WWAGD (What Would Al Gore Do)? Who’s cap and trading to deal with this!

One of the world’s most perfectly formed volcanoes oozed lava and ash overnight, threatening to explode over a picturesque tourist town in the Philippines.

Many of the 50,000 villagers living within the 6-8 km (4-5 mile) danger zone around Mount Mayon, around 310 miles (500 km) south of Manila, the capital, were evacuated earlier today. The glowing volcano loomed large over the town of Legazpi, in the Albay province, spewing lava and ash that reached a height of about 100 metres (330 feet).

Renato Solidum, head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, said magma has been rising at the volcano over the past two weeks and an explosion could be imminent.

“Now lava is trickling down, but if the ascent of magma is sustained there will be laval flows,” Mr Solidum said. “There is also the possibility of an explosion.”

  1. Father says:

    Of course the global warming fetish crowd will count ANY carbon release against a country’s carbon budget. The fetish is about controlling the planet, so each country is responsible for their volcanos, forest fires, asteroid pacts, etc.

  2. Jetfire says:

    Actually, this will cool the Planet so we should be setting off more Volcanoes. Just look what past major eruptions have done to Planet temps. in the past.

  3. Shawnx86 says:

    This will be the best thing to happen for climate change. When mount Pinatubu erupted the results were well documented is a lowering of global temperatures. It is all documented in the book Super Freakenomics.

  4. Thinker says:

    #1 Thats right! Volcano erupts and can’t pay up?? Go to jail!

  5. Father says:

    You all are correct, the volcano would make temperatures go down.

    But the Climate Change people want to tax all carbon releases, regardless of whether the temperature goes up or down. Climate Change is a tax and trading policy, not an environmental policy.

  6. Winston says:

    “Actually, this will cool the Planet so we should be setting off more Volcanoes.”

    Like super-volcano Yellowstone? Or is that too close to home?

  7. Benjamin says:

    The amount of carbon released from a volcano is staggering. If it is counted against them, then they never can release any carbon for the next decade. Say good buy to any engineering that came after the creation of fire.

  8. Benjamin says:

    That was goodbye, not good buy, but you get my point.

  9. Faxon says:

    This is interesting. On the one hand, CO2 is released. On the other, dust particles block sunlight. So one should outweigh the other. Which one? My guess… Short term cooling, (ten years or so), and to keep Goreface happy, long term CO2 increase, which will kill us all. Now, naturally, the solution is to merely make each carbon unit worth ten times more, so Goreface gets ten times richer, so he can burn plenty of oil to keep warm in his gigantic mansion. With a roaring fireplace in each room.

  10. ziggy says:

    I wounder if they could tap the heat from these
    volcano’s to make steam to generate a gillion watts of electisty(:>)

  11. Floyd says:

    #10: Tapping the heat of volcanoes has been done experimentally. One I know of is a site in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico (an old volcanic area) where water is or was being boiled in a hot spot. Problems included pipe corrosion from minerals in the hot water, if I remember correctly. More here.

  12. SparkyOne says:

    How long until the intentional release of CO2 becomes a felony? My “indoor garden” really likes 300-350 ppm daily.

  13. dusanmal says:

    @#9 You accept the basic wrong assumption of the Church of Rev’ Al: rise of CO2 in Earth atmosphere significantly rises temperature and is dominant effect. Compare that with known long lasting ice ages while CO2 concentrations were order of magnitude (10-15 times) greater than today. Dust from volcano will reduce temperature. CO2 levels will rise and affect Earth temperature in negligible manner.
    To have CO2 dominated climate you need very arid and cold setting & concentrations of CO2 that would kill – dominating the composition of the atmosphere. Good example : Mars. Bad example : Earth.

  14. bobbo, Look Ma, just LOOK says:

    That is a beautiful volcano. Isn’t “cooling” for 2-3 years with pretty sunsets not “proven” but the experience after every known Really Big Eruption?

    IE====actually experience/well documented “experiments” of a kind show the carbon/methane/gas/heat contribution has a negligible effect but the particulate matter is very significant short term but rain and wind wash it out of the atmosphere.

    So, anyone claiming GW just shows themselves to be wholly uniformed, or hoping that we are.

    Where did earlier people think “lava” came from?? Underground rivers of the stuff??? Which is harder to “think of”==rivers underground or a molten core? And the drum beat of science goes on.

  15. Postman says:

    Um, volcanos don’t burn, so no co2 release that way. The pressure build up is from lava, not co2 so no co2 release that way. If a volcano releases co2 could someone describe the mechanism? I don’t see any mechanism to release co2

    in fact in a number of co2 studies, the amount of co2 around volcanos doesn’t change except for seasonal variation. Qed. No co2 coming from volcanos.

    Yet another retard argument crushed. The real question you guys need to be asking is are you getting paid to shill for the oil companys?

    Indoor garden guy… Adding atmospheric levelsof co2 does very little for your garden, except replacement. If you want enrichment you need to get to 1500 ppm, then you will see your buds er em tomatoes really start to grow.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #16: When in doubt, Google.

    Which produces more CO2, volcanic or human activity?

    “Carbon dioxide is released when magma rises from the depths of the Earth on its way to the surface. Our studies here at Kilauea show that the eruption discharges between 8,000 and 30,000 metric tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each day. Actively erupting volcanoes release much more CO2 than sleeping ones do.”

    The article does indicate that the normal yearly amount released is 1% of that produced by cars, etc, however far more is released during eruptions or full explosions.

  17. MikeN says:

    This will invalidate all of global warming scaremonger Joe Romm’s bets. He bet half-skeptic Tom Fuller that temperatures will be higher in the next decade than this one by at least .15C.
    He bet half-alarmist and RealClimate’s Wikipedia enforced William Connolley that the Arctic will melt in the next ten years.

  18. Animby says:

    Get a life. There are something like 60 active volcanoes right now. What’s one more or less?

  19. andycatus says:

    As usual, making a mountain out of a…

    oh wait a minute…

  20. gmknobl says:

    Again for you denialists, Seven answers to the Climate Contrarian Nonsense (and it is non-sense)!

    It isn’t the sun, the earth isn’t cooling since ‘98 (or name your year), it is not just a natural cycle, hokey puck chart hasn’t been disproved, and more, all answered here for you, except those who refuse to listen to reason nor understand real science.


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