Louise Gray of the Telegraph reports:

Speaking in Copenhagen on Sunday Tony Blair, the former prime minister, said the world must take action on climate change even if the science is not correct.

What the deuce?

  1. LibertyLover says:

    Speaking in Copenhagen on Sunday Tony Blair, the former prime minister, said the world must take action on climate change even if the science is not correct.



  2. SparkyOne says:

    Why doesn’t this asshat stfu and go away like GW? I can not believe that anyone in the EU listens to his shit.

  3. Postman says:


    the science says there is a diminishingly small chance that I will have a flood at my house. I guess I’m am just being foolish to retain flood insurance.

    Never mind that the same actions that protect against global warming, also ease dependance on foreign oil, you know the thing that triggered the current recession.

    I guess having a black man in the whorehouse triggered your racism circuit in that fatty tissue you call a brain, and made you forget that gasoline was pushing $5 a gallon just a year ago and was north of $3.50 since 2006.

    It must blow your mind that there are multiple good reasons to stop using oil, and for you to stop driving that rusty pickup, that you never haul anything around in.

    I’ll get in line for a second year volt thankyou:)

  4. Wretched Gnu says:

    quick question:

    If it’s true that the scientific consensus on man-made global warming is a falsehood created by scientists’ greed and/or political investments…

    … then it absolutely must be true that such falsehoods have achieved consensus in the past, because greed and political investment have always existed.

    So the deniers have a simple task before them. They need only point out, say, half a dozen historical instances in which a global scientific consensus was subsequently shown to be a lie due to the greed and/or political investment of scientists.

    Let’s make it easier for them. Can the deniers cite even *one* instance in history where a multi-national scientific consensus was later shown to be the false manufacture of greedy, politically-motivated scientists?

    Just one…?

    C’mon Dvorak, Cherman … give us just one example and prove you’re not merely intellectual dilettants…

  5. Benjamin says:

    Passing global warming laws will make energy much more expensive and it will cost a lot more to buy anything because it requires energy to produce and to transport to the store.

    That’d be like investing in lottery tickets. It takes money out of our income, and there is just a small chance we will see any benefit.

  6. qb says:

    Oh lordy. When amateurs do science.

  7. roastedpeanuts says:

    Lord Munckton Defends his Comparing Eco-Activists to “Hitler Youth”

  8. Benjamin says:

    #4 “Let’s make it easier for them. Can the deniers cite even *one* instance in history where a multi-national scientific consensus was later shown to be the false manufacture of greedy, politically-motivated scientists?”

    Galileo: The political system at the time, the Catholic Church, didn’t care for the man’s attitude and a geo-centric universe was scientific consensus. Although Copernicus was working on a solar centric universe theory under the Church’s patronage and Galileo was competing with him.

  9. Steve S says:

    Wretched Gnu said,

    “Can the deniers cite even *one* instance in history where a multi-national scientific consensus was later shown to be the false manufacture of greedy, politically-motivated scientists?”
    Well, even if I can’t cite a case it doesn’t stop this from being the first case.
    Sorry, couldn’t resist saying that 🙂

  10. Wretched Gnu says:

    #9 — pardon me, but are you now defining Church dogma as “scientific consensus”?

    Your argument makes perfect sense if up=down and left=right.

    Surely you don’t need a reminder that the Church itself found the very that we don’t already know all truths to be reprehensible. Never mind the idea that truth should be established by observation and the consensus of informed observers…

  11. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #4 Wretch

    If it’s true that the scientific consensus on man-made global warming is a falsehood created by scientists’ greed and/or political investments…

    … then it absolutely must be true that such falsehoods have achieved consensus in the past, because greed and political investment have always existed.

    Not very good with logic are you? That is like saying Obama must have won a Nobel Peace Prize before because he is winning one now. There is a first time for everything. If this is your best defense against against the fact the leaked emails show a concerted effort to cover up data that doesn’t fit with the man-made global warming hypothesis, you are really not helping your cause.

    The fact is no on can provide both the data and algorithm that will replicate the ‘hockey stick’ graph that Al Gore has been touting, and there is no model which account for the cooling trend over the last 10 years. This is simply not science.

