Click to enlarge.

Global Temperature Trends Since 2500 B.C. — This stuff keeps coming in and nobody wants to hear it.

From the late 1940s through the early 1970s, a climate research organization called the Weather Science Foundation of Crystal Lake, Illinois, determined that the planet’s warm, cold, wet and dry periods were the result of alternating short-term and long-term climatic cycles. These researchers and scientists also concluded that the Earth’s ever-changing climate likewise has influenced global and regional economies, human and animal migrations, science, religion and the arts as well as shifting forms of government and strength of leadership.Much of this data was based upon thousands of hours of research done by Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler and his associates during the 1930s and 1940s at the University of Kansas. Dr. Wheeler was well-known for his discovery of various climate cycles, including his highly-regarded ‘510-Year Drought Clock’ that he detailed at the end of the ‘Dust Bowl’ era in the late 1930s.During the early 1970s, our planet was in the midst of a colder and drier weather cycle. Inflationary recessions and oil shortages led to rationing and long gas lines at service stations worldwide. The situation at that time was far worse than it is now, at least for the time being.

Found by D. Hoop.

  1. J says:

    Neither one of these douche bags have a degree in climatology or meteorology. The only degree between them seems to be a degree in Geography! LOL!

    “I do believe in a period of extreme global warming. That will be in the tribulation period. That’s when the real global warming will come in,” he said. “Those of us who are believers, we’re looking forward to it.” -Cliff Harris 2007

    Nice evidence JCD! ROTFLMAO!!!!

  2. AA says:

    Yeah, check your sources. Those guys are not real climatologists.

  3. J says:

    Here is how he was described in 2007

    “He’s also a devout Christian and believes the Bible is loaded with clues on predicting the weather.” -Spokesman Review 2007

    ROTFLMBO!!!!!! Is this is the kind of evidence the right wing nut jobs are going to keep digging up? Pack it in fellas. YOUR WRONG!!!! GET OVER IT ALREADY!!!!!

  4. brm says:

    this article is going to generate numbers “through the ceiling!”

    i love this site (seriously)

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Anyone else grow up in a Fundamentalist church where they had those Pre-Millennial rapture charts?

    John’s chart looks just like those! It makes him look like a true-believer in the Church of the Status Quo.

    As for the chart itself — the latest spike looks like nothing before it. It’s steeper, it’s spikier, it’s a bloomin’ roller coaster.

    I’m not sure what this means but, clearly, it’s unprecedented and the human race should probably brace itself for a helluva ride.

  6. JimR says:

    With out naming names.. can’t bother… you know who you are… the chart is not bullshit. Ask any IPCC scientist, and they will agree with it.
    The SAME DATA appears with both axes defined if you just google it. The chart (which I’ve posted several times) has been around for a long time and the underlying data is sound. Instead of disputing it do a little research for christ sakes!

    So why isn’t it referred to by anthropomorphic forcing pundits? Because it shows a macro view, and the scientists supporting the IPCC are more concerned with the last 100 years.

    The chart neither supports or refutes their claims about anthropomorphic forcing because it’s not detailed enough. What it DOES illustrate is the overall pattern of NATURAL climate changes that have occurred during modern man’s reign.

    Mans contribution to those natural shifts in climate is dwarfed by other natural forces. But that’s not the IPCC’s concern. Their concern is this… and you can verify this any way you like… the IPCC is concerned that CO2 through anthropomorphic forcing will cause a lot of damage to the way we have set up our civilization.

    – We have built right up to the shores of the oceans
    – We have built below current sea levels in many places and installed dikes
    – We have overpopulated the world without sufficient food sources
    – We have polluted almost all of our water with sewer let alone CO2
    – We have built cities on arable land and razed forests

    Here’s the rub. The IPCC solution (and Koyoto) is only a temporary one. Any forcing we are doing is only an anomaly. Even IF we manage to lower carbon emissions to what they were before the industrial revolution, the BIG picture shows us that climate change will still happen. That is a FACT you can’t deny Mr. Fusion and others. And the change will happen as rapidly as it has done many time is the past.

    Modern civilization has made serious engineering mistakes. We should have allowed for sea level changes and climate changes… but we didn’t, and it’s too late. Suck it up, and move inland if you are smart. That is the ONLY solution, because sooner or later the sea level rill rise and fall and there is nothing you can do about it. I challenge ANY climate change scientist to refute that.

    I’m not saying we should do nothing either. But this bullshit going around that we should penalize carbon emitters that have been following the rules and blueprint of society is only going to hurt those who have worked their ass off to make a better life for everyone.

    Instead of flogging a dead horse, put money into cleaning up our act. Invest in new energy sources and make it appealing to entrepreneurs. invest in ways to stop all pollution.. forget CO2 for now because it will decrease as we develop better technology and attitudes. And star planning a move AWAY from shorelines and OFF flat islands. Geesh!.

