1. Ah_Yea says:

    No, just those who learned from him…

  2. Sieg Heil says:

    That was friggin’ hilarious!!!

  3. honeyman says:

    haha! Let the polar bear bombing of Copenhagen commence.

  4. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: McCullough (aka Crybaby)

    Crybaby, your Cattle Mutilations post was ‘funnier’.

  5. Ian says:

    Thank you for posting. Seeing Hitler saying these words crystalizes the feeling that I have been having.

    So true.

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    Now we know what to get Al Gore for Christmas – a cyanide capsule.

    Bet he hasn’t got one.

  7. Ian says:

    Dr. Dodd,

    You should send him one!

  8. A.N.Onymous says:

    Godwin’s Law has been invoked. The side which brings Hitler into the argument loses. Unfortunately this means Copenhagen will succeed.

  9. KMFIX says:

    We’ve all got a little Hitler inside…

    Which is why people post these stupid videos.

  10. Dr Dodd says:


    Hitler messed up by crossing borders.

    Like Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Castro, etc, to be the darling of the left you must only murder your own people. I believe all are heroes of Obama and his merry band of wannabe dictators.

    My advice – avoid free rides on government trains.

  11. Mark T. says:

    Funny vid. A tad extreme but still funny and poignant.

    Dr Dodd, have you seen Eddie Izzard’s take on your comment? He said basically the same thing. If a dictator kills people in another country then he must be stopped “at least after a couple of years”. If a dictator kills millions of his own people in his own country then “we are sort of fine with that” and more or less say “Well done! We’ve been trying to kill’em for ages”. Check it out:

    [I love Izzard- here you go – ed.]

  12. AdmFubar says:

    #13, 7,6, hhhmmm as i recall al gore was nicknamed “the stiff one” so i doubt he’d open the package..

  13. Mr Ed says:

    This footage has been re-subtitled often. This one just sucks – poorly done. Obviously the deniers are getting desparate.

  14. Dr Dodd says:

    #12-Mark T
    I must admit that until now I’ve never heard of Eddie Izzard. Does he/she ever go by the name Dallas? Funny stuff.

  15. Phydeau says:

    Yikes, this makes the people who don’t “believe in” global warming look like nutballs. Claiming massive global conspiracies between hundreds or thousands of scientists is just a leeeetle far-fetched.

    Global warming isn’t something to be “believed in” any more than evolution is something to be “believed in”. It’s a theory, that is or isn’t supported by the available facts.

    I suspect there’s a significant overlap between the evolution “unbelievers” and the global warming “unbelievers”. That doesn’t make global warming true, but you have to wonder about the mental processes they went thru to decide they don’t “believe in” it.

  16. blkblk says:

    Too much conspiracy theory and nutjob denial stuff in this blog nowadays. I’m removing you from my daily bookmark roam! No more accidental click on ads for you!

    No matter the amount of denial: humans are killing the ecosystems, we must act on all fronts.

  17. McCullough says:

    #18. Goodbye.

  18. Phydeau says:

    What’s amusing to me is seeing the wingnuts so certain that anthropogenic global warming is false, when the experts in the field haven’t gotten a good handle on it yet. What made you guys experts?

    I don’t know if it’s true or not… I’m not a climate scientist, I haven’t studied it, and for me to express an opinion would be pretty damn ignorant.

    Unfortunately, you guys sound like the anti-evolution types: latch on to one or two scientists who agree with you and claim anyone who disagrees with them are wrong. They may be, but you’re just guessing.

  19. Mark T. says:

    Phydeau, I, for one, do not believe in creationism of anthropogenic (i.e. “man-made”) global warming. Please don’t lump us all in the creationist column.

    Personally, I think any global warming is a natural phenomena that has been happening for eons. And I think that increasing CO2 levels FOLLOW warming trends and are not the CAUSE of warming trends.