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    #10 — Steve, you make an important point. As you yourself suggest, the denier argument requires us to believe that scientists are now, for the first time in human history, subject to the emotions of greed and political investment — and that these emotions have, for the first time in history, been so well coordinated and deployed that they have completely short circuited the normal peer-review protocols

    — again, for the first time in human history!

  13. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #12 Wretch

    I think he is saying that politics, religion, and science were all intertwined back then, and the system did not approve of Galileo’s denial of the widely held beliefs. This is not so different that what we have now, where the popular religion among politicians is AGW. They cannot have their worldview rocked in such a way. Think about it.

    As several people have pointed out, we should strive for independence from foreign oil, but do not need to rely on faulty science and economic crippling one-world-government laws to do so.

  14. Dallas says:

    I’ll interpret for the black and white thinking conservatives….

    (1) Climate change is happening. We can’t pray our way out of this mess. Well, you can but if it means you getting out of the way, I’m for it.

    (2) We know man is contributing to climate change. How much is unknown. Wisdom suggests you can’t pollute at current rates and more importantly, accelerated rates and think this has no effect.

    (3) If we’re wrong about climate change (ie everything is just dandy), then we end up creating clean energy sources for nothing. Oh, how awful.

    (4) If we’re right about climate change (ie. it’s world catastrophe waiting to happen), then we took appropriate actions and allow climates to stabilize with low emissions. Also, we become energy independent. The conservatives can claim they prayed ourselves to salvation. ALL GOOD !!

    So, what Blair is saying is that, we must act, no matter what. I agree.

  15. R. Hastings says:

    The Right will believe whatever serves the oil companies. When Blair said Iraq could hit the West in 45 minutes with nuclear weapons, based on something a cab driver said, they believed him. But now he’s full of shit?

  16. Raff says:

    #4 “Let’s make it easier for them. Can the deniers cite even *one* instance in history where a multi-national scientific consensus was later shown to be the false manufacture of greedy, politically-motivated scientists?”

    How about reefer madness?

  17. freddybobs68k says:

    #12 aslightlycrankygeek

    “Not very good with logic are you? That is like saying Obama must have won a Nobel Peace Prize before because he is winning one now.”

    No, it’s like saying if it hasn’t happened or was very rare in the past then that is a good indicator that it’s not happening now.

    That’s not proof it is not happening. But it is a useful observation, and it also a logical and reasonable deduction.

  18. Mac Guy says:

    While I’m no believer in global warming, I do believe that we need to be better stewards of our planet. What’s the harm in that?

    Look, it’s like the human body. You may not understand every system your body has, but you understand clearly that you should exercise and not eat junk food.

    Treating our planet is much the same thing, just on a much larger scale.

  19. Toxic Asshead says:

    #3 – three’s a very good reason to continue driving my truck. I WANT TO! The concept is called “freedom”. That’s what the ecotards are really trying to get rid of.

  20. Wretched Gnu says:

    #4 — That is a good example, but it doesn’t quite make it. As always in such cases, the government was only able to strong arm a relatively small number of scientists in the US to publish pseudo-science on the effects of marijuana. It was entirely a government-initiated propaganda campaign that had no real effect on nation-wide — and absolutely no effect on international — scientific consensus.

    This is why it’s important to not conflate politicians with real scientists — as the poster above does who confuses scientists with “authority” in general, or the church.

    So, sure, Al Gore might be a blowhard. But that has nothing to do with the thousands upon thousands of real scientists who have achieved a consensus on this matter.

    And now we’re being told that, for the first time in human history, these scientists have discovered greed and the ability for a mass global conspiracy that somehow gets around the transparent peer-review process to which everyone in the world has complete access. (Those that know how to read and do basic research, that is.)

  21. JimR says:

    Has anyone here contracted H1N1? Just wondering.

    Millions are going to die you know.

  22. RBG says:

    When you look at the natural historical temperature swings going back 500K years and as recent as the Viking age, as determined by ice cores, you can’t help but think of Blair as King Canute.

    Next he’ll be asking for billions of $ to stop aggressive space aliens because the cost of being unprepared would also be catastrophic.

    Personally I think we have trouble paying for the things where the science is correct.


  23. JimR says:

    You know that picture of Blair was photoshopped don’t you?

    In the original, he was putting his foot in his mouth.

  24. The0ne says:

    Wtf is DU cherry picking sentences to post as news/blogs? How fox-news low can you get trying to incite people into a pointless discussion.

