Louise Gray of the Telegraph reports:

Speaking in Copenhagen on Sunday Tony Blair, the former prime minister, said the world must take action on climate change even if the science is not correct.

What the deuce?

  1. testtubebaby says:

    The vast majority of people are not going to accept reducing CO2. It will not work to build Volts for everyone.

    Women are the main cause of global warming. They want a very advanced life style.

    Don’t you know the industrial revolution was fueled by women’s desire to get out the house and into the workplace?

    Do you want the send them back to dirt floor kitchens?

    There is nothing wrong with using fossil fuel now. When we run out we will have a self contained cities running a nuclear power like submarines.

  2. freddybobs68k says:

    #47 Bobbo

    ‘BTW–Wretched==good job. Scientific consensus is ALWAYS WRONG (with 99.9 percent confirmation).’

    Science doesn’t really claim ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It just produces models that are ‘useful’. Generally in the form that they can predict things. Newtonian physics certainly is not ‘wrong’. It is used on a daily basis and produces useful results.

    You’re right that Einstein and and others produced new models – which newtonian physics is a subset. But that certainly doesn’t mean ‘Scientific consensus is ALWAYS WRONG’.

    Unless you mean everybody is wrong about everything – in that new ideas, observations and models will invariably occur.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #56, Nice.

  4. Dallas says:

    I recall that after Obama was elected by the majority of Americans that the Conservatives were not allowed to speak.

  5. cgp says:

    To those fool posters who do not understand the consequences of 40, 60, 80 percent of elimination of carbon-based energy, I condemn you in your stupidity and evil-outcome.

    Such a catastrophy would lead to a immediate drop in the ‘carrying capacity’ of the economy. We are talking about genocide in the developed world.

    Note that CCS (carbon capture and sequention) DOES NOT WORK. You cannot put continuous energy producing amounts of hot c02 into the ground.

    Also note coal gasification (what 160 years old technology possibly updated with a few new catalysts), doing an overall mass balance still has the same CO2 going to the atmosphere (minus what can be go in ammonia, methane etc. which I guess is not a lot, given usual yields).

    Note I was a chemical engineer university graduate, unfortunately not a career, but you are given the basics to do process rationalisation that sociology nutters do not have

  6. JimR says:

    As well as the pro-con list, I would like to see an IPCC sanctioned graph depicting global temperature for the past 5000 years or even 10,000 years. I’ve searched everywhere, but sometimes I strike out when not searching with the right parameters. Regardless, pro IPCC pundits MUST have seen such a chart. How else to illustrate the dire changes man has never experienced before. Anyone?

  7. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    Actually, it wouldn’t be bad poker to try to get people to be prepared for unexpected cataclysmic changes in this Earthly venue, whether humans caused it or not.

    “All politics is local”, said Tip O’Neill, as he left Congress. Guess you can’t blame most folks, because not very long ago locality _was_ the whole world for most of us, and it’s rather understandable that giving much of a damn about what happens on the other side of this new big thing called a “planet” ain’t so easy. Oh well…

  8. The0ne says:

    Guys, seriously, don’t give this thread anymore attention than it deserves. You’re wasting you time and effort. It’s purely to incite arguments that have, over the course of ONLY a few days, been dominant on DU.

  9. Monster.com says:

    If I were SubPrime Minister, I would demand that we do something about floating invisible blankets in the sky along with the monsters under the bed who put them there.

  10. testtubebaby says:

    We should do something about global cooling. NOW!

  11. testtubebaby says:

    Liberals, I will let you in on a secrect. The main reason we oppose you is not because you are wrong or that we don’t believe we need new energy sources. We oppose you because you are stupid and foolish. Who wants stupid people in charge of their lives? Let conservatives be in charge.

  12. amodedoma says:

    It’s a crazy chaotic universe and in it there are two kinds of beings, those that survive and those that don’t. In questions of survival I always resort to my boyscout training. Be Prepared.

  13. Phydeau says:

    #52 How is another $10T on the street going to help people pay their bills?

    I don’t know who you think you’re fighting with on this issue, or what exactly you’re saying. You have an issue with deficit spending to bring a nation out of depression/recession? OK, fine. So do a lot of people. It has worked in the past. Whether it will work now is still to be seen.

  14. jescott418 says:

    Did’nt Blair go along with Bush on the WMD in Iraq?

