Heard on tonight’s No Agenda and reposting here.

  1. Troublemaker says:

    The only thing that will save the planet is the inevitable eradication of each and every piece of human garbage that exists on the planet.

  2. Father says:

    Your suggestion will take care of Palin, but what about the plastic?

  3. Jägermeister says:

    [violation of posting guidelines]

  4. Alan G says:

    The planet will survive us, but will we survive us?

  5. testtubebaby says:

    Everything is toxic.

  6. Animby says:

    The nicest thing my ex-wife did for me after the divorce was to take me to see Carlin in concert. The opening act was Leon Redbone. Afterward, we had a bit too much to drink and some post-marital sex. What a terrific night. Well, except the sex. That was still scary.

  7. honeyman says:

    Yeah environmentalism is just a big scam perpetrated by self loathing liberals. Who needs clean air, water and food? Best to just do nothing and let nature take its course.


  8. testtubebaby says:

    I’m with George.

    I’m tired of the left.
    They lie.
    They are fools.
    They don’t think.
    Their arguments are week.
    Their premises are wrong.
    They are a danger to my family more so than humans are a danger to the planet.

  9. testtubebaby says:

    Funny, liberals use the word clean a lot. They are the dirtiest people in the world.

    My air is already clean. Same for my water and food.

  10. testtubebaby says:

    Sarah Palin is hot. She is the true cause of AGW.

  11. RLF says:

    George, if any part of your mind still exists—BRAVO-BRAVO!!!!!

  12. raster says:

    George is right: if you don’t mind the idea of human extinction, everything’s fine!

    It’s off topic (sorta), but another great Carlin piece on The Ten Commandments:


  13. sargasso says:

    I am choking on my free range pro-biotic bio-dynamic yogurt.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – testtubebaby

    You and your neocon friends seems so delusional nowadays.

  15. nyc2malibu says:

    nuke the whales !

    we miss you george

  16. deowll says:

    The planet has been hotter. The planet has been colder.

    What we actually have to do with it is a bit a of a mystery. There are way to many things going on that aren’t in the modals. The modals don’t match up well with reality which is what the scandal is about. Making the numbers fit the modal because it’s to hard to to to it the other way and you might not get any money if you told the truth.

    Anybody know how much greenhouse gas is produced and how?

    Got the numbers for termite farts? Sounds silly like giving a person one grain of rice for the first square of a chess board and double that for every other square. Think you could afford that? Do the math.

    A major chunk of the CO2 going into the system now is from draining swamps to grow oil palms as a green fuel. The U.S. did the same thing when it drained much of the Everglades and turned it into farm land and as much as 20 feet of peat across many square miles quietly rotted.

    Passing Cap and Trade is expected to have almost no measurable impact on the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    It will increase the number of people working in the power industry (green jobs) and a lot of people in China, India, and other countries will get jobs we offshore.

    Of course I’m betting the dollar will tank in five to ten years and we won’t be able to afford to import fuels or anything else.

    The dollar is already tanking so this is a pretty sure bet.

  17. Save Your Self says:

    I like how he mentioned that since it’s obvious we haven’t yet figured out how to take care of each other, how could we be so arrogant to think that we could manage to take care of the planet.

  18. honeyman says:

    Where has this ‘arrogant to think we can affect/destroy/warm/take care of the planet’ meme come from? What the hell does it mean? I suppose its arrogant to think humans could split the atom, fly to the moon, explore mars, clone animals, destroy forests etc etc etc.

    Its arrogant to think we can keep polluting the crap out of the planet and not have to face the consequences.

  19. ray says:

    Carlin is technically correct, the planet will survive, but we will not. However, we save the planet to save ourselves. Soon the earth will not have enough resources to sustain all human life. What then? Which is why we need to recycle, look for alternative energy, prevent the sea from rising considerably, etc.

    Humans, society and what motivates our decisions is an interesting/problematic dynamic with no clear solutions.

  20. GF says:


  21. testtubebaby says:

    GF, damn, I was going to say that.

    Delusional but happy.

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – Awake

    True comedy…

  23. ok then says:

    OK, we all know that Earth will survive. But will we be able to survive on it?
    – He says that the Earth will survive well of course but what will it be like venus or mars?

    – So the left trying to clean the planet is done to keep our ecosystem alive not to save the planet, but to save the planet as we know it.

  24. Buzz says:

    #10 Palin is not only hot, but also a MILF. Met a guy at a restaurant on the east coast and he thinks Palin was the best thing for Alaska since oil.

  25. testtubebaby says:

    Nature does not exist as most humans think. It is all random, not by design.

    The planet has no idea we are here. It was not made for us. It does not care how hot or cold it is, it is just a big rock.

    If we can wreck it with CO2 then so be it. Libs prime complaint is the burning of fossil fuel. (Millons of years of fuel burned in 200 years). If we don’t burn fuel, what will happen to it? It will degrade on it’s own and release this CO2 anyway one day.

  26. testtubebaby says:

    What is a MILF? I’m a test tube baby.

  27. clancys_daddy says:

    Dear George where ever you are, I know your views on religion so don’t take this the wrong way but amen.

  28. bac says:

    The green movement may be a profiteering and/or fear mongering scam but the underlying message of saving the planet for humans is no scam.

    Some people whine about the scams while at the same time set their beds on fire.

    May be these people will die before the environment goes to hell for humans and may be these same people do not care about the future of their children and their children’s children.

  29. Uncle Don says:

    So, the line in “The Graduate” was prophetic. The future is in plastics.


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