The baby has a bomb! Duck!

Terror police to monitor nurseries for Islamic radicalisation – Times Online — I’m reminded of the supposed bomb they found on a plane a few years ago and it was blown up by the bomb squad. It was a diaper of poop.

Nursery-age children should be monitored for signs of brainwashing by Islamist extremists, according to a leaked police memo obtained by The Times.

In an e-mail to community groups, an officer in the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit wrote: “I do hope that you will tell me about persons, of whatever age, you think may have been radicalised or be vulnerable to radicalisation … Evidence suggests that radicalisation can take place from the age of 4.”

The police unit confirmed that counter-terrorist officers specially trained in identifying children and young people vulnerable to radicalisation had visited nursery schools.

Found by Zack.

  1. cbl78 says:

    I think it’s a great idea, but don’t stop at Islam! Let’s take out all the fundamental whackos while we’re infringing people’s civil rights. No need to pull punches when you’re dealing with people that are proud of the fact that they reject reason.

  2. chuck says:

    Instead of checking for brainwashing by islamic extremists – why don’t we just arrest/lock-up/deport the islamic extremists?

  3. RBG says:

    I’m reminded of the supposed diaper of poop they found on a baby a few years ago…

    “We felt something wasn’t right. We demanded to search the baby and we found she was carrying a grenade that she attempted to hide under the baby,”


  4. Greg Allen says:

    OK, this is nuts. But that being said…

    It’s a common misconception is that education is an antidote to extremism and terrorism. But, in reality, lots of radicals ARE educated.

    They are just BADLY educated.

    So, I think it is a country’s duty to be aware of what is being taught to our kids. I think this can be done in a non-fascist manner.

  5. The0ne says:

    Just wanna say, Maggie Simpson needs looking into. She’s killed, rather almost killed, before. Who knows what she’s capable of when she’s grown and not sucking that thing anymore.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    I changed a baby’s diaper once, now that’s what I call a WMD…

  7. Animby says:

    I think there’s “an officer in the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit” who has been drinking a bit too much of the kool-aid.

  8. FRAGaLOT says:


    When the hell did these become words? ..spell check doesn’t recognize those words above. Isn’t this fear mongering a form or radicalism? (shit there’s another one but spell check sees it ok)

    Seems like every organization is ran by a radical. No wonder they act like crybaby four year olds whining about something.

  9. Animby says:

    #9 FRAGaLOT: It’s those damned Brits. They love to make up words. When I lived there, I used to grind my teeth every time my wife used a word like “orientated” instead of oriented or “commentated” instead of commented. I think their upper lips are so stiff they trip on them and insert an extra syllable. Aluminium, indeed.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    >> FRAGaLOT said, on December 11th, 2009 at 9:44 pm
    >> radicalised
    >> radicalisation
    >> When the hell did these become words? ..spell check doesn’t recognize those words above.

    Yeah. Spell check — that’s the final authority on language.

    Here is the Merriam Webster definition:

    Main Entry: rad·i·cal·ize
    Pronunciation: \-kə-ˌlīz\
    Function: transitive verb
    Inflected Form(s): rad·i·cal·ized; rad·i·cal·iz·ing
    Date: 1830

    : to make radical especially in politics
    — rad·i·cal·i·za·tion \ˌra-di-kə-lə-ˈzā-shən\ noun

    The word has been around since 1830 but even if not, we would need a word for what happens when things or people turn radical.


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