Heard on tonight’s No Agenda and reposting here.

  1. testtubebaby says:

    The left will abandon AWG. They always abandon their causes. (Has anyone mentioned arsenic in water to BHO?)

    The next thing: Eugenics

    No more Sarah Palins, everyone will be a test tube baby, the EPA will regulate reproduction.

  2. ECA says:

    For some of you that understand…

    IF man dies, he will take MOST of nature with him.
    AS has been mentioned long ago, ROACHES and a few others will OUT LIVE US even if we NUKE the planet.
    WE/HUMANS have already decimated over 1/2 the animal population on this planet. IMHO we have killed off over 3/4 of ALL animal life and replaced it, With ourselves.

    IF you want specifics..EVERY time a white man enters an area, HE KILLS EVERYTHING and starts over. We add Chemicals and processes that DONT NEED TO BE THERE..

    WE are NOT adapting to this planet. WE are fighting it. EVEN if you dont know it, we are eating FOOD that has so much CRAP in it…That you will either be PRESERVED for 1000 years, or you are just KILLING yourselves.(me included).
    How many chemicals does it take to raise CORN so that you can make 2-3 times as much CORN on 1 acre? YOU ARNT a farmer?? it cost JUST AS MUCH as raising 1 acre WITHOUT the chemicals and getting 1/2 to 1/3 the product(corn)..

    Lets comment on MONSANTO..
    WHO makes plants that WONT POLLINATE..(THINK HARD about that)(no NEW PLANTS)
    Who makes plants that are INSECT repellent??? And where do they go??
    PEST REPELLENT?? (those mice need a home??They clean my floor)

    DID YOU KNOW that MONSANTO sells to other nations and REQUIRES, that NO NEW CROPS are created from the seeds FROM THE CROPS??

    PS. look up a MODIFIED soybean from MONSANTO. insted of 2-3 processes to USE the oil. WE MADE A NEW BEAN.. to BE used INSTED of natural OILS.

    I will mention something STRANGEEEEEEE….
    did you knw that EVERY species has a BUILT-IN kill switch?? THAT we will kill OURSELVES OFF…one way or ANOTHER??
    Lions TIGERS and bears ALL have it.
    Wolves die off if THEY over populate OR over kill THEIR FOOD..
    Are we to smart for ourselves??

  3. Hmeyers says:

    @4 Alan G.

    The planet will survive us, but will we survive us?

    You won’t. I will. Sorry dude!

    Sometimes the answers aren’t what you want to hear, but I feel that letting you know the truth is important.

  4. amodedoma says:

    You can always count on this guy to tell it like it is. Judging by the current situation I’d say homo sapiens domination of this planet won’t come any where near the duration of the dinosaurs, and even that is just a brief period on a planetary scale. This beautiful blue dot will continue to be the support matrix for life to evolve and diversify long after our race has become extinct.

  5. atmusky says:

    As many may have figured out there is a span of environmentalism that ranges from those concerned with pollution/resource use solely on how it effects humans to those who look at the pollution/resource based solely on how it effects other species.

    Anyone who isn’t concerned how pollution/resource use negatively effects themselves/their family/friends is a fool and deserve what they get.

    Anyone who things humans are the problem and that the use of resources including other species for our benefit is unacceptable can go to hell and I am more than willing to help them get there if need be.

    Those working to produce a sustainable, safe, environment for the benefit of humanity have my support.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    # 19 Honeyman

    The arrogance is the choice of words environmentalists use; “save the planet” when it’s not about the planet, it’s about ourselves. Listen the video again.

    Carlin suggests that we are obviously NOT effecting the “plane”t and it’s an absurd notion to phrase it that way. He’s not ignoring pollution, but the notion of “save the planet” does. We are really just harming ourselves. The plant is fine, it’s just a rock in space, it will still BE here after we are long gone.

    The only true threat to Earth is the sun when it goes nova in about 4 billion years. ..Actually before that when it expands into a red-giant consuming the first few planets in orbit. Which is ironic since we want to use the sun to “save the planet.”

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    #35 ECA
    WE/HUMANS have already decimated over 1/2 the animal population on this planet. IMHO we have killed off over 3/4 of ALL animal life and replaced it, With ourselves.

    Umm.. no. Then there wouldn’t be enough livestock left to support the population we have now. It’s just like the timber industry. People claim they are clear cutting forests and we are losing trees left and right, but the fact is they replant more trees than they chop down.

    Same with lifestock and animal farms. That’s the basics of the ecosystem cycle on this planet. A species can’t be supported by a smaller population that it consumes. There are more animals then there are people. There are more insects than animals, there are more plants than anything else.

    Plus environmentalist are also complaining about all the livestock farts/burping because there is TOO MUCH livestock emitting CO2.

  8. clancys_daddy says:

    #35 I am going to have to assume either 1 you flunked basic biology, or 2 you have no grasp what so ever of basic evolution, or three they don’t teach evolution in your school, or teach a watered down PC version (most likely) 99.9% of all species died (became extinct) prior to the advent of humans. Mass extinctions have resulted in the narrowing of phyla. ie life was more diverse in the beginning (see cambrian explosion) than when humans arose and began to gather and change their local environment. Simple rule of ecology, a mass die off creates a multitude of niches to be filled. Life will go on even if we take thousands of species with us (not bloody likely, and if it did it opens up a large area for future evolutionary species to incorporate themselves into, creating new species. Suggested reading assignment anything by Charles Darwin, Steven Jay Gould, or E.O Wilson.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Is it time to change the name of the blog to “Climate Change Debunked While You Wait” yet?

  10. soundwash says:

    wow… i really miss Carlin. He was practically the only voice of reason left in a choir of complete, ignorant, fluffy lunacy.

    The perfect guy for a reality check.



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