Confidential intelligence documents obtained by The Times show that Iran is working on testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb.
The notes, from Iran’s most sensitive military nuclear project, describe a four-year plan to test a neutron initiator, the component of a nuclear bomb that triggers an explosion. Foreign intelligence agencies date them to early 2007, four years after Iran was thought to have suspended its weapons programme.
An Asian intelligence source last week confirmed to The Times that his country also believed that weapons work was being carried out as recently as 2007 — specifically, work on a neutron initiator.
The technical document describes the use of a neutron source, uranium deuteride, which independent experts confirm has no possible civilian or military use other than in a nuclear weapon. Uranium deuteride is the material used in Pakistan’s bomb, from where Iran obtained its blueprint.
“Although Iran might claim that this work is for civil purposes, there is no civil application,” said David Albright, a physicist and president of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, which has analysed hundreds of pages of documents related to the Iranian programme. “This is a very strong indicator of weapons work.”
Do not worry. We have been told that OBama will save us from Iran, NK, and terrorism because he will sit down and listen to them. It’s working. Can’t you see that?
If they claim to be getting their information from secret government documents then it’s government propaganda. It’s a ploy they’ve way overused and only the stupid still believe them.
Pedro got to it first.
Looks like the more we know Obama, the more we like Bush.
Anyone remember the “Axis of Evil”?
Iran, North Korea, and Iraq.
Bush took care of Iraq, but now that no-nuts is in office we see Iran and North Korea pushing him around.
The Intelligence Departments aren’t the best places for information. (Iraq WMDs)
Besides, what type of action besides talking should America do? Send more American troops into another endless war?
Since commenters have brought it up, why not send even more troops to invade North Korea.
Obama need to bring back the draft. Bush didn’t so Obama needs to man up.
[sarcasm on]
Don’t worry, Israel will take care of it.
[sarcasm off]
Obviously, Iran has no intention of halting it’s program, and anyone with any intelligence could predict that. Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his extreme leftists are living in their fantasy world, which allows terrorist civil trials, TSA profiling of grandma but not Muslims, no investigations of Mosques, equal rating of Ramadan and Christmas at the White House, and, seriously, a man who WAS (is) a Muslim to be President of the United States. FDR and Kennedy’s graves should be checked for interior damage.
Dumbya has allowed Iran to be empowered to do what they want by removing the only neutralizing force in the area – Iraq. He took out Suddam Hussein because Saddam called Daddy Bush a pussy.
So what was the result of Daddy Bush being avenged? A bill for a trillion dollar war, thousands of dead American boys lost in combat, countless civilians dead and now an Iran left to do what they please.
So there you have it. Iran a threat to the region and the only country that can take them out now is Israel. The legacy of Republican presidents is decades of tragic consequences.
As I publicly stated when Obama was elected last Nov, he’d do much to make many Bush haters wish Bush was back in office. Obama is what many Chicago Pols are, corrupt and never mean what they say.
We were told that Iran was at least ten years away from getting a nuclear bomb, and the bloggers here at DU posted as such. A few posters here questioned that point, and they were ridiculed.
We were told Iran suspended its program, and the bloggers here at DU posted as such. A few posters here questioned these claims and they were ridiculed.
Now ‘ten years later’ is fast approaching.
At least the bloggers at DU post as such.
What, Iran is working on the Bomb? Well, slap my ass and call me Judy! Who would have thunk?!
The much more dangerous and unstable USA has thousands of bombs and the historic and current will to use them. Given that much greater threat to peace and security I can see why nations around the world are in a race to defend themselves from aggressive countries like the USA who have invaded nations for trivial reasons.
After all an armed society is a polite society.
#13 The historic will to use the bomb… You mean the action that put an end to WWII? That was a bad thing how? The current will to use them? When in the last 50 years have we used them? or is “current” greater then fifty years to you?
Hmmmm, from CNN.
1. Alarming secret document details Iran’s nuclear goals.
2. American hikers to stand trial, Iran says.
3. Pakistan blocks deportation of 5 Americans.
Glad we don’t have a “Cowboy” in the White House. This diplomacy is really working well. They must like us now.
I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m tired of getting jerked around with this WMD bullshit. Wasn’t this the same kind of crap they used to get us to attack Iraq? A lot of conjecture, not a lot of facts. So many countries have nuclear weapons technology, it’s just a matter of time before the bad guys get their hands on one. So don’t gimme that we’re saving the world from nuclear disaster BS, ok? It’s obvious that all this is preparation for the upcoming energy crunch.
they guy looking into the camera in the pic looks like obama
#15 LOL. Pretty lame but are you suggesting the when Dick in Bush were in power wearing their cowboy hats anything was different?
BTW, isn’t this the anniversary when A US spy plane landed on Chinese soil. China sent it back to us in a box full of wrapped fortune cookies.
I can’t help but laugh at all those posters blaming the current President.
Under Clinton, strides were being made to bring Iran out of their isolationist shell and into the world of man. After 9/11, Iran even offered to help track down the terrorists in Afghanistan, only their offer was rudely dismissed. The next year, they are lumped into an “Axis of Evil”, thereby totally removing any idea of a settling with Iran.
Today, six years later, we are seeing what happened during the Bush Administration. The nuclear peaceful, cooperative intentions of Iran and North Korea were turned around 180 degrees and now both either have nuclear weapons or will soon. Both either have or are working on medium range delivery systems. Way to go right wing nuts !!!
