Oh, brother.

  1. JimR says:

    Climate scientists want trust… but that not the way to go about it.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    WTF ???

    He answered the question, then there is a jump in the tape. Why not play the whole tape? What are you hiding in the edited portion?

  3. TTHor says:

    The real Inconvenient Truth is coming out… the cheating and lying is bringing the house down. And uncomfortable questions shall not be asked – YOU SHALL OBEY!

  4. Buzz says:

    OBVIOUSLY, the security guards are being paid by Big Warming, as is the question-ducking prof.

    In fact, they held a strategy meeting in the basement hours before the briefing to work out their game plays.

    It’s a big conspiracy by the Folks Who Want You To Just Pollute Like Always (FWWYTPJLA) because their money is invested in carbon dioxide.

  5. Troublemaker says:

    Considering that “Climatgate” is a scandal that was entirely fabricated by oil industry shills… who cares if they shut this weasel up.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    So, pedro, why can’t you tell us where the rest of the tape is? What are you hiding?

  7. Troublemaker says:

    “Climategate” exposed: Conservative media distort stolen emails in latest attack on global warming consensus


  8. Troublemaker says:

    A Fake Scandal


    The conservative swiftboating attack in “Climategate” involves illegally hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia’s Climactic Research Unit (CRU) in the U.K., which skeptics are using to claim that leading climate researchers are suppressing scientific data that shows that climate change is not occurring. The truth is that the hacked e-mails offer no proof of the suppression of scientific data, the mainstream media has given undue credibility to the story, and the science behind global warming is as undeniable as ever.

  9. jescott418 says:

    I think we are doing what many of these scientists failed to do. Question their own data. Sometimes you need a outside view to possible see something you missed or maybe even wanted to miss.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Some good reports on the stolen emails and Copenhagen. Quite neutral.

    This episode is also mentioned. It seems the only people to notice it are the deniers. Maybe the mike was taken away so someone else could ask a question.

  11. farbauti says:

    Religion as a control mechanism is failing,
    a new one was needed, hence the global warming
    fairy tale.
    The fudged data becomes the new bible
    Al Gore becomes the new pope
    The NWO becomes the new command structure(church)
    The deniers become the heretics
    Let’s not forget the new messiah(Obey-ma)
    There are plenty of zealots already to do his bidding
    His sermon from the mound:
    WAR for the sake of PEACE

    This will probably end in gun play.

    JCD keep up the good work,when poking around a hornets nest you are bound to get stung now and then,but it’s worth it.

  12. halfabrain says:

    It makes me happy to see that the enviro-fascists can be derailed so easily. I see them pouring their lies into the comments here, and I celebrate their wasted energy. Ha ha ha, fewer and fewer buy the leftist anti-American BS that you spout, it’s been reduced to entertainment more than anything else.

  13. JimR says:

    Mr Fusion, it appears that someone motioned for the spokesman to cut it short which seemed to have ended the session altogether. There is tape missing… most likely dead space. edited out to make the video bearable for those with no patience. Isn’t this fun?

  14. BigBoyBC says:

    If the science is accurate, and consenceous has been established, then there should be no honest reason not to discuss “climate change” even with skeptics.

    Yet, they don’t want to, in fact they go out of their way to discredit anyone who questions them by labeling them as “deniers” and etc.

    Actions speak louder than words to me, and their actions say “they’re hiding something”.

    I said this once and it’s worth repeating. I don’t know about “climate change”, but I do know that the issue has been hijacked by people with agendas that have nothing to do with the environment.

  15. Shubee says:

    JimR said, “Climate scientists want trust… but that not the way to go about it.”

    Everyone wants trust. However, when believing a lie is more important than truth, then this kind of stuff happens. It happens in science and it happens in religion. Is anyone really surprised?

  16. deowll says:

    The actions in the film do not suggest that the person being questioned had an answer.

    The guard did his job which was to get rid of anyone causing problems. Questioning the approved revaluation is causing problems.

