Reports the Australian

The Copenhagen climate summit is in chaos after poor countries walked out of negotiations en masse today. The G77, a group which represents 130 developing countries, walked out because it is concerned the existing Kyoto protocol will be abandoned.

Australia’s Climate Change Minister Penny Wong confirmed that organisers were trying to fix the problem and coax back the developing world. Many countries at the UN climate summit want a brand new treaty to tackle climate change, but the developing world wants the Kyoto protocol to continue as well.

  1. jescott418 says:

    All this climate talk will do is push more industrial companies towards countries with lax emission policies. Much like what has happened already with US companies going to China for cheap labor and less government intervention.
    Being Green is not popular and not a important issue right now. Obama seems to be on this Green wagon but he seems to be on it alone.

  2. amodedoma says:

    Well it looks like the deal is off, just great. Hard as it is just to get these clowns to sit down and talk, who knows how long before it can happen again. Remember how long ago Kyoto was? Not to worry though, I’m sure those responsible for torpedoing this event will be quick to offer an alternative. The rich countries will impose their will on the poor.
    It’s not gonna ruin my holidays, I’ve got booze.

  3. ROFL says:

    Climate snobbery is the highest level of snobbery there is, so it’s nice to hear the poor walk out on the rich arrogant climate snobs, lol. In this case, the only reason the poor were invited to their snob party is the rich need to get them to submit to thier Nazi tactics, and “sign here”, yet this time the rich climate snobs are so full of crap, every time they talk it’s like listening to a broken record that keeps skipping saying things so incredibly blatantly stupid, like when Gore says the Earth’s core temperature is millions of degrees. That should be repeated over and over and over and over and over again to make the world see the absolute fool he is.

  4. Reader1 says:

    #5 I agree. I am glad they walked out, and they didn’t submit to this.

    Gore should be arrested and put in jail.

  5. TTHor says:

    Listen to Johnny Walker and “Keep walking”…

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    ok so what IS the Kyoto protocol? This is some kina policy that we are using now to thwart climate change? Ok for us who don’t believe in climate change, wouldn’t this be a good thing? What are they proposing to replace the Kyoto protocol? Would that be better or worse from the position of a “denier” like my self.

    Now this doesn’t mean I want these industries to start spewing more pollution like new jersey during the 80s. Being a Denier doesn’t mean you want a dirty polluted planet, but we want to cut out the bullshit of “climate change” and the fraud that Al Gore is trying to get rich from Cap and Trade being some kind of Carbon czar. Getting rich off of something that it’s a pollutant.

  7. Faxon says:

    Aw gee whiz!

  8. Special Ed says:

    #11 – They had hired Rodney King as a pinata for the last day.

  9. MikeN says:

    So what if they leave. This is just a clever negotiating tactic on their part.
    Kyoto and its successors have no chance of stopping global warming or substantially reducing it. The whole point is to get developed countries to change their ways, and give more to the bureaucracy and politicians in those countries. The developing countries are there to give their signature, which provides pressure for politicians to ratify the agreements. In exchange, they are given money, and quietly ensured that they will not develop past the level of the developed world.

  10. soundwash says:

    YES! – a small blow against the globalists.

    This article BS. It is is spin/damage control


    They all got wind of the bogus CRU data file with the icing on the cake to seal the deal on the walkout being the leaked “secret” danish text document.

    I hope the Rockefeller Cartel/Zion-City of London-Rothschild panzis are all screaming at each other in a backroom somewhere over this.

    And if true that the Russians were behind the data leaks.. Well God Bless your Ruski hearts!

    Know that the few million Americans that are awake and aware of the total take over of our Military and Government by the “Unseen Forces” greatly appreciate your efforts.

    Keep up the good work.


  11. Animby says:

    It just reinforces the slowly becoming sooo obvious truth: There is precious little about these treaties, protocols and negotiations to do with pollution or climate. It’s all about money.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Time to change the name of the blog to “Climate Change Debunked While You Wait.”

  13. MikeN says:

    This is Barack Obama’s fault. He said he was going to engage the world community, and stop the sea from rising.

  14. Glenn E. says:

    The talks are over with? The town hookers must be all worn out. Why else are they meeting somewhere where it’s all legal? And what happens in Copenhagen, stays in Copenhagen.

    BTW, the news isn’t saying anything about that secret trade treaty between US, UK, and Denmark. Which to me sounds like something cooked up by the international shipping industry.

  15. Jane G says:

    The climate change, global warming is pile of propaganda set by the UN to get money from the Western Nations. Apparently Western nations have to pay for other nations repairs. How on earth is a mortal human being going to have the power to change the weather patterns? Sooner we out of the UN the better. It is racist, corrupt and dominated by countries who hate whites, Jews and westerners. What has the UN done for us? Think about it.


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