Indonesians have paid tribute to Barack Obama on the eve of his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. A statue of the U.S. President, who lived in Jakarta, has been unveiled in a park in the Indonesian capital.

The almost life-size statue depicts a 10-year-old Obama, wearing school-boy shorts with his outstretched hand holding up a butterfly…

“We imagined Barry, and we thought the story would be inspirational to all Indonesian children that when you dream big, they can come true,” said Ron Mullers, chairman of the nonprofit group Friends of Obama.

Next month, the citizens of Montana unveil a statue of Dick Cheney as a 10-year-old schoolboy – pulling the wings off a fly.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    Next month, the citizens of Montana unveil a statue of Dick Cheney as a 10-year-old schoolboy – pulling the wings off a fly.


  2. Dallas says:

    A great honor to see one of the most populous Muslim country in the world celebrate an American leader.

    This would go a long way to establishing peaceful relations with the world’s most popular religion.

    Contrast that with the Cheney arrest warrant in Vermont and Spain.

  3. Crug says:

    The level of your hatred is becoming legendary.

    The level of the worlds idolization of a man who has done nothing but talk thus far is unimaginable.

    People apparently have a great need to have hope in something, and to hate something else.

    Logic plays little part.

  4. gofigure says:

    Ahhhh… E-tard you are back! You really do need to get a life! Cheney has been out of office for almost a year now. Your Bush derangement syndrome is showing again!

  5. Phydeau says:

    #5 We’re not going to just sweep the Cheney/Dubya reign of error under the rug. We’re going to remind America every chance we get what kind of people the Republicans run for office.

    Friends don’t let friends vote Republican.

    The Democrats are significantly better — they have their flaws for certain, like kissing up to the big money boys as much as the Republicans, sometimes — but at least they won’t be starting any bogus wars.

    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

  6. The Tick says:

    WTF, as a person who was pleasantly surprised by his election I too was silly enough to hope things might change. They didn’t change.

    @6, I once thought the dems were better than the repubs when it came to evil but I came to the conclusion that the dems are just better at hiding it. As in bogus wars, see Pakistan as an example.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #5, Cheney is on the TV a lot these days. Maybe the calls for him to be prosecuted for treason will dwindle when he decides to STFU.

    The statue? Kinda dumb IMO, but they can erect anything they want.

  8. Welcome says:

    #3 – “People apparently have a great need to have hope in something, and to hate something else.

    Welcome to Christianity.

  9. Benjamin says:

    “Next month, the citizens of Montana unveil a statue of Dick Cheney as a 10-year-old schoolboy – pulling the wings off a fly.”

    Really? I envisioned that the statue of Dick Cheney would be engaging in a shootout with Aaron Burr.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    I am not in favor of monuments to any living person. That also includes naming Navy ships, Universities and schools, streets, or putting their likeness on a stamp.

    After they have left us we can decide if their achievements were worth it. Naming an aircraft carrier after Gerald Ford or Ronald Reagan is not a worthy name for an American fleet vessel.

  11. Dr Dodd says:

    Where’s the real Birth Certificate?

    Kenyan, Indonesian, American… any will do. I guess when you spend a million dollars in bribes to keep it hidden you don’t suddenly just whip it out do you?

    Kinda like global warming… settled deception.

  12. LibertyLover says:

    #7, dems are just better at hiding it

    Good morning, sleepyhead 🙂

  13. qb says:

    I don’t think Dr Dodd is a real doctor.

  14. qb says:

    For the record, Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population. We just need some gas for the conspiracy theorist fire.

  15. LibertyLover says:

    #11, What about the USS Jimmy Carter?

    Does your hypocrisy know no bounds? Let’s find out, shall we?

    Why would you sacrifice others for your wife?

  16. Phydeau says:

    #12 I only hope and pray that the birther movement stays strong in the Republican party. Keep on keepin’ on, Dodd. Spread the message far and wide… Republicans are nuts! 🙂

  17. Benjamin says:

    Gerald Ford died on December 26, 2006
    The USS Gerald Ford was laid down on November 13, 2009

    Ronald Reagan died on June 5, 2004.
    The USS Ronald Reagan was laid down on February 12, 1998.

    Jimmy Carter is still alive.
    The USS Jimmy Carter was laid down on December 5, 1998.

    The aircraft carriers were named after dead Presidents. The final Seawolf submarine was named after a living man.

    I agree with you not wanting ships named after living people, but the Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford were rightfully named because their namesakes are dead. Reagan especially tried to build up our Navy to stronger levels and he deserves a ship named after him.

