This would be cool if it was half the price that it’s selling for. ($500)

  1. Faxon says:

    Nice, I guess. Being Italian, I’ll wait for the Wop Wop tablet.

  2. qb says:

    But Apple will come out with it’s tablet in the spring and redefine the market. Wouldn’t you agree pedro?

  3. Breetai says:


    The guestures looked a little awkward though.

  4. Derek says:

    Yay! It’s the karma tablet. Nothing like dropping it, damaging the touchscreen, and basically having a useless device.

  5. Troublemaker says:

    I heard that there’s an Israeli made tablet called the JewJew coming out soon.

  6. Zybch says:

    At $500 its still going to be less than 1/2 what apple will sting their customers.

    You also have to wonder about that stupid color changing background thing. Seriously, it makes the entire demo look craptacular to the extreme, as its lack of a simple ‘home’ button in favor of the pinch gesture that will probably send you to the home screen when all you want to do is expand an image.

  7. Zybch says:

    Also, I wonder if Techcrunch will be reviewing it 🙂

  8. LibertyLover says:

    These things are only going to be useful when Natural Language Processing is perfected.

    Until then, it is a large iPhone without the phone.

  9. chuck says:

    #2 – right!

    My guess is that Apple will have a tablet, with a smaller screen (9″ ?) and probably cost at least $700..

    ..and it will still sell millions.

  10. Animby says:

    So, it’s basically got the same functionality as my phone only it’s cumbersomely large, doesn’t make calls and has the battery life of a mayfly. A bargain at $500. A success at $200.

    Way too much for device that does not have any productivity abilities. Also, I doubt I will ever use a device that insists I use IT’S browser. Hell, even my phone has three browsers on it.

  11. lavi says:

    Isn’t that stolen tech from TechCrunch?

    Chandra, from Fusion Garage, collaborated with TechCrunch for exactly this device with a different name.

    Read more here

  12. honeyman says:

    The touch mechanism seemed a bit dodgy. It wasn’t registering half the time and there appeared to be some significant lag.

  13. TTHor says:

    Very interesting. This is getting somewhere. Judging from the demo though, the touch screen did not seem to be very responsive, as #12 point out too. I imagine my iPhone at that size… can hardly wait. As for this one… cool, nice but to buy one? Don’t think so – too much of an Apple fanboy for that… but that is me.

  14. Frankiedog says:

    I have a few questions.

    Why does he say that it has “absolutly no physical buttons”, but shows the power/charger button on the side?

    Did the google home page take so long to load that they really had to make a video edit?

    Who types www. anymore?

  15. Unimatrix0 says:

    #11 Yes this is the Crunchpad that Fusion Garage ripped off from Techcrunch.

    It doesn’t matter what price Fusion Garage tries to sell these at. They’re not going to make one unit to sell to the public. Arrington of Techcrunch filed a Federal Lawsuit in Northern California today (11/11) against Fusion Garage.

    Do a Google search if you want to know more about the details of Techcrunch and Fusion Garage and the lawsuit.

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    I don’t much care for Mike Arrington, but it appears that there is something fishy going on with these guys. Until the law suits are settled, I wouldn’t “touch” the thing.

    Besides, if/when Apple enters the market, the device will dead in the water…

  17. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    I want the Nig Nig tablet.

  18. deowll says:

    I suspect a touch screen that large adds a good deal to the cost.

    I’m not that fond of doing a lot of reading on a tiny screen which is one reason I don’t have an Iphone.

  19. Grandpa says:

    Looks pretty great to me. I’m not sure why I would want it though.

  20. FRAGaLOT says:

    $500 is cheaper than my slow-ass EEE PC I got over a year ago, that was over $600 (pre Atom CPU). Keyboard keeps falling off, the fan is annoyingly noisy. SSD drives are too damn small to do much after you install an OS.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    The Star Trek PADD is finally here…

  22. joaoPT says:

    Honestly, other than reading, I can’t see much use for a Tablet:
    It’s awkward to write on, either because it has no keyboard, either because you’ll look like a UberNerd all crouched typing with the tablet on your knees.
    It will get all filled with all kinds of grease and debris from your hands, and you’ll look like an obsessive-compulsive cleaning it all day.
    It’s only good for Media, not for Computing.
    Neither Zhou-Zhou, (or JuJu) neither Apple will have much success with this type of contraption, per se. Like the Kindle, it will only be as good as the media or the data that’s linked to.

  23. Travis says:

    I wonder how hard it will be to replace the software running on it with something else like Android. The device seems great, but the software seems lacking. A stylus with handwriting recognition would be great too.

  24. Take a class and call me when there's some action says:

    Hands On? JooJoo? Rhymes with PooPoo. These marketing geeks are beyond stupid.

  25. Rufus says:

    I am surprised that they dare to try and sell technology that they stole from TechCrunch.

    It’s completely shameless.

    Luckily the lawsuit is already under way.

  26. qb says:

    pedro is such a closet mac fanboy.

  27. qb says:

    #28 Just admit it, you secretly lust after a new iPod Touch.

  28. Special Ed says:

    Check out the Apple tablet, Pedro will have a cow.

  29. qb says:

    #30 The only question I have on the upcoming (impending, possible, etc) Apple tablet is on the OS. Are the poor developers going to get a 3rd UI AppKit to learn or will it be based on the iPhone UIKit?

  30. qb says:

    pedro, you’re the giving the other Mac lovers a bad name talking like that.


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