    The science is not accurate because there are dumbasses out there that skews things. Hubert J. Farnsworth explained it best for us. He had no shame in taking money to provide a false report to Amy’s father. Come on, we’re in the REAL world.

    Stop with the Fox-News wannabe site. It’s shameful.

  25. Michael_gr says:

    All those people who accuse supporters of anthropogenic global warming of taking part in a conspiracy of scientists, whose aims are to get grant money… Just think for a second on the other side of the debate. Who is to gain if no action on global warming is taken? Car manufacturers. Oil conglomerates. Large corporations whose polluting factories can’t stand to a more stringent pollution standard than today’s. The airline industry. Developing nations. China. And they all would just LOVE for somebody to step up and prove global warming is not man made as they stand to lose a whole lot of money if it is.
    In short, denial of global warming is where ALL THE MONEY’S AT. And you’re telling me scientists are attempting to cash in on AGW by getting grant money from the government when they could wallow in cash from Halliburton and Shell? Gimme a break.

  26. Wretched Gnu says:

    I find it hard to believe that intelligent people don’t see the central irony behind the idea that scientists are somehow profiting off of the global-warming consensus — especially, as so many posts in this thread demonstrate, that the only reason libertarian non-scientists ever bother to pronounce on scientific matters is when they think they see higher taxes coming down the road.

    Surely you understand that there is much, much *more* money available to scientists who are willing to deny global warming. If you only want to make a quick killing as a scientists, you would be stupid not to seek the buckets and buckets of money that industry holds out to any scientist that will plead the case against global warming. How is it that conservatives and libertarians so frequently forget where the money actually *is*?

    So, in short: I have people whose only concern is for their own pocketbook telling me that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by “greedy” scientists who, confusingly, have shunned the easiest money they could possibly earn by denying global warming.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Benjamin,

    Galileo: The political system at the time, the Catholic Church, didn’t care for the man’s attitude and a geo-centric universe was scientific consensus.

    Nope. Wrong answer. You forgot the Chinese, Indian, Mayan, and Arab astronomers had all known the solar centric (heliocentric) nature of our solar system. The Chinese noted this 1,000 years before Copernicus.

  28. LibertyLover says:


    the science says there is a diminishingly small chance that I will have a flood at my house. I guess I’m am just being foolish to retain flood insurance.

    That’s your choice. I did not make it for you. I would be most upset if you forced me to buy flood insurance on MY house, though.

    Never mind that the same actions that protect against global warming, also ease dependance on foreign oil, you know the thing that triggered the current recession.

    Do you really think that if that foreign dependence is eliminated or reduced, we’ll start drilling here? You really think that?


    I guess having a black man in the whorehouse triggered your racism circuit in that fatty tissue you call a brain,

    He’s black? I thought he was half-white.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    and made you forget that gasoline was pushing $5 a gallon just a year ago and was north of $3.50 since 2006.

    Gas is $2.30/gal here.

    It must blow your mind that there are multiple good reasons to stop using oil, and for you to stop driving that rusty pickup, that you never haul anything around in.

    You think oil is only used for gas? How about that fancy plastic chair you are sitting on while you type on that plastic keyboard viewing your nonsense on a plastic-encased video screen?

    I’ll get in line for a second year volt thankyou:)

    I’ll probably buy one. But NOT because it will make YOUR life better, but because I want one.

    You seem to think that what you want is right and therefore everyone else should be forced to do it. Where do you get that from?

  29. Phydeau says:

    If they were aiming for accuracy when writing the headline, it would have been:

    Blair: we must take action even if the science has not been proven 100% correct yet, because if we don’t and it’s true we’re f*cked, but if we do take action and it’s not true we’re still saving energy anyway.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    cherman / pedro said:

    Blair: we must take action even if the science is not correct

    Not quite. Blair said:

    “It is said that the science around climate change is not as certain as its proponents allege. It doesn’t need to be. What is beyond debate, however, is that there is a huge amount of scientific support for the view that the climate is changing and as a result of human activity,” he said.

    That is a long way from saying the science is not correct. He merely acknowledged the deniers. At no time did he do more than that.

    The typical procedure of the denier / right wing nut /tea bagger / birther / goat fornication crowd is to just invent crap and keep flinging it until some of it starts to stick.


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