    Jimmy Carter should probably have a nuclear submarine named after him, but only after he dies.

    # 11 Mr. Fusion said, on December 11th, 2009 at 8:34 am

    “I am not in favor of monuments to any living person. That also includes naming Navy ships, Universities and schools, streets, or putting their likeness on a stamp.

    After they have left us we can decide if their achievements were worth it. Naming an aircraft carrier after Gerald Ford or Ronald Reagan is not a worthy name for an American fleet vessel.”

  18. Phydeau says:

    #7 I think the D’s really are less evil than the R’s, in quite a few ways. It was all Republicans pushing for the bogus Iraq war. That wacky PNACky group. If Gore had been elected (well, maybe he was, but we’ll never know) he wouldn’t have listened to them and wouldn’t have started the Iraq war.

  19. Phydeau says:

    #18 Uh, Benjamin? From wikipedia entry on USS Ronald Reagan:

    USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier in the service of the United States Navy. The ninth ship of her class,[1] she is named in honor of former President Ronald Reagan, President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Upon her christening in 2001, she was the first ship to be named for a living former president.

  20. jccalhoun says:

    Where’s the real Birth Certificate?

    Kenyan, Indonesian, American… any will do. I guess when you spend a million dollars in bribes to keep it hidden you don’t suddenly just whip it out do you?
    Where is any previous president’s birth certificate? I’ve seen a birth certificate )or certificate of live birth or whatever people want to call it) but I’ve never seen a birth certificate for any other president.

  21. Phydeau says:

    #21 jccalhoun, you evil man… you’re just provoking him… gonnna get him all in a lather now… 😉

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #17-Phydeau-I only hope and pray that the birther movement stays strong…

    Birther movement? You’ve fallen behind the times. It’s no longer one lie, but we are at the point now where every statement this leftist administration spouts is a lie.

    This behavior does make it easier. All you have to do is believe the opposite and you’ve got the truth. We haven’t had that luxury since Sam Donaldson quit reporting.

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    Let’s overlook the obvious, again!

    There’s another angle to this.

    Cap and Trade.

    Is it just a coincidence this statue was unveiled just before Obama’s appearance in Copenhagen?

    Is it just a coincidence that Indonesia stands to earn Billions from Cap and Trade?

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Loser,

    #11, What about the USS Jimmy Carter?

    Last I checked, Carter was still alive. Ford and Reagan aren’t.

  25. Phydeau says:

    #23 Which leftist administration is that? The one kissing up to the big bankers? The one caving in to big insurance on health reform? The one continuing Cheney’s domestic spying and extradition policies? The one sending more troops to Afghanistan despite the protests of liberals? That “leftist” administration?

    Dodd, you’re a nut. A clueless, right-wing, gen-yoo-wine foam-at-the-mouth wingnut. Don’t ever change, man. You provide great comic relief. 🙂

    #24 There ya go, pal. Now that’s the kind of high quality wingnut conspiracy talk we’ve come to expect from you guys!

  26. Loupe Garou says:

    #6 Phydeau — “but at least they won’t be starting any bogus wars.”

    Yep, like that good old republican president JFK did with Vietnam.

    Why don’t democrats go to school?

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Benjamin,

    Reagan traded with the country he identified as our enemy. He flaunted the will of Congress by supporting terrorists. He caused the second worst recession of any President in modern history after Bush jr (Hoover was responsible for a depression). He purposely lied to the American people, repeatedly. He drove the National Debt to unprecedented heights. Not a good President but a great example of current Republican tradition.

    And you want to suggest his name is worthy of placing on a ship of our fighting men and women?

    Gerald Ford is almost equally unworthy of being honored in this fashion. He sat on his thumbs while fuel prices soared. He did nothing while the Viet Cong broke the Paris Accord. And he pardoned Nixon.

    Why would you hate America so much as to name American warships after these blights on humanity?

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Loupee

    Yep, like that good old republican president JFK did with Vietnam.

    How the wing nuts forget. Eisenhower sent the first American troops to Viet Nam. It was Johnson that escalated the conflict into all out war, not Kennedy. And it was Nixon that expanded the war with the most troops and material, bombing of North Viet Nam and expansion into neighboring countries.

    Why do the wing nuts have to invent history?

  29. Dr Dodd says:


    Cheney did something so the Obama adminstration is allowed to raid the treasury and destroy the economy if not the country?

    Typical liberal.

  30. Phydeau says:

    #29 Because real history doesn’t suit their political objectives. As we all know, reality has a well-known liberal bias. 😉


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