  15. Phydeau says:

    #72 Liberals, I will let you in on a secrect. The main reason we oppose you is not because you are wrong or that we don’t believe we need new energy sources. We oppose you because you are stupid and foolish. Who wants stupid people in charge of their lives? Let conservatives be in charge.

    TTB, I’ll let you in on a little “secrect”. Maybe you didn’t notice it, but stupid conservatives ran this country for the last 8 years, and they ran it into the ground. Now the adults are trying to clean up the mess.


  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    Blair gets paid for spewing this bullshit, an will get paid more money when it does. Same with Gore. They really don’t give a flying fuck about clean air and water. They want to guilt you into thinking you’re destorying the planet so you’ll give them more money to fix it.

    fuck these people!

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #74, Whether it will work now is still to be seen.

    And that is point.

    We must take action even if the science is not correct.

    You are suggesting we spend trillions and trillions because it “might” help. That is the definition of “stupid.”

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #76-Phydeau-conservatives ran this country for the last 8 years…

    Wrong again. There were no conservatives in the Bush Administration only moderate fence sitters.

    You think that there are adults in the Obama White House? No Way, only arrogant, spoiled little children as far as the eye can see.

  19. tsnyder says:


    I know I’m late with this response, but your assertion is pretty easy. Just think about all the dangerous things people have done and quit doing. Things scientific consensus used to say was ok:

    Medical Science: Lead pipes, lead as preservative, unprotected x-rays as diagnostic tools, electro-shock therapy, leeches, etc.

    Environmental Science: Strip mining, pesticide regulation, introduction of new species in areas, etc.

    Political Science (perhaps doesn’t fit science definition): Imperialism, Manifest Destiny, Genocide

    Geography: Flat earth

    Paleontology and Anthropology have both undergone major shifts in scientific thinking with political consequences.

    I think there are a lot of others.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Cursor,


    Initially alchemy was the search to turn lead into gold. That ability would lead to immortality. It didn’t make anyone much money. BUT, it was a start in the quest to understand the elements that make up our world. A science? No. Dabbling to discover? Yes.


    True, it was widely practiced. Medicine though was not a science and little of what was believed about life processes were better than the local priest praying for you. Medicine didn’t become a science until the middle of the 19th century with the advent of pain management and later the discovery of infection. Medicine was seldom a big money maker, especially when your patient died. Most doctors were already rich to begin with.


    Totally wrong on this one. The midwife was a mainstay until the late 19th century / early 20th. Doctors were initially called in only for difficult births and this gradually grew into hospital births. Hospital births didn’t become very popular until the early 20th century. Before then, 2/3s of hospital births died from infection. After disinfection and sanitary procedures were implemented did doctors supplant midwifes.

    Racism and phrenology,

    Never mainstays of scientific thought. The modern equivalent would be Scientology. Even though a fraud, very few made any money off of racism and phrenology was a parlor game.


    While unpleasant to watch, it did have much success before the advent of psychotropic drugs. It is still used in some cases where drugs have failed. Treatments are usually 6-12 episodes, two or three times a week. The procedure is effective in acute cases of depression and mania, but not a long term treatment. This is no more rewarding for doctors / hospitals than any other procedure. As it reduces hospital stays though, it saves money in the end. Adverse side effects are minimal and greatly outweighed by the benefit.

    Four and one half wrong. I guess that makes for bad science on your part.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, JimR,

    As well as the pro-con list, I would like to see an IPCC sanctioned graph depicting global temperature for the past 5000 years or even 10,000 years.

    Google is your best friend. You’re a big boy now. Do your own homework.

  22. bob says:

    Fusion, you clueless pinhead.

    No one made money from racism? ETC (sic) is still rarely used so it was never overused? Some of the guy’s examples are inapt but your response is just plain dull witted.

    How about heavier-than-air flight is impossible, various races are inferior or superior, man cannot run a 4 minute mile, we are all going to die in a malthusian nightmare of overpopulation, we are all going to freeze to death, bathing causes illness, smoking is healthy, alar is killing our children. Overbearing mothers cause schizophrenia, homosexuality is a disease. Numerous practices of anesthesiologists have proven incredibly risky.

    It’s just plain stupid to argue that science is infallible. It’s a failure to understand what science is.

