Indonesians have paid tribute to Barack Obama on the eve of his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. A statue of the U.S. President, who lived in Jakarta, has been unveiled in a park in the Indonesian capital.

The almost life-size statue depicts a 10-year-old Obama, wearing school-boy shorts with his outstretched hand holding up a butterfly…

“We imagined Barry, and we thought the story would be inspirational to all Indonesian children that when you dream big, they can come true,” said Ron Mullers, chairman of the nonprofit group Friends of Obama.

Next month, the citizens of Montana unveil a statue of Dick Cheney as a 10-year-old schoolboy – pulling the wings off a fly.

  1. Phydeau says:

    #30 Sigh… Dodd, deficit spending to get out of a recession/depression is a tactic well-known and accepted by economists of many stripes. You may disagree with it; fine. But it’s not radical and it’s not leftist, it’s rather orthodox. You can call it “destroy[ing] the economy if not the country” but there’s a lot of smart people who disagree with you.

    But they have to do something, because Cheney f’ed up so bad over the last 8 years.

  2. jccalhoun says:

    Cheney did something so the Obama adminstration is allowed to raid the treasury and destroy the economy if not the country?
    you mean the treasury that had a budget surplus under Clinton until it was raided by Bush and the economy that was already so bad when Bush left office that he had to bail out the banks before he left?

  3. qb says:


    Tax and spend conservatives ruin the country for moral reasons. Tax and spend liberals ruin the country because they are trying to spread their gay muslim lifestyle.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #25, I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy of slamming two republican presidents having ships named after them — after you made the statement about living presidents — and conveniently leaving out the living democratic president.

    And you skipped a question:

    Why would you sacrifice others to save your wife? If you can defend one, you can certainly defend the other. Did you lie to your wife on your wedding day?

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    #32-Phydeau-deficit spending to get out of a recession/depression is a tactic well-known and accepted by economists…

    How exactly is deficit spending a good thing with it is misappropriated? How is creating a Trillion dollar slush fund for Obama to spend as he pleases a good thing instead of using it for TARP as sold?

    How is Obama payoffs and bribes better than creating jobs? How is printing money from thin air a good thing?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    #33-jccalhoun-budget surplus under Clinton until it was raided by Bush…

    Clinton was able to show a surplus (at least on paper but not in reality) because of all the military cuts.

    Bush had to spend and rebuild the military because it was neglected by Clinton. Then there was 9/11 which was expensive. This is not to excuse Bush because he was wasteful in much of his spending as well.

    Obama makes them all look like misers.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    #32, I’ve never heard such balderdash in my life. You’ve swallowed the whole damned lie, Fido.

    Deficit spending is a major contributing factor to what got us into this mess to start with. Do you realize what our dollar is going to do when this money hits the streets?

  8. Loupe Garou says:

    #29 Mr. Fusion

    I believe we started “playing” in Vietnam while Truman was president. I assume you are using the Vietnam memorial time span as marking the Vietnam “war”.
    “September 1950 – Truman sends the Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) Indochina to Vietnam to assist the French. The President claimed they were not sent as combat troops, but to supervise the use of $10 million worth of US military equipment to support the French in their effort to fight the Viet Minh forces.”

  9. Phydeau says:

    #38 I don’t expect libertarians to agree with current economic orthodoxy. I’m not even sure I agree with it… is life just about spending more? But my point was that what he’s doing is not liberal or radical, it’s conventional.

  10. Phydeau says:

    #37 Bush had to spend and rebuild the military because it was neglected by Clinton. Then there was 9/11 which was expensive. This is not to excuse Bush because he was wasteful in much of his spending as well.

    Bush had to spend and rebuild the military because the puppeteers behind him wanted big fat profits from their military contracts. Why do you think he invaded Iraq, a nation with no relationship to 9/11?

    Follow the money. Our tax dollars, and the lives of our soldiers, went to benefit big corporations.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #40, Well, I will give you points for at least questioning it.

  12. Phydeau says:

    #42 I question all the economic theory that depends on constant growth. So far we’ve been able to keep up with the exponential curve, but at some point it becomes too steep. Then what?

  13. RBG says:

    11 Mr.F: “I am not in favor of monuments to any living person…After they have left us we can decide if their achievements were worth it.”

    How about monuments, like Nobel Prizes, to living persons even before they’ve done anything?


  14. RBG says:

    You gotta love his Nobel Peace Prize…


  15. Benjamin says:

    Look at my post again. I did paste in the right dates and gave a much earlier date for the Reagan as the date the ship was laid down instead of the earlier christening date you gave. I got my stats from wikipedia. I did make a mistake in math on which date was first. I believe I was right about Ford though.

    Although, honestly, do you really cal it living when you are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and don’t recognize your own family? It was already a matter of time before Reagan passed away when the ship was laid down. It was actually commissioned in 2003 which is a year before Ronald Reagan died.

    # 20 Phydeau said, on December 11th, 2009 at 9:22 am

    #18 Uh, Benjamin? From wikipedia entry on USS Ronald Reagan:

    USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier in the service of the United States Navy. The ninth ship of her class,[1] she is named in honor of former President Ronald Reagan, President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Upon her christening in 2001, she was the first ship to be named for a living former president.

  16. RBG says:

    And little Barack’s remote control Predator in the background.

