• Google phone is the talk of the town.
  • Nook e-reader has potential as a tablet PC.
  • iMAC 27-inch display having issues.
  • Is a text message private? The courts to decide.
  • Facebook privacy settings are screwed up.
  • New URL shrinkers appear.
  • Al Gore predicts end of polar ice.
  • Apple redesigned the App store.
  • iPhone design may be poor.
  • Super thin hard disk coming.
  • MSFT may have stolen code. We’ll see.
  • New Nintendo games.
  • EU mocks Intel and the USA.

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  1. Dallas says:

    Facebook is beginning to piss me off. First, their servers are getting really slow. Seems overloaded. Also, the privacy thing irks me.

    I just found out that Google can now index your public info by default.I disabled that puppy asap.

  2. thecommodore says:

    Al Gore – bah! There is a 75% chance that Al will be nearly fact free within 5 years. If the global climate goes to hell in a handbasket, it’ll be his fault.

  3. dusanmal says:

    “Is a text message private? The courts to decide.” That is not the question before the courts. It is more precise: Is text message from/to your work-related device, provided to you by the employer, paid by your employer, sent during work hours private?
    Answer to generic case should be YES. Answer to this specific case should be NO.

  4. HeeHee says:

    nook e-reader pronounced > nookee reader

    I love computer humor.

    Wait till the crazies get wind of that.

  5. Zybch says:

    Heres a fun article about how the iPhone is like a kidnapper.

  6. qb says:

    Al Gore’s global warming (or cooling) predictions in the tech news section? Ewwwww.

  7. qb says:

    I’m not buying the whole Apple antenna problem. Here in Calgary, or Vancouver, or Seattle I have great reception all over the place. Fast data (yes I can tether) all over Canada. In SF it just sucks. Period. Lousy reception, slow data, etc. Chicago, pretty good, but some dead spots. NY, up and down like a pop tart.

    In fact, around SF I get better bars in frickin’ Sonoma than I do at Union Square. One block from Union I’m down to Edge. Not much better in North Beach or Chinatown.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    First, I seriously doubt that GW is anything as severe as projected. But they have to exaggerate it in order to get the public’s attention.

    Second, a GW trend may be happening. It’s happened before. In fact it’s been a lot warmer and colder, in earth’s distant past. So we shouldn’t assume we’ll have the same climate, that we’re use to, forever.

    Third, with all the crappy science arguing that GW is real. The fact that it’s not been proven that humans have had anything to do with it, get glossed over. Or that anything we could do, will reverse it the trend, regardless if we are the blame or not. But I’m sure some people are planning to profit by this crusade. Just as they do from any concocted world crisis. Usually it’s been a war. Or a Commie threat (more recently “Jihad terrorism”). But they’ve got the climate change as their boogieman, now.

    Strange how they’ve never been able to get together on anything else, non-trade related, until now. So I suspect it’s still mainly “trade related”, at its core. Creating a new world currency, carbon, with which to fight over. It use to be gold, then crude oil. But I’m guessing even that’s gotten to plentiful, over the decades. Or the fact that Oil is mostly under the control of the “wrong people”, has tainted its trade value.

    So now they want atmospheric carbon (or rather the lack of it) as a trading commodity. Totally resisting calling it “cleaner air”, because that might include too many other things, they’re not prepared to deal with. And what about water pollution?! The seas are still a huge dump site for way too many nations. But all this fret about a couple of degrees over a hundred years, has completely diverted that concern. Something, I’m certain Al Gore is proud of.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, they always come out with this “polar ice” propaganda, right about now. Because it Summer time at the south pole. Which most people forget happens, the opposite of the northern hemisphere. And the dissolving ice they tend to show, is what happens at the south pole every year. What they show of the north pole ice, is likely months old file footage, shot during the north pole’s Summer. But you can bet it’s icing up again as we speak. That’s why Palin is on tour now. It’s getting blood cold up there again.

  10. amodedoma says:

    Hey Mr. D, HDD in the 2.5 format have been 9.5mm thick for a long time now. You sure you got the story right? For tiny HDD dig the drive out of an old wrecked Ipod. 30 GB never been so tiny. I’m using one of these with a pico ITX for a robotics project.

  11. qb says:

    pedro, did you know people who spell fanboi with ‘i’ are obviously in the closet with their Apple fetish? 😉

  12. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    A study done at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey predicted that by 2015 there will be no ice in the Arctic Ocean in summer. The estimate used to be 2030. Both the dates and severity of ice loss have been pushed forward.

    #8 – Whose your carrier in Canada? Also, do you know if your carrier is using the 850 MHz or 1900 MHz band for 3G in Canada? In the areas that you mention that get poor reception in San Francisco, does Verizon or any other carrier get good reception – voice or data?
    Try this: In Seattle – must be AT&T – find someone with another model of 3G phone close by. See if the signal on the iPhone is still good. I’ve heard that the non-iPhone 3G device will work well, but the iPhone will not in this situation.
    One last thing – is the Canadian carrier or AT&T in SF using the faster 3G of 7.2 Mbps downstream?

    Just curious.

  13. jeroen says:

    i agree with you. i’m in the Netherlands on T-Mobile and never had any problems with reception.

    for your curiosity:
    T-Mobile in the Netherlands uses GSM on 1800 mHz and, depending on your subscription, 3G up to 7.2Mbps (bundle: 300 min/month + capped 3G (after 2GB/month speed gets reduced to 384kbps) costs 45 Euros/month)


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