    Stop with penalizing industry for doing what you ask them to do in the first place… provide jobs and improve quality of life. It’s not their fault that the designers of cities didn’t know about or consider historical climate change.

    So… bring it on posters. I’m daring you. I’ve done my homework.

  7. jescott418 says:

    The governments are trying to create the same thing as the industrial revolution only now its the GREEN revolution. They are trying to con us all into investing tax dollars into it to create jobs. I myself am all for saving emissions for other reasons and we don’t need to be told the sky is falling to do them. I am sure Obama is touting the same argument that he did with the stimulus. “We must do this now” argument is getting old. He has used it with stimulus, with health care and now with carbon emissions. Just tell me one thing Obama? How much is it going to cost me?

  8. While we need the true information on global warming to be able to set a time table to get off oil, lets be clear about it the USA has to have better energy and more of it.
    You can say the information on global warming is not accurate. I am not happy with Gores carbon tax plan.
    That being said the coral reefs are dieing because of pollution the rain forests are being burned down at an alarming rate, weather patterns seem to be going a bit haywire and there are thousands of steel barrels of radioactivity just off the California Coast that should start leaching any day now.
    So argue about the extent of global warming but the idea that this one of a kind blue marble floating in the heavens is in a peachy keen state is far from the truth.
    I am not to sure that you John deny the pollution problems but the same people on your side of the fence are the ones that want to see the oil barrels run dry for max profits and other industrialists who want no interference on their quick buck profits.
    So if your going to take the anti warming stance, I would like to see you balance it with the a bit more concern about the environment.IF it be the rising sea water in the San Joaquin Valley or the pending radioactivity disasters that can easily beset California, pick your issue. Just so you don’t sound like somebody I don’t think you are.
    Cheers Happy Holidays Lee

  9. J says:

    #35 JimR

    “Ask any IPCC scientist, and they will agree with it.”

    I did. He said Bullshit!

    “The SAME DATA appears with both axes defined if you just google it. ”

    I did but I didn’t need to. So Bullshit!

    “the underlying data is sound”

    Lol. They don’t even say where they got their underlying data. Soooooo Bullshit!

  10. algoreisacrook says:

    Is this a “GORE-ACLE” approved chart?

  11. Hyph3n says:

    JimR makes a very good point… not about the chart or the article, because they’re junk. It’s not well-sourced, and it’s sources are dubious. It has glaring errors. And it still seemed to predict a very hot future. Junk science is still junk science– and embracing it does not help your credibility. If the cycles are similar to those in IPCC data, then post those charts.

    But to go back to the original point– even if you think the current warming is a climate cycle, then at some point it will get hot and we will not be able to do anything about it. What then?

  12. Glass Half Full says:

    If you’re arguing science and facts as politics you’re making it up. The science is what it is…the truth will win out in the end because as more and more data comes and things are refined, examined, re-examined, adjusted, argued, fought over, etc. You can CLAIM we’re doomed to an ice age, or heat wave, or that you have cold fusion in your lab, but eventually the science will found out the facts. All the while the cheap politicians and business leaders make up whatever arguments they want to protect their interests. Smoking causes cancer? NONSENSE, Philip Morris hired the best scientists money can buy and they PROVED it doesn’t. So there. Case closed. Right?

  13. gooddebate says:

    #3 Guyver, And what’s funny/sad is that they do it even when it’s pointed out.

    However the only thing this chart can be used to show is that temperatures do fluctuate. Even the AGW crowd acknowledge this. Where you get to the meat of the argument is by asking what causes it. Someone offer proof of an explanation of what will cause future warming.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, JimR,

    The IPCC solution (and Koyoto) is only a temporary one. Any forcing we are doing is only an anomaly. Even IF we manage to lower carbon emissions to what they were before the industrial revolution, the BIG picture shows us that climate change will still happen.

    If we move to the earlier amounts, why would the BIG picture still show us climate change?
    (I already know the answer)

    That is a FACT you can’t deny Mr. Fusion and others. And the change will happen as rapidly as it has done many time is the past.

    Why would I deny a “fact”? And how quick is “rapidly”, 5 deg.F over one, two, ten, one hundred years? 25 deg.F over 1200 years?

    Stop with penalizing industry for doing what you ask them to do in the first place… provide jobs and improve quality of life. It’s not their fault that the designers of cities didn’t know about or consider historical climate change.

    Who is penalizing industry at the moment? Can you name one industry that has been put out of business by CO2 regulations?

  15. #25..oh ok. So this oscillation is bogus, never happens. Everything is new and just started when Al Gore first noticed it. Sounds right. I’ll never post anything like this again.

