1. The0ne says:

    I think it’s pretty funny when people get into accidents or die. I’ll even stop the car to point and laugh at people in car accidents. Why? because I don’t feel like caring. There are way too many dumbasses out there and I could care less if they get hurt or die.

    Now if I actually know them then it’s different, but strangers give me a good laugh. Damn, look at the Prius driver going 95mph…she is one hot looking….errr, she just crashed…let me stop and laugh.

    “Hey, you looked hot. Your Prius smoked my EVO X like there’s no tomorrow. I applaud you. Keep it up, you’re not completely out or dead yet. I would help you but you know I’m not ‘qualified’. See you later…BWWAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA”

  2. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Interesting to see these guys who want to ‘save the world’ sit there and do nothing while a man is having a heart attack in front of them.

  3. soundwash says:

    This is some really f’d up stuff.

    This was remore controlled heart attack.

    -a message.

    nothing more.

    His movements do not fit the “normal” responses during a heart attack.

    What was with the two guys on the end that did not respond? complete lack of response.

    Control of the planet is at stake with these talks.

    Those who want control will stop at nothing to achieve this end.

    My heart goes out to him.


  4. Uncle Patso says:

    It’s time to change the name of the blog to “Climate Change Debunked While You Wait.”

  5. soo.. says:

    did he live through it or not?

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Digitalis in the breakfast OJ, does the trick. Yeah the major (and even minor) powers have ways of silencing the opposition. And making it look like natural causes. And of course, no autopsy will either be done, or find otherwise.

  7. acdex100 says:


    Ja han er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen.

    God jul og godt nytår


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