
This Episode’s Executive Producer: Felix Shudel

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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Just listened, good show. I may become a producer except Adam goes too far off the deep end with that woowoo UFO stuff.

  2. Godfish says:

    Woo Woo is the only reason most of us listen to the show in the first place?

    So your going to try and get them to change the show by withholding money to get what you want? wow your WooWoo.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    “Woo Woo is the only reason most of us listen to the show in the first place”

    Really? You speak for everyone? Personally, I listen because it’s interesting and I hear a lot of stuff I don’t hear from the lamestream media.

  4. soundwash says:

    Woooho!! The Science is IN!!

    All hale Cracpot and Buzzkill..All hale Cracpot and Buzzkill..

    pip pip, hooray!! pip pip, hooray!!


  5. soundwash says:

    Oh, btw, you missed it…another “norway spiral” formed, from you guesed it, *cough* a failed russian missile.

    Me thinks think someone is showing off their HAARP/EM weapons to send a message.

    2009 is supposed to be the year of transformation for humanity.

    I’m starting to get the idea that TPTB would prefer that *they initiate the transformation rather that wait around for the universe to do it’s thing.

    Given the TPTB are all into ritualistic nuttiness, i’m gonna guess that we may see a major event on the winter solstice (Dec 21) or on the second full moon of December -the 31st. (a rare event for two full moons in one month) Possible a man-made earthquake using the the brown dwarf that is disrupting the orbital resonance of the outer planets as a cover.

    Last: good to see you caught the vid of Russia’s latest collection of electrogravitic craft. Good chance that is what replaced their nasty Cosmospheres of the 70’s and 80’s.. Anyway you look at it, 2009 is going to go out with a “bang”

    -Have a cool Yule and a Frantic 1st.


    I’ll give a listen to the podcast tomorrow. -looks like a good one.

    Remember, Everything we have been told know is a mirror Image Illusion of the “real” reality.. ie: if we say are told U.S. is #1 in space, in reality, Russia is #1.. capeche?

  6. #1 — we need that material to keep us safe.

  7. Raúl Castro says:


    As I keep telling my Pleiadian borthers, “Woooooooho” which means “keep Dvorak and Curry safe BUT have moe restaurant reviews on the show!”

  8. Buzz says:

    When John was new to puberty, Janie spurned him for Mike. So John decided then and there to become the biggest buzzkill the world had ever seen. “If it makes you smile,” he said, “I’m going to nip that in the bud.” Or was it “…the butt.”

  9. Animby says:

    # 7 Raúl Castro said, “…my Pleiadian borthers…”

    Hey, Raul: You and Adam Curry are intelligent men of the 21st century. Well, you are, anyway. Surely you know the Pleiades are a concept, not a place. They are seven stars that, seen from the Earth have reminded people of different things over the centuries. But, in fact, they are scattered through three dimensions of space by millions of light years.

  10. Animby says:

    Soundwash: You live in an interesting, supratentorial world. However, nothing in your response argues against my point: The ‘pleiades’ is a constellation of stars, not a place you can be from – temporally, dimensionally or any other -ly. Those seven stars are nowhere near each other except in our line of vision whether you measure with red shift or an inch worm.

  11. Anoi says:

    OMG you guys totally lost me when you kept babbling on like old ladies about the PBS thing and there were phones ringing in the background and she was talking and you both kept criticizing her. My Gawd, it was like so totally annoying, I stopped listening to your show right then, scrambling as fast as possible to stop the chatter, and threw the mp3 in the trash, I didn’t want to hear you guys another second after that. I only say this because I know you guys actually listen to criticism, unlike those you often discuss. Still, thanks for your generally good shews. Maybe after a week I will be able to handle another one.


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