• Google in trouble with other handset makers?
  • MSFT admits guilt.
  • Sexting common amongst teens.
  • iMac problems continue to be in the news.
  • Google claims URL shortening supposedly more secure.
  • An octopus is smart.
  • New exploit of PDF files. Patch today!
  • Net neutrality cropping up again.
  • Oracle attacked over MySQL.
  • WDC has cool new format.
  • Best Buy in the news.

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  1. Dallas says:

    Although our Pilgrim heritage continues to portray sex as “dirty”, there is no denying that humans are sexual creatures.

    Even the sex free lives common in Conservative households have normal teenage experimentation with sex. The act of “sexting” is merely technology being used to share what has always been.

  2. Troublemaker says:

    With teen heroes like Britney and Paris showing of their skanky cunts every chance they get when exiting cars in front of paparazzi… no wonder modern teens are completely fucked up pieces of shit.

  3. Protector says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  4. nick the rat says:

    you make my sitting at home not working fun 😀 i so need a job 😛

  5. Esih says:

    Why shouldn’t they be doing that? Wouldn’t you when you were 16 if the technology was there? Leave the kids alone!

  6. Somebody_Else says:

    I for one welcome our new octopi overlords.

  7. Mac Guy says:

    It’s just a newer form of “you show me your wee wee and I’ll show you mine.”

    Look, kids are curious about their bodies and the bodies of the boys/girls they like. This isn’t some perve with a trenchcoat in a windowless van offering kids candy. It’s not a case of some dirty uncle who is violating the childrens’ trust. This is something that the kids are initiating on their own.

    Is it a bad choice? Absolutely. Is this going to be the end of the world? No. Should they be punished? Not legally, no. Let the parents handle this the way they have for thousands of years.

  8. Dallas says:

    #8 Pedrito, what’s your cellphone number?

    I have a treat for you and I promise it won’t get your pregnant.

  9. Dallas says:

    #10 I’ll try again. You associate sexting with getting pregnant (see your own post).

    I’m willing to prove that to you and show you won;t get pregnant.

    I understand if your village does not yet have a cellphone tower. Nothing to be embarrassed by.

  10. GetReal says:

    I turned off javascript in Acrobat Pro v6 on my office PC – no problem.

    Did the same on my home PC using Acrobat 8.1.6. When I start an Acrobat session with NO pdf loaded, I get a message that “This document has javascript but it is turned off, the document might not work correctly, do you want to turn it on permanently?” I say no – it repeats the message one more time.

    Restart Acrobat – same deal. This is with NO pdf loaded! So what the hell kind of javascript runs every time Acrobat starts?

    I’ve used every version of Acrobat Pro since v3. IMHO, for 95% of users v3 would be more than adequate. With the exception of forms, there is little new from version 3.

  11. DailyManila says:

    You can’t really control people from sending nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves. On the other hand, parents are responsible and should make sure what their kids are doing with their mobile phones whether they’re sexting or not.


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