    This is not practicing science in the traditional manner that I was trained in. This is defending the status qua and the jobs and status of the anointed ones.

    I think another when told that the facts did not support his views said, “so much the worse for the facts,” This is now clearly the case with the man made global warming crowd.

    I have no use whatsoever for anyone who claims to be a scientist and tries to fudge data to better match their theories. There is absolutely no doubt that this what is going on with at least some global warming scientists.

    Anytime this sort of crap is permitted Scientific progress comes to screeching halt.

  17. Grandpa says:

    I don’t get it. Why do they WANT global warming to exist to the point of lying about it? What do they have to gain?

  18. Glenn E. says:

    The UN on Climategate. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

    For some great alternative views about Global Warming, from a very intelligent man, check out Jerry Pournelle’s website. A former Aerospace scientist and College Professor. And far more educated than Al Gore. Now a Science Fiction writer. I’m sure that Jerry knows that the earth’s center ISN’T millions of degrees hot!

  19. Rick Cain says:

    Much ado about nothing. To even think the entire climate change knowledgebase is located in East Anglia is ludicrous.

  20. Animby says:

    I don’t really trust clips like this with big edits. One just has to wonder if the journalist did something actionable. However, before the edit, (at about 0:35) a female – a very good looking female – security officer appears to be telling him to stop and then it appears to escalate to the security gorilla after the cut. Looks bad for the UN.

    #5 – Troublemaker: You are an idiot but maybe a savant. too. It does appear to some analysts that the exposed emails were hacked by Russian oil interests. But, mostly, you’re an idiot.

    #17 Gramps: “What do they have to gain?” Are you serious? Billions of dollars in taxes and income (Gore has huge investments in alternative energy, carbon trading, etc) as well as a way to decrease the economic viability of the USA.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Fusion #10.

    I have to give credit where credit is due.

    Great Kudos for that great link. Excellent.
    In particular, toward the bottom where he lists how to engage the skeptics.
    If his suggestions were taken seriously, such as “make data/methods available/transparent; clarify the uncertainties; openly declare our values” then this issue may actually get some closure instead of “Most scientists retreat into the ivory tower.”

    Also nailed it with “Whether it’s Prince Charles or Al Gore or Leonardo DiCaprio or any of these other guys, they all have the same message: “Hey, I deserve to live like this. Now shut up and shiver in the dark, you peasants.””

    … “Michael Hulme, of the infamous University of East Anglia, shares a basic point about the Copenhagen conference: “COP15 is about raw politics, not about the politics of science.””

    Nailed it.

    I suggest everyone read Fusions #10 link above.

  22. Wretched Gnu says:


    Yes, Cherman, all the world’s scientists are in a big conspiracy to suppress the scientific truth that only you know…

    Now go to bed and let the adults get on with things…

  23. testtubebaby says:

    Just a side note.

    Someone mentioned getting raw temp. data from old newspapers. Fail. Newspapers do not record in fractions of a degree.

    Also, look at the error zones in temp. graphs. They are wide. The alarmist are emphasizing trends. But you can not use trends in graphs as any data inside error zone is possible and the trend may reversed but still inside error zone. Think about it. When you flip a coin it is 50% heads/tails and nothing will change that. If you flip 7 heads in row (an this can happen) this is a “trend”. But does it mean we are on our way to ever higher head counts? No.

  24. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:


    the source of your video has a nice contra-video regarding warming.

    YES–I think rationally, the earth would be “better” for human occupation if it was warmer===but we have 200 years of investment in it not being that way.

    Its not the status, its the change that will prove wrenching.

    BEYOND the warming issue, we still have the acidification issue that goes on without mainstream recognition==the cure being the same as with global warming.

    Like an evil magician==we are being conjured away from the magic that is looming ever larger.

  25. Animby says:

    # 25 testtubebaby : “When you flip a coin it is 50% heads/tails and nothing will change that. If you flip 7 heads in row (an this can happen) this is a “trend”.”