    Nit pick with the level of consensus on these widely-held expert beliefs all you like- the fact is the ‘consensus’ re: AGW has been oversold, there has in fact been bullying and bs behind the scenes intended to manipulate the result, and – wait for it –

    AS A RESULT OF THAT MANIPULATION THE PEOPLE WHO DID THE MANIPULATING ARE NOW VERY, VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE. The whole “where’s the cash” argument is bunk. It is not the case that people are only venal when their goals are “CASH”. People are venal and self-serving in ALL contexts, with no real exceptions.

    I apologize for the caps. Fusion is just so… lame.

  23. bob says:

    and Phydeau, you still crack me up.

    Please don’t go changing.

    Hell, I shouldn’t worry- it’s pretty clear that you can’t change in response to external stimuli. “Grownups!” Awesome.

  24. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: Cursor (aka Mr.hit and run)

    per #56

    It looks like Mr. Fusion beat me to it. Anyway, here is my two cents.

    First some definitions:

    science-Any department of knowledge in which the results of investigation have been logically arranged and systematized in the form of hypotheses and general laws subject to verification.

    scientific method-A method of discovering knowledge about the natural world based in making falsifiable predictions (hypotheses), testing them empirically, and developing peer-reviewed theories that best explain the known data

    another definition for ‘scientific method’- n principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

    History lesson: The modern scientific method crystallized no later than in the 17th and 18th centuries.


    definition of alchemy-1. The empirical and speculative chemistry of the Middle ages, concerned primarily with the transmutation of base metals into gold and the search for the alkahest and the panacea. 2. Any preternatural power or process of transmutation.

    The definition says it all. Alchemy has nothing to do with the modern scientific method. In fact, the “death” of alchemy was the “birth” of the modern scientific method.


    Goofus, the proper term is “bloodletting”.

    Bloodletting was used way before the birth of the modern scientific method. The modern scientific method made it possible to learn not to use bloodletting except in a small number of health problems.


    Midwifery was practiced way before the birth of the scientific method. Any problems with midwifery was one of politics and not one of science.

    Scientific Racism & Craniofacial Anthropometry

    This is pure quackery and deals with racism. Racism is irrational by definition and science by definition is rational. Science caused the death of this quackery by showing that it was based on lies and not science.

    Electroconvulsive Therapy

    This is a procedure and not science. There is little science behind this. It was observed that some people got better after a shock treatment. You cannot blame science that the medical community wants to help people albeit in a way that can cause some people to have adverse side effects.

    Mr hit and run, you do not know science. Science is self-correcting. Mr. hit and run, please self-correct your head out of your ass.

  25. testtubebaby says:

    Your right, Bush was stupid. But BHO is stupiderer. Bush was not stupid enought to lable CO2 a danger.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #80, tsnyder,

    Things scientific consensus used to say was ok:

    Don’t confuse societal consensus with scientific thought.

    Lead pipes were used because they didn’t corrode and were easy to use.

    X-Rays were pretty soon realized to cause cell damage and death. Precautions were soon taken.

    Leeches, can you provide us any studies suggesting leeches worked?

    Strip mining is a not a science. At best it is an engineering practice.

    Pesticide use is a science application, not a science. Today we use science to investigate a pesticide’s efficacy and damage to the environment.

    Introducing new species is now understood as a dangerous undertaking. That does not mean there was ever a scientific consensus that blanket importation of invasive species was good.

    A flat earth was never a “science” fact. Again, it was a social consensus. It was known thousands of years ago that the earth was round. That allowed Chinese astrologers to predict eclipses long before even Jesus was born.

    Paleontology and Anthropology have undergone giant steps as the body of knowledge grows, myths and fallacies are corrected, and new discoveries are made. Theories that can be demonstrated are accepted while those that can’t be are discarded.

  27. testtubebaby says:

    I have it, the final solution. Since we don’t know if it’s warming or cooling, half of us can do something about the cooling and half of us can do something about the warming.

    Please tell me, who is the worst enemy in the minds of envromentalist? Bush, China, big oil, JCD, who?

  28. Buzz says:

    Just remember: Everything Al Gore has ever said is a lie, because Cherman KNOWS. Same thing goes for Blair, and anybody else who believes in all this evidence crap.

    Hey you kids, get off my lawn.

  29. RSweeney says:

    It’s a religion now.

    And its high priests demand the sacrifice of your liberty and your children’s economic future.

  30. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: FRAGaLOT

    per #77

    FRAGaLOT, I suspect that you are like
    your posts—short and vile!!!!!!!!!


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