1. Buzz says:

    Finally, he caught up to Gore in the loo. Standing on the toilet seat in the next stall over, he shoved a shotgun mic down into Gore’s stall and asked yet another inconvenient question:

    “Mr. Gore, would you please stop loudly defecating and tell us why all of science is lying about global warming?”

  2. Buzz says:

    #8 Who has more financial investment in the global warming question?

    Apparently Cherman. He lives to dispute its existence. Without the global warming question to fuel his ire, he would have to return to his sad, miserable, normal state.

  3. The0ne says:

    I said this sincerely and from the heart. Fck you John and Cherman. Stop being puss** and acting like Fox News. I’m tire of this global warming sht and so are a few more people.

    We don’t have to discuss this over and over and over again as though because we KNOW what you and Cherman think about it. Just put a freaking banner on the front page that you don’t support it and be done with it. Hell, charge and I’ll glady pay so you two would sht the fck up.

    Sry, I’m usually nice but this global climate thing is WAY out of hand here. There’s no need for many of us to drag this on and on, day by day.

  4. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Wretched Gnu (WG) Per #26

    Apparently Dvorak, in his dotage, has handed the blog over to his 13-year-old nephew Cherman. This site is making the Fox Breakfast Club look like the McLaughlan Group…
    End of quote.

    WG, you are correct about Dvorak being in his dotage, but incorrect when you say that Cherman is Dvorak’s 13-year-old nephew.

    I have it on good authority that Cherman is Dvorak in drag. We know that Dvorak is stupid. Dvorak wants us to think he is not twice as stupid.

    Of course, WG, you could be right. In any event, Dvorak is still stupid.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, jman

    I looked at the first six points and every one of them are wrong.

    If you want to follow a bunch of afraid, doting, senile peers in debunking climate change, then go for it. I’ll stick with those who actually know something about it.

  6. The0ne says:

    freak pathetic, what’s worse is my grammar is off the charts cause I’m upset >< Sorry for that 🙂

  7. jman says:


    because you don’t understand? every one of them are right.

  8. Toxic Asshead says:

    #34 – It’s John’s blog, he can write about whatever he wants. You’re the one who needs to go somewhere else if you don’t like it.

    There are plenty of good fiction writers out there crafting wonderful stories about how we’re all gonna die from global warming and it’s some how unfair that America is the greatest nation that ever existed and other nonsense. They’re easy to find.

  9. Loupe Garou says:

    I don’t understand how all of this is related to events like the one below.

    Prehistoric Ice Sheets of Africa: Glaciers Once Covered the African Continent

    Couldn’t this be a natural event? Obviously we had periods of warming in the past. What makes this so different?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:



    because you don’t understand? every one of them are right.

    No, it is because I looked at the first six and already have seen them debunked.

    Do you really think that if any of those were true there would be every reputable earth science professional, every professional organization and society, as well every national meteorological society in agreement? You must be pretty daft!

  11. Thomas says:

    People need to learn to separate scientific conclusions from policy based on those conclusions. I have absolutely no problem with the scientific community coming to understand, based on new data, that humans might not have as large an impact on the climate as first thought. Keep studying, learning and analyzing. Perhaps we do. TBH, I haven’t yet decided. However, what I do know is that what is being proposed will have dire economic effects.

    The sheer enormity of impact from acting on the proposals by the anthropomorphic climate change proponents is incredible. The caps that are being proposed will cause a global depression. If such a consequence is actually necessary, the scientific conclusions better be damn near irrefutable and the specific action necessary better to counteract the effect better be damn near irrefutable. Right now, the scientific community is no where near close to that. It is akin to claiming that water is bad for us and then saying that they aren’t sure what to do other than stop drinking water.

  12. Smith says:

    #41 Fusion —

    You haven’t actually reviewed the “evidence,” have you? There are three, and only three, arguments that link global warming to man:

    1 — a correlation between CO2 emissions and increasing global temperatures. Except the correlation doesn’t work so well over the last decade. And new evidence suggests that the entire temperature record has been . . . well, let’s just say that the official, homogenized temperature record may be a bit hard defend as more of the raw data becomes available. And forget the ice cores, they actually prove the opposite of the AGW theory.

