “naturally” enriched with lithium.

  3. Robart says:

    I have one word for you people who think this is a good idea…..REAVERS!

  4. soundwash says:


    There is a Lithium by-product that ends up as industrial waste somewhere that needs to be turned into a profit.

    I bet Fluoride has similar effects, but they cannot very well let *that* cat out of the Fluoride scam Bag here in the States. -Lord knows it has created a country full of passive idiots here in the states.

    Perhaps the Japanese should re-read the side effects of the Tamiflu that 70% of the population takes.

    They could just *structure* the water with magnetic fields. -I bet that would have the same desired effect (less suicide) but actually make people healthier and vibrant.

    (same effect as japanese Kengen water)

    (basically water alkalized via platinum coated titanium plates/electrodes)

    hey…Wait a minute, are they taking into account that suicide is an honorable tradition in their culture under special circumstances?

    I smell a BS Meter here..


  5. dg says:

    This sounds like the plot for a sci-fi movie…

    Oh no! Reavers!

  6. thinking says:

    “There is a Lithium by-product that ends up as industrial waste somewhere that needs to be turned into a profit.

    I bet Fluoride has similar effects, but they cannot very well let *that* cat out of the Fluoride scam Bag here in the States. -Lord knows it has created a country full of passive idiots here in the states.”

    So glad someone else already brought this up. Fluoride has a documented history of being employed in concentration camps to keep the populations docile. Not to mention that it helps to transport aluminum into the brain. People with Alzheimer’s have extremely elevated levels of aluminum in their brains. Alzheimer’s is great for the economy and for ensuring the orderly flow of society. Especially Early Onset.

  7. end the fed says:

    youtube chemtrails

    google chemtrails

  8. mary says:

    I just came from a cursory review of this article in “Newscientist” and just couldn’t believe this “scholar” was serious! It’s an absolutely preposterous leap that an entire populace should be dosed, however moderately, with lithium to prevent suicide, or child-molestation, or robberies, or alcohol abuse. Maybe the lithium in the water has zilch to do with contentment with life. Maybe there are intact families, predictability of environment and a gazillion other reasons that folks don’t opt out. I’ve consumed my share of psychotropic drugs, and have been doing hindsight research to discover the long-term effects on the human body. Lithium is hell on the kidneys. Check out You Tube’s “Making A Killing.” It’s quite a revelation as to the motivation of the mind-handlers.

  9. Renee says:

    prettiful..oh by the way i hate his picture..he act lyke stupid right?.. omgeee..he
    make me no like scientist..

  10. dummy says:

    Just to clarify the study is not about the drug lithium bicarbonate. It is about naturally occurring lithium salts in soil. They didn’t add it the water this condition was already present based on the waterways in certain Japanese areas.


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