1. Jägermeister says:

    [violation of posting guidelines]

  2. Two to the Head says:

    Two to the Head.

    Need I say more?

  3. conrack says:

    The ‘science of global warming’ can be easily illustrated:
    4 am. – it’s dark outside.
    6 am – Brighter than 4
    8 am – Brighter & warmer than 6.
    10 am – It’s very bright outside now.
    12 am – Wow, its really bright and warm.
    Hypothesis: It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!
    4 pm – oh wait, its cooling now…
    6 pm – hey, its getting dark
    NEW Hypothesis: It’s going to get colder & colder, darker & darker…

  4. I am not impressed says:

    So why the f*** would anybody want to see somebody getting a freaking heart attack?!? What kind of piece of s*** would post a person in mortal danger? What, you think it is funny or ironic that a speaker at a controversial conference suffers a life-threatening event?!?


    Other than that, enjoy the rest of your day.

  5. 420EastCoastBlazeAllDayEveryDAy says:

    CIA poisoned ice needle. Silent nearly invisible deadly.

  6. Cherman says:

    #1, I’ll take that as a compliment.

  7. simongiln says:

    I’m sorry. I assumed the authors of this blog had a higher ethical standard than /b/. Given the treatment of this person’s heart attack as a spectacle, I stand corrected.

    This is not an appropriate way to make a point about scientific controversy. In fact, it fails to make a point at all.

  8. Bfucorialim says:

    This is news though.

  9. chuck says:


  10. Ah_Yea says:

    conrack, that was perfect!

    The most concise explanation of “climate change” I have yet heard!

  11. Canuck says:

    Did we just see AlGore & Co’s first murder attempt?

  12. bobbo, Rome had the circus says:

    I was in the audience the night Dick Cavett had a “health expert” on who was about 80 and he indeed was trim and fit. Said he was going to live past 100. Later as Dick was talking to another guest, the old guy looked like he had fallen asleep and Cavett was getting upset at his rudeness. Turned out he had a heart attack but politely stayed in his seat.

    Somebody give that guy two aspirin and rush him to the Hospital.

  13. You Will Obey says:

    You will obey!

    p.s. I wanted to be first with “Two shots to the head” Darn!

  14. Hastur says:

    Nothing to see here. Please move along!

  15. Buzz says:

    Cherman once again. Dvorak, take him OUT!

  16. Ghost says:

    He got two to the aorta.

  17. Animby says:

    11 Canuck said,”… AlGore & Co’s first murder attempt?”


    # 12 bobbo: …”give that guy two aspirin…”

    This is one of those cases where a little is good and more is not better. Give him half an adult aspirin but let him chew it. No glass of water. Just a sip if needed.

  18. Serious says:

    Although the video is not much of interest to me, #4 and #15, ‘i am not impressed and buzz, respectively.. i enjoy plenty of Cherman’s posts. If you don’t like them, don’t read/watch them.. no one is forcing you. Practice self-censorship rather than censorship for the rest of us.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – Cherman – I’ll take that as a compliment.

    I’m glad you do, because from your fish perspective, John looks like a journalist.

  20. Troublemaker says:


    US business interests suspected in ‘fabricated’ climate scandal

    By Agence France-Presse
    Sunday, December 13th, 2009 — 12:02 pm

    US business interests suspected in fabricated climate scandalBusiness interests and US partisan politics are behind the furor over leaked emails that have whipped up a controversy at the Copenhagen climate talks, Canadian experts say.

  21. Lou says:

    Now It’s a 5 man debate.

  22. ObamaSucks says:

    If only it could have been the Obamanation. What better way to stop the misery he has brought to so many. Keeping hoping for the change.

  23. Mr Diesel says:

    To those of you who find the guy having a heart attack funny all I can say is I hope you are never laying in a bed in the emergency room holding your wife’s hand wondering if you are going to see tomorrow.

    Been there, done that and have the zipper in the chest to prove it.

  24. Mojo Yugen says:

    So you’re posting snuff films now?

  25. docpatterson says:

    Gotta say that while a lot of people looked at this as a joke, I looked at it as a great example of technology working. When he reels back it’s because his pacemaker just defibrillated him…his pacemaker spotted a heart attack in progress and zapped his heart back into a normal rythym and saved his life. That’s just amazing.

  26. Special Ed says:

    This is a fake, I have personally caused a lot of heart attacks in others and this was photoshopped, I could see pixels.

    I’d like to see Jägermeisters comment that was censored from the uncensored blog.

  27. private says:

    You just lost a loyal reader with this one. Absolutely disgusting.

  28. acdex100 says:

    #26 and #29 you are right.

    Henrik Svensmark has a implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) pacemaker, i watch the debate live so #28 its not a fake.

    If anyone is insterested in a Danish news :


  29. Jägermeister says:

    #33 – acdex100 – If anyone is insterested in a Danish news

    Cool! Check out the headline on the Danish section:

    pedro er et røvhul

    The trust has reached Denmark.

  30. MikeN says:

    #4, not bad, but it’s more like
    4 am. – it’s dark outside.
    6 am – Brighter than 4
    8 am – Brighter & warmer than 6.
    10 am – It’s very bright outside now.
    12 am – Wow, its really bright and warm.
    Hypothesis: It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!
    Those skeptics who say this is natural are denialists who are afraid of taking action!!
    2 pm it’s really still getting warmer according to one data set
    Hypothesis: It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!

    4 pm – the current lower temperatures is just temporary weather tinyurl.com/ydrmn6m
    Fact is the last 6 hours hold four of the warmest hours on record.
    It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!

    6 pm – The long term trend is still positive, and the warming is worse than thought a few hours ago tinyurl.com/mo6ntz
    It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!

    8 pm – The low temperatures are just a pause in global warming, which will kick in again when the current natural cycle ends. This pause was expected tinyurl.com/mbqtxp and doesn’t invalidate climate science in any way. On the contrary it confirms it.
    We must take advantage of this pause to prevent the future warming, or we will all die!

    5 am – as predicted, the longer term global warming signal is again manifesting itself
    Hypothesis: It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!


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