    2 — the “hockey stick” in its many forms, all generated via proxies and careful screening of the data set, making sure that the data selected shows the proper “temperature signal.” Peer-reviewed PhD Climatologists may not have a problem with the procedure, but peer-reviewed PhD Statisticians do.

    3 — Computer models. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

    All other data — the melting icecaps, receeding glaciers, acidification of the oceans, the poor plight of the polar bear — none of these are proof of anything, not individually and not collectively.

    Now some of us take a hard look at the “evidence,” and conclude it doesn’t mean a damn thing.

    But go ahead, believe what you want.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Al Gore doesn’t (can’t) answer questions that he hasn’t had his crack team of liars time to prepare responses to. In fact I believe he just doesn’t know a damn thing. He’s more of a Climate Puppet. The machinery of lies behind him (supporting him), tells him what to say. So he’s never going to answer these questions on the fly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do that, even when he was running for VP. He has to have his script, or he might start sounding like Sarah Palin.

  14. Wretched Gnu says:

    Gore in ’12!

    Get the current trojan wingnut outta there…

  15. deowll says:

    The lame press only covers the news it wants you to hear.

    Gore, the father of the internet, is not very strong on the truth. He prefers to go with whatever seems likely to support his agenda. I think that is making money.

    I once supported man made global warming. To some degree I think it still occurs because many of the things we do may be increasing temperatures. I don’t have a clue how much and to much data suggests the climatologist don’t either.

    Worse the modals on which global warming are based don’t predict that which has happened when you feed in unfiltered data.

    End of discussion. Time for new modals which do predict what is known to have occurred when you give it the most reliable raw data.

    Climatologists on the other hand seem to be convinced that even if we do Cap and Trade the only major impact will be on the American economy which even Obama’s people claim will be about 3,000,000 less jobs.

    Great video. What I was afraid of. The green movement has become the red movement.

  16. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #43, Smith,

    #1, And new evidence suggests that the entire temperature record has been . . .

    And what is this “new evidence”? Perhaps you could share it with us or link to a report.

    #2, the “hockey stick” in its many forms, all generated via proxies and careful screening of the data set, making sure that the data selected shows the proper “temperature signal.” Peer-reviewed PhD Climatologists may not have a problem with the procedure, but peer-reviewed PhD Statisticians do.

    Say what? Several other studies under taken by Mann et al and others have demonstrated the validity of the MBH98 report. For example, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a report stating, among other information that,

    The paleo data provide a valuable independent check on the sensitivity of climate models, and the 5°C value is consistent with many of the current coupled climate models.

    #3, Computer models. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

    All other data — the melting icecaps, receeding glaciers, acidification of the oceans, the poor plight of the polar bear — none of these are proof of anything, not individually and not collectively.

    Now some of us take a hard look at the “evidence,” and conclude it doesn’t mean a damn thing.

    OK, let’s see here. All the evidence means nothing. Now let’s look at what you started your post with,

    You haven’t actually reviewed the “evidence,” have you? There are three, and only three, arguments that link global warming to man:

    So I’ve reviewed the evidence but because YOU decided that it isn’t evidence you now suggest there isn’t any evidence because well you said there wasn’t and whatever evidence I looked at was wrong because there isn’t any evidence …

    In short, it won’t matter what evidence you have been shown, you won’t believe it. If your house was on fire would you ignore the firemen telling you to evacuate because you thought the heat and smoke were phony? When you drive your car do you ignore your gas gauge simply because the car is running fine thank you?

    You are a denier.

  17. Somebody says:

    Evil and Wrong.

  18. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #43, Smith,

    My last post was eaten by the Spam Filter. If it is posted later great, if not here is another article containing 10 (ten) studies graphed for all to see. The graph does not have MBH98 or Mann 2000 and some others since they did not contain all relevant data points.

  19. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    It is very hard to answer idiots when the spam filter eats your post.

    I can understand if the post had several links, but two were eaten with only one link each.

    [Each time someone posts a comment, the spam filters (there are a bunch) adjusts a number based on many criteria. If that number goes below 0, anything posted gets caught until it moves above 0. Took us a long time to delicately balance things. Now few regulars like you get caught, but it happens. –Uncle Dave]


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