    Basically, I distrust politicians with an apocalypse based agenda that involves taxation. Gore simply wants a global tax. This would be the biggest government revenue stream in recorded history. That is step one in getting a global government started. It must have a HUGE tax base to get off the ground. And everyone on the planet must be beholden to them as saviors.

    Dr Dodd, Izzard claims to be an “executive transvestite” and not the garden variety “weirdo transvestite”. That means he still likes girls but also likes makeup and high heels. Very funny guy if you can get past the garb.

  20. McCullough says:

    We are polluting the planet…that’s a fact. But seriously, do you think government imposing a tax on carbon will solve anything? More taxes…?

    More money in the pockets of the elite? Think about it.

    Mark T. gets it. This is for the funding of global gov’t. If that’s OK with you, then just say so.

  21. Mark T. says:

    oops, “creationism OR anthropogenic…”

  22. Phydeau says:

    Regarding global government, here’s the problem. Things that other people in other countries do can directly affect us. Suppose China thumbs its nose at the rest of the world and says they’re going to build up their industry and pollute as much as they want. We already have pollution blowing across the Pacific. It’ll get worse, and not just for the U.S. and Canada, but for the rest of the world. What do we do? Just shrug our shoulders and put up with polluted air, because they’re a sovereign country? Invade them? What?

    We’re all in this together, like it or not, and we have to negotiate and agree on things so we don’t sh*t in our own nest. If the survival of many nations depends on stopping one nation from doing something destructive, will we take action?

  23. Phydeau says:

    #21 Mark T, I don’t “believe in” any scientific theory. They aren’t to be believed in or not, but examined to see how well they explain the facts and observations we see in the world. Faith involves believing in things unseen (“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1, KJV) while scientific theories are all about evidence of things seen. As research continues and new facts emerge, the theory of AGW will either be reinforced or disproved, and thus will become either more useful or less useful to science. Belief has nothing to do with it.

  24. ramuno says:

    Of course global climates change naturally. However, since we have so many more people making CO2 than plants turning it back to oxygen lately. And indutrialists are adding carbon into the atmosphere more than ever. It is not unreasonable to think that it can make the nature changes worse.

    The real battle going on right now is who is going to help the poorest countries survive the change, no matter how it is caused. Farmers are killing themselves by the thouands in those countries (including India) because of their failures.

  25. Phydeau says:

    If there was a drinking game where you had to pound a shot every time a wingnut says “Marxist/Leninist” we’d all be drunk all the time. 🙂

    Not that I expect consistency from wingnut insults, but a real Marxist or Leninist (if any such thing existed any more) wouldn’t be caught dead with an evil capitalist.

    But I bet that felt real goooood to say. Whoops, someone’s gonna need a kleenex. 😉

  26. amodedoma says:

    # Fido

    ‘A real Marxist or Leninist (if any such thing existed any more) wouldn’t be caught dead with an evil capitalist.’

    Ever here of a guy named Deng Xiao Ping?

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    The thinking here is apparently that everyone who has ever told you anything was lying to you, most especially anyone who has studied a subject enough to become knowledgeable about it. It’s equivalent to the old favorite, “Those college boys think they’re SO smart!”

    Why, for all we know, we’re not really conversing in English here — the professors have all been lying to us and we’re actually speaking, writing and reading CHINESE!!!

  28. Mark T. says:

    Phydeau, puhleez. I used the word “believe” to merely indicate what I consider to be factual, not to show some religious faith in some unknowable truth that is beyond my meager comprehension.

    I don’t “believe” that my statement needed to be parsed and deconstructed to make me look like a religious fruitcake. I subscribe to no religion and I don’t like fruitcake. Bleh.

  29. Phydeau says:

    #31 OK Mark, sorry about that. There are a lot of those religious fruitcakes out there. 🙁

  30. Guyver says:

    25, Phydeau, Theories are examined to see how well they explain the facts and observations we see in the world? LOL. Thanks for beautifully explaining you don’t use the Scientific Method. LOL.

    31, Mark T, Don’t worry about Phydeau. He’s prone to hasty conclusions. It’s in his nature. 🙂


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