    No. If it’s an honest coin and honest flip, seven ‘heads’ in a row is an anomaly not a trend.

    #18 Glenn E: Hey, maybe Gore does temperatures in Kelvin. Nope. That doesn’t come close, either. Damn! Maybe it’s just more of that “new math” wherein there are 57 states (according to BO) and 500 million Americans losing their jobs (per Ms Pelosi: http://tiny.cc/DgsNO )

  26. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    #27–animby==isn’t the real critique of #25 that he stopped short? The issue is not heads appearing (in error) 7 times but rather it appearing 25 or 50 times? ie, thereby establishing the “trend” is not an anomaly. Isn’t that most important and valid distinction all taken into account with statistical analysis before a “conclusion” is reached? I think so, and take it on faith that is the case here with GW.

    Testtube==to follow your point, how many times would the coin landing on heads in a row lead you to be concerned the coin was weighted in one way or the other===LIKE FREAKING CARBON BEING LOADED INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. That kind of thing.

    ie==your complaint/analysis only supports the other side. Well Done.

  27. soundwash says:

    That was pretty messed up.

    a few days ago I downloaded the CRU File and rummaged through the “documents directory” (emails are in the “mail” directory and everything else is under the “documents” directory)

    the program code is well commented and is what the reporters SHOULD be talking about.

    They can deny context on emails but the code and comments are unequivocal. damming throughout..

    There is all sorts of even more (scary) fun and revealing docs in the root:
    globalization and climate justice, (cops?) anyone?

    In a file named greenpeace.txt

    Hi Mick,

    It was good to see you again yesterday – if briefly. One particular thing you said – and we agreed – was about the IPCC reports and
    the broader climate negotiations were working to the globalisation agenda driven by organisations like the WTO. So my first question is do you have anything written or published, or know of anything particularly on this subject, which talks about this in more detail?

    My second question is that I am invovled in a working group organising a climate justice summit in the Hague and I wondered if
    you had any contacts, ngos or individuals, with whom you have worked especially from the small island States or similar areas,
    who could be invited as a voice either to help on the working group and/or to invite to speak?

    All the best,


    Paul V. Horsman
    Oil Campaigner
    Greenpeace International Climate Campaign
    Canonbury Villas
    London N1 2PN

    Oil Campaigner??? -lol

    nope “No Agenda” here..move along…

    One more:
    Who need worry about ethnic cleansing when can just make it legal with “”Scientific Cleansing?” lol 😡

    File name: ipcc-santer2.txt

    To: Dr. B.D. Santer, Livermore June 11, 1996

    Dear Ben: I want to reply to your email letters of June 5 and 7 in some detail, to allay your concerns and avoid misunderstandings.

    1. I learned about the Chapter 8 text changes (which you made between its acceptance and its printing) from material mailed out by the Global Climate Coalition on May 17. Included there were the Oct 9, 1995 draft and the printed version of Chap 8, as well as a covering memo from Don Rheem “Revisions to Pre-approved IPCC Documents” and an analysis of the changes entitled “The IPCC: Institutionalized “Scientific Cleansing”. The GCC did a careful comparison of the two versions of Chap 8; the fact that they are an industry group cannot and should not be used to invalidate their work.


    anyway…tons of hilarious stuff…if it was from a move script…these kids need to be lobotomized before they hurt someone.

    Anyone want to see the “LIST OF POTENTIAL SOURCES OF FUNDING”

    –you could see a sample of who the NWO kids are targeting for pickpocketing and global control.

    this file has “Movie” written all over it. plenty of stuff to make a docudrama. might help the naive see it coming next time..


  28. Animby says:

    Bobbo #28 – I stopped at helping him with his definitions. I leave it those of you with more patience to try and straighten out his logic.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    Cherman / pedro,

    What happened to the missing tape? What are you hiding?

    Oh, a pet goat.

  30. Mr. Fusion..I found the rest of the tape


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