The Climate Pool: Boos & Queues: A seven-hour saga getting into the conference | Facebook — Come on. This is hilarious, no?

Seth’s toes are finally warm. In his security photo he is grinning like a child — and with reason. He’s finally in.

“You have no idea how important water and a bathroom is until you don’t have it,” he said after waiting 7 hours and 20 minutes to enter the Copenhagen climate talks.

With U.N. security letting in only those cleared last week, hundreds of accredited delegates, journalists and NGO representatives were left to stand for hours in near-freezing temperatures before being let through. “It was crazy,” AP’s Seth Borenstein said. “You couldn’t leave the line. You couldn’t go to the bathroom, you couldn’t eat. Then snowflakes started falling. One woman even said, ‘if lightning strikes me, would they take me out of line?'”

People started handing out food — one gave out tangerines, another croissants. A man screamed “I don’t need food. I need socks! I’m freezing my ass off out here.” At one point, a U.N. official announced the wait would be longer, prompting the crowd to boo and chant “Let Us In!”

  1. Buzz says:

    I need socks. What a prepared, insightful crowd.

  2. jbellies says:

    Black Haven of Kobe. No swish.

  3. Tim says:

    The science is in, this is what happens when you invite 50,000 delegates to a venue that only holds 15,000 people. Brilliant!

    …and we should trust that these people understand climate change!

  4. bill says:

    Were can I park my new 787?

  5. Dallas says:

    I can certainly see how scenario is confusing to the conservative sheeple.

    ” Why there be d’scussion on mo hut wedder and I’m so cold? Make no sense.”

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Why isn’t Gore telling them to just wait? After all, it’s supposed to get warmer after it gets cooler!

    Now don’t expect Global Cooling Deniers like Dallas and ObamaApologistForever to have a clue. Hey Dallas, isn’t Texas having record breaking snowfall lately? So where’s the extra heat, hiding in the storms that never happened?

    My original definition of Sheeple were Palestinians, but now it’s all these Global Cooling Deniers.

  7. sargasso says:

    Smug warm sense of self satisfaction over comes me when reading of pietistic precepts punished. Does that make me a bad person?

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. I’m certain the cooling “deniers” will be happy to pony up our share of the extra taxes…eh Dallas?

  9. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    In light of the global cooling over the last 10 years, I suggest we follow scientists’ recommendations in 1975 and cover the polar ice caps with black soot to induce melting. If that doesn’t work we should try to divert arctic rivers.

  10. Yes Man says:

    It’s cold somewhere on earth, global warming can’t possibly be real.
    Very logical.

  11. The0ne says:

    It’s freaking winter. Post something more informative and truthful than a misleading headline. I’m in San Diego and I’m cold.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    #7, McCullough. LOL!

    #11, YesMan (I am a denier).

    How about, It’s colder EVERYWHERE on earth, global warming can’t possibly be real.

    Read and be enlightened. (Doubt it will do much good, but here’s to Hope and Change)

  13. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #11 yesman, #6 dallas

    While this obviously doesn’t prove anything about the lack of man-made global warming, it is a funny and ironic sight that all but the brainwashed Al Gore drones can appreciate. The recently exposed emails showing the hiding of data for FOI requests and lack of working models combined with record cold temperatures are what you would want to look at for the evidence. This is just a comical aside.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Now how many places have recorded RECORD COLD temperatures in the last couple years?

    Google “record cold” and this is what you will get.
    “Results 1 – 10 of about 109,000,000”

    Yea, that’s right. 109 MILLION hits. Looking at the links anyone with reason will realize the earth is cooling.

    Of course, the cooling deniers will state some crap like “the heat is in the oceans” or somesuch.

    Yea, right. I guess it’s been lurking there for the past couple years just waiting for it’s moment to come out.

  15. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: McCullough (aka Crybaby) per #9
    To: Ah_Yea per #15

    Crybaby, shouldn’t you be talking about cattle mutilations?