For some reason though, it is now Obama’s fault.
Wow, the Keyboard Commandos and the Chairborne Rangers are out in force today, talkin’ tough as they usually do. So you guys are all going to volunteer for military duty to take out Iran, right?
It’s a good thing today’s Republicans weren’t in power when the Soviets got their atomic bomb (1949) or the Chinese got theirs (1964). Because we’d be scrounging for grubs to eat after the nuclear winter caused by the wingnuts’ global nuclear war.
In case you don’t recall, the Soviets and the Chinese were our most deadly enemies during the Cold War. They got nukes and the world didn’t end. So all you wingnuts: wipe the sh*t off your butt, put on a fresh pair of Depends, pop another Xanax, wipe away your tears, and chill.
The only way we’re going to stop countries from getting nuclear weapons is diplomatic. Invading another country for having nukes is not only against international law (and would make us the biggest rogue state in the world) but impossible in a practical sense. Our military was bled to the breaking point in Iraq, a country one-third the size of Iran. And bombing their nuke plants will only make them more determined to build a nuke.
There’s nothing more pathetic than an arrogant blowhard threatening to throw his weight around when everyone knows he’s got nothing to back it up. We got nothing, so let’s not be making threats we can’t make good on.
#21 Well said Mr. Fusion… the wingnuts forgot that Iran offered to help us find the terrorists. If the Cheney administration had had any diplomats in it, we’d be on good terms with Iran now.
Way to go, wingnuts.
Didn’t this all start with the SHAH of iran?
Hmmm… this posting seems to be missing the typical left-wing, liberal commentary from Uncle Dave. You can bet he would have been up in arms if Bush was President. But with the Messiah leading us, we can sit back and relax.
Quick history of the USA’s involvement with Iran.
Operation Ajax — USA and Britain plot to overthrow Mossadegh in 1953 because he nationalized Iran oil reserves. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was put into place with support from America.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini became a critic of the Shah and publicly denounced the government. Khomeini was arrested and sent to prison for 18 mounts. When finally released, Khomeini critized the USA.
Khomeneini was then exiled in 1964 to Turkey then finally France.
In 1978, the Iranian Revolution began with demostrations and strikes. The Shah fled the country, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile to Tehran.
Iranians approved a national referendum that made Iran an islamic republic in 1979.
As Iran’s relationship with USA deteriated, Iranian students seized the US embassy.
The embassy personal were accused of working for the CIA and plotting to overthrow the revolutionary government like the USA did in 1953.
There have been reports (true?) that said the USA help Suddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988)
Bush Jr. labels Iran as Evil.
As one of the oldest civilizations in the world, perhaps the Persians feel they are entitled to have the bomb. A 100% certain way for them to end their civilization would be to use one, against anyone. And they know that.
Not to worry, Obama will just bend over and let Ahmadinejad put it in his ass all the while believing that Iran is simply looking for peaceful power.
lets ask a few questions about this.
1. what are the Odds you could walk a Nuke through many airports? Not very easily. Its not small, and a LEAD LINED container would DRAW LOTS of attention.
2. if you cant take it Manually/physically, then HOW to get it where you want it?
3. FLY it there with a Rocket or missile. rockets have very little control, and a guidance system for a Missile takes ALLOT of knowledge.
TRY TESTING an ICBM, intercontinental ballistic missile (ask N. Korea). TESTING missiles and rockets is going to PISS ALLOT of people off REAL FAST. They arent SMALL, and make GREAT targets.
So, the main question comes to..
WHO are they going to BOMB?? Anyplace they can TRUCK it to.
UNLESS the UN, wishes to install a International system for Air travel and Border crossings. In an area where walking accross a border is COMMON.
#30, ECA
Cargo container ships travel all over the seas every day. It doesn’t even need to get inside the city. Just detonate the bomb while the ship is still in the harbor.
Yawn… this routine again.
And BTW, the best thing for the world would be for Iran to nuke the criminal state of Israel out of existence… unfortunately, that would never happen though.
In conclusion, the Republicans are now belly aching over Iran.
Well, duh. Dumbya took out their only counterforce – Iraq. Most all the strategists saw this coming.
However, Dumbya had to avenge Saddam calling his Daddy a pussy. We now have a $1 trillion war debt, nearly a million dead people and a stronger Iran.
On the upside, Daddy Bush is para sailing and Saddam is dead.
Written in 1985…
The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
The Marxist Zionists who rule Israel and the Marxist Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war, on the side of Israel, of course. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.
If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist/Marxist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, these atheists who claim to be God’s Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America’s best friends.
Israel could trigger a large scale Mideast war, a large war which Israel could not win alone. Then the New York leg of the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle would use its influence on the U.S. Government to send U.S. military forces to aid Israel.
At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens demoralized, the Zionist oriented Jewish International Bankers will make their move. Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America’s central bank. In this position of power, these Zionist bankers, can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America — like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930’s.
Attack NOW, delaying will produce millions of deaths.
What more proof is needed.
This is the evil of pacifism that resulted in WW II.
WW I was the activity of the same people that have brought us the slow world-wide collapse. This is not a recession/worst depression but a full collapse.
Globalisation has died faster than communism did, because you have separated production from consumption, a far simpler concept than what caused directed economies to shrink.