That background music sounds a lot like pr0n background music…

  1. Nugget Coombs says:

    What a lot of annoying Bullshit!

  2. Tim says:

    I can’t stop saying “We got that B Roll!” My wife thinks I’m crazy. I wonder if there is a B Roll of that?

  3. Walter Bishop says:

    Now THAT’s entertainment!

  4. ThomasAesir says:

    Great video, made me LOL.

  5. Mick Hamblen says:

    “pr0n background music” I guess you know I have no idea ^_^

  6. adoggz says:

    man, I need some B roll. Anyone know where I can get some?

  7. bobbo, pop culture and the Roman Circus says:

    “PrOn Music?” No, needed more funk. Not Cowbell, funk.

  8. Randy says:

    The Polk County information center does not have any B Roll.

  9. Uncle Don says:

    “Turtleneck Fights” (in the list at the very end).

    Yeah, like that one has a use.

  10. Jamski says:

    No, THEY don’t have that B-Roll, I’VE got that B-Roll!

  11. dcphill says:

    WTF was that?

  12. chuck says:

    Ooh, I need some footage of the exterior of important looking buildings, cars arriving and slow motion montages (of anything). Got that?

  13. Cursor_ says:

    That wasn’t pron music! That was seventies drama show music!

    And can I get the man getting mad and hitting his computer B-Roll for this posting?


  14. dickmnixon says:

    #12 Chuck Said
    Ooh, I need some footage of the exterior of important looking buildings, cars arriving and slow motion montages (of anything). Got that?



    G-13 Haze enhances this video. I will post some B Roll of it.

  15. dickmnixon says:

    Oh yeah


  16. Uncle Patso says:

    I’ll be a customer for life!


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