    #3 Good call.

  16. Howard Beale says:

    You folks are crazy, lets do the math three possible cases: (a)emissions from human activity make no difference; (b) it makes a difference; or (c) we don’t know for sure what difference it makes. The whole global warming debate seems to be centered around people who believe (a) that do so simply because of some deeply held belief and other people who believe (b) because they’ve measured a difference that is growing and worry about the extrapolation of that. The real answer is (c), but that’s the scariest answer. The sane person stops committing the act until they know whether (a) or (b) is correct. Anything else is a crapshoot.

    plagiarized from from something a read some were

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #43, nodebate,

    However the only thing this chart can be used to show is that temperatures do fluctuate.

    Can you tell us from this chart what the average temperature change was from 1900 to today? If you can’t then the chart doesn’t even tell us that they do fluctuate.

  18. JimR says:

    J, You call that a rebuttal? yoou did all that iand posted in 10 minutes?

    You are either ignorant of how to google or a liar. Which is it?

    Google this: 10000 years historical chart climate change

    Then go to the pages ant look at other charts as well. Charts showing over 10,000 yeas and million year + charts also contain the data if you can’t manage that then step aside.

  19. Zybch says:

    I’m sorry, but I have NO FAITH AT ALL in a supposedly scientific chart that uses “Hebrew exodus from Egypt” as a point on its timeline.
    Scientific my fat arse!

  20. JimR says:

    Mr. Fusion…HuH? “If we move to the earlier amounts, why would the BIG picture still show us climate change?”

    Are you saying that climate change has not happened in the past at regular intervals? We are in a downswing. Do a google and see for yourself. If anything, CO2 has put some friction on that downswing. Also note that all known mass extinctions have happened during an ice age, not during the warmest eras.

    Those looking at the chart as some kind of perfection… you don’t get it. That is just a persons drawing. The underlying data produces the same temperature swings on more professional renditions that include a temperature scale. Don’t get caught up in the artwork.

  21. Hyph3n says:

    Dvorak says “Everything is new and just started when Al Gore first noticed it.”

    We’re not talking about Al Gore. We are talking about this article and this chart. It’s junk. The authors are junk. And you’re making it sound like a conspiracy that no one is taking seriously.

    It would be a conspiracy if this started to show up in the regular media as “fact.”

    I’m all for a discussion about whether we are in a natural cycle or not. But you can’t do it on the back of this, tho’.

  22. J says:

    #48 JimR

    “You call that a rebuttal?”

    U betcha!

    “yoou did all that iand posted in 10 minutes?”

    Yep called my dad, Googled and responded in 10 minutes. Pretty good huh? It helps that my dad already knew about this idiotic chart.

    “Google this: 10000 years historical chart climate change”

    I did and guess what? Not one fucking scientific chart that matches the chart at the top of this page.

  23. The Tick says:

    Heh, save for a very few actual arguments, this thread is like watching a group of retarded bulldogs in a round room looking for a corner to shit in. LOVE IT

  24. J says:

    #50 JimR

    “Those looking at the chart as some kind of perfection… you don’t get it. That is just a persons drawing. The underlying data produces the same temperature swings on more professional renditions that include a temperature scale. ”

    Two problems with that Jimmy!

    One a scientific chart should be accurate!

    Two THEY DON’T HAVE UNDERLYING DATA. Well except the bible that is…..ROTFLMAO

  25. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Johnny (Don’t blame me , blame my senile dementia-aka John C. Dvorak)

    Jesus H. Christ, where do I start.

    Please go to the following site and you can go to this site to see where the half-assed chart was created.

    Based on the information on the longrange site you can pay $129/year for “daily service”.

    Harris and Mann are a pair of con men. They must be laughing their ass off every time they get a check for $129. What fool would send money to these two guys (Dvorak?)?

    The chart looks like something created in a “science” class at a conservative bible college. I mean who else would have “Hebrew Exodus from Egypt” and “4 B.C. Birth of Christ” on a climate chart.

    I see one data point that is missing on the chart. They should have shown a data point for all the smoke coming out of Dvorak’s ass. Talk about climate change!!!!

    Dvorak, do you believe the chart is in any way scientific? Or do you believe it is a joke (Is this April first?)?
    Dvorak, do you do any research before you pull one of these anti-Climate Change articles out of your TARDIS ass?
    Boy!!!!!!!! Johnny, you done shit in your pecan pie on this one.

    Simply Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. JimR says:

    J… you were saying?

  27. JimR says:

    Damn I’ll try and fix that…

  28. J says:

    #55 JimR

    Are you fucking kidding me????? A supposed chart from a fucking gas company???? ROTFLMAO

    NO Jimmy!!!! A scientific chart not some made up shit!!!


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