• RIM reports on email outage.
  • Facebook getting hit with privacy suit.
  • A new earth has been found!
  • Intel says a 17-core chip is coming.
  • Blu-Ray 3D ready to go.
  • Yahoo falling by the wayside.
  • Google will bring out a Netbook.
  • Some predictions by someone other than myself.

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  1. Somebody_Else says:

    The planet they found is close enough that they should be able to analyze its atmosphere using powerful telescopes.

    Its probably no good for life though. Its a water planet, but its a little too close to its star and its almost certainly tidally locked (one side is always lit, one side is dark) with extremely high atmospheric pressure keeping the water from boiling off on the star side.

    The important thing is that it was discovered very quickly using a new, cheap detection technique. That’s a good sign; it suggests there are lots of watery planets.

  2. MillenniumKnight says:

    John, could the Intel 17 core processor actually be an i7 Core processor? the i7 and i5 lines are the new chip brand names, similar to “Pentium”.

  3. Rufus says:

    Maybe MythBusters should do a show about the reliability of the cloud.

  4. pcsmith says:

    Help Looking for shareware.

    It all fails sooner or later.

    I am rebuilding a Win Me computer for my parents. I need a site that gives me Win Me software.

    Looks like I needs a oldversion site with os search.


  5. pcsmith says:

    After 30 minutes trying to post to twitter, which is down, the cloud must be spreading.

    Too late in the morning to be snark

  6. TKilbreath says:


    Could you at least prep for your Tech 5 update? Listening to you try to dry read something you have not looked over prior to doing the update is a waste of my time and yours.


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