    Ah_Yea, most of those hits pertain to weather and not Climate Change.

    You anti-Climate Change Retards do not know the difference between weather and Climate Change!!!

  16. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #16 Obamadrone

    Are you pro-Climate Change? What would you like the climate to change to?

    Climates describes characteristic weather of a certain region. (This is another reason why global climate change is bad terminology, but that is a separate argument.) If you are getting a lot of record colds it may be an indication that your climate is shifting. This is what all of the global warming true believers have been using as a talking point for years. While record colds do not prove the earth is cooling, it is certainly unlikely that we are seeing so many record cold days while at the same time being on the upswing of a hockey-stick average global temperature surge with average temperatures already higher than ever seen in the history of mankind.

  17. jccalhoun says:

    Climate change is more than about changing temperatures. It is about changing weather and sea levels. Do I have to post a link to the NASA article explaining this in every post?

  18. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: jccalhoun per #18

    To: aslightlycrankygeek per #17

    jccalhoun, I am afraid that you will have to post your NASA article because the anti-Climate Change Retards on this site have the attention spans of sponges.

    aslight….., are you for real? Are you being cute, funny, or just plain stupid?

    Please google ‘difference between weather and climate (change)’ and READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No matter what happens with the climate we will always have “record cold” and ‘record hot” because we are dealing with the weather. Most of the “record cold/hot” hits deal with the local weather and not the climate-Jesus H. Christ!!

  19. It’s not a misleading headline since it is dead accurate. It’s a humorous headline, yes. I suppose that is why you are upset. Humor must go!

  20. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: Johnny per #20

    The problem, Johnny, is because of your past posts we do not know if you are being funny or stupid!!!!!!!!!!

  21. honeyman says:

    You can buy tablets to supplement irony deficiency I believe.

  22. honeyman says:

    #21 Obamaforever

    Luckily we don’t have the same problem with your posts 😀

  23. Jopa says:

    Hey Obamaforever,

    I don’t even know you, but up yours!

    *farting to add some more CO2*

  24. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: honeyman

    What was not Smoker?

  25. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: Jopa

    per #24

    Jopa, don’t fart too hard or too long or you will blow your brains out.

    Jopa, do us all a favor and eat some beans-a lot of beans!!!!

  26. JimR says:

    Insanity is a naked ape trying to keep it’s environment unbearably cold.

  27. jbellies says:

    #15 is off by three orders of magnitude. Here’s my google result:

    Results 1 – 10 of about 118,000 for “record cold”

    I’ve tried a few alternative wordings. These ones seem not too bad:

    1,780,000 for “record low temperature”.
    2,020,000 for “record high temperature”.

    Of course, it could simply be a measure of rabidity rather than of records.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    This is an indication of how callous the whole Climate bureaucracy is toward the simplest needs of human beings. Being more concerned with its arbitrarily established ideal environmental goals. We can all just stave and freeze to near death, until their ideals are met. Maybe this is the UN’s secret plan to reduce the world’s excess population (except in China). And so AGW is just made up as an excuse.

    BTW, these brainiacs didn’t think to cycle the line thru the lobby, just to warm them up a little. What? They’d run out of velvet rope? If they can’t even manage simple numbers, concerning crowd size, in the present. How can they accurately predicted climate numbers in the far future?

  29. deowll says:

    Now, now if the father of the internet says all the bad weather is the fault of man made toxins like CO2 how can you question the man? Has he ever been wrong before?

  30. The0ne says:

    No, please don’t. That would foster more confusion than necessary and then more BS from people’s mouth. It isn’t a debate anyone of us small fry can “win.” Just say your peace and be done I say.

    I’m already lmao from irony because people who want to disbelieve and/or do absolutely nothing are usually the most vocal in the discussions. Why can’t people who want nothing to be done, when it IS a good thing, always complaining.

    This will keep me laughing for all ages I think.


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