
Test Your News IQ – Pew Research Center — Take the simple Pew Research test. The general public is hitting 50-percent right. I’m guessing a DU reader will do what I did. Nail it at 100-percent.

Via David Sifry on Twitter.

  1. Common_Sense says:

    Whoop-dee-doo. I got 12/12, so now I’m here to brag about how smart I am. That’s not a joke, I’m here to stroke me ego.

    Oh, alright, I admit I was hesitant about the total troop number and I admit I’d never seen the stat on per-capita health care spending, or at least never bothered to commit it to memory — but made the educated guess.

    Now, that my intellectual superiority has been established (that’s a joke, son) I’ll ask #63 Dallas to do a google image search on “Get a brain, morans”, and to remember that you’re not always as smart as you think and the person next to you isn’t always as dumb as you think.

  2. ECA says:

    And the $64 question?
    How many of you got ALL of them correct with the TRUE numbers??
    Military in Afghanistan(last I looked was on 8000 people about 1 year ago) and IRAQ had 3-4 times as many. THATS NOT CONTRACTORS..


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