  17. jccalhoun says:

    ccalhoun-budget surplus under Clinton until it was raided by Bush…

    This is not to excuse Bush because he was wasteful in much of his spending as well.
    So is Bush a typical liberal? Was Clinton an atypical liberal?

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, RBG,

    How about monuments, like Nobel Prizes, to living persons even before they’ve done anything?

    The Nobel Peace Prize (and any Nobel Prize) are awarded to living people. They may not be awarded after death. Many people have done great work that didn’t receive a Nobel Prize simply because they died before the award was announced.

    Second, the Nobel Prizes are awards, not monuments. One is awarded every year and they come with a cash prize attached. While there may be some public interest, awards are all privately handled. Similar awards include the Pulitzer, Oscars, and Grammies.


    My wife just told me I must have a problem by answering mental midgets. My wife is not a midget fan (nor does she hate them)

  19. Thomas says:

    Check. Tell that to the 15%+ of the population that does not have a job. Let’s see how Mr. Nobel Peace Prize does in Afghanistan.

    The leftist administration is the one run by your boy. If you are now upset that your messiah is now caving to special interests that’s a you problem.

    What a load of crap. So far that “orthodox” spending has doubled the deficit and increased unemployment to incredible levels. In the 1930s, when taxes were low and there was a great need for infrastructure, it made sense to spend on improvements. Those days are gone. The bridges, highways and dams are built. That trick won’t work twice. Instead, all your boy is doing is sending the country down a financial rat hole. It won’t be long until making paper gliders out of greenbacks is worth more than the greenback. Let us not forget that eugenics also used to be orthodox.

    We went into Iraq as part of a larger strategy to eliminate terrorism. Thus, the fact that Al Qaeda and Iraq mostly had nothing to do with each other is irrelevant. We would still be in Afghanistan even if we caught Bin Laden tomorrow.

  20. RBG says:

    49 Mr. F

    44. …to living persons even before they’ve done anything?

    monument (L. monumentum) m 1 anything that keeps alive the memory of a person or event… The Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary

    Hope repetition and definition from a mental midget can help you out.


  21. LibertyLover says:

    #43, Agreed. Growth should only occur when production increases. Increasing the money supply is not growth. Increasing consumer spending is not growth unless it is the result of increased production (i.e., true demand, not artificial demand). Increased production is growth.

    Then what?


  22. Animby says:

    Both statues are inscribed to their most successful citizens.

  23. Phydeau says:

    In the 1930s, when taxes were low and there was a great need for infrastructure, it made sense to spend on improvements. Those days are gone. The bridges, highways and dams are built. That trick won’t work twice.

    Uh, haven’t you read about the bridges falling down lately? American’s crumbling infrastructure? Those bridges built in the 30s need to be fixed or replaced.

  24. Thomas says:

    Fixing bridges will not fix the economy. First, construction is far more efficient than it was in the 1930’s. Second, fixing a bridge is a substantially smaller project than building a bridge. As I said, those days are gone. The days when putting in a bridge made a huge significant improvement in productivity or transportation are pretty much gone. You can’t play the same trick pony twice.

    If Obama had thrown the stimulus money in a pile, pissed on it and lit it on fire, it would have at least stopped the taxpapers from paying ridiculous bonuses and bailing out the hapless automakers. Beyond that, the effect has been the same.

  25. FRAGaLOT says:

    Sure Indonesia loves Obama. Won’t they get billions in free money from him (that we can’t afford) after cap-&-trade passes?

  26. Rick Cain says:

    Well I guess thats better than an Oil Tanker named after Condoleeza Rice, and an Aircraft Carrier named after Ronald Reagan.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Obama just received the Nobel Peace Prize, for not stopping a war (in fact he’s escalated one further). So how is he deserving of this accolade? Last year Al Gore got it, just for making a movie and some speeches about the AGW issue. By that criteria Michael Moore should have gotten several Nobels. But apparently only prominent and rich politicos receive it.

    I have to say I’ve become disappointed (but not surprised) by Obama’s knuckling under to the Cheney/Pentagon war machine. He’s revealed himself to be “The Great Black Hopeless” of the United States. Just another placeholder President, posing as a reformer, who doesn’t. Until the next one comes along and follows the orders he’s (or she’s) given.

    I think the “party crashers” incident, was meant to show him that he’d better cooperate. Because the Secret Service can conveniently go away, at the right time. And the Tiger Woods scandal proves that even one of the most loved black sport legends, can be thrown to the media wolves, overnight.

  28. Rance says:

    All Hail!

  29. Animby says:

    # 55 Thomas said, “If Obama had thrown the stimulus money in a pile, pissed on it and lit it on fire…”

    Don’t be stupid. That much paper burning would have set off some REAL global warming.

  30. Animby says:

    # 58 Glenn E.: “Obama’s knuckling under to the Cheney/Pentagon war machine.”

    Again, I see you did not pay attention. Obama CAMPAIGNED on increasing our commitment to Afghanistan. He promised you he would do this and you voted him in, anyway. Time to stop blaming Obama, Cheney, the Pentagon and start blaming yourself for not paying attention.

    And when “cap ‘n trade” gets voted in and you find yourself scraping your bank account to pay for electricity, remember, he promised you, energy bills would “skyrocket”. STILL, you voted for him.

    I’m not saying McCain would have done anything better (in fact, I fear we’d be in a bigger mess) but it’s time to pay attention.


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