Still fairly happy with my Droid. About 10 am today my phone informed me that it downloaded an upgrade and asked if I wanted to install it now or later. I said now and it upgraded itself just like they said it would when I bought it. Not yet noticing any great improvement, in fact the phone seems a little weirder. Had a number of dropped calls and the screen going blank during a call and having a hard time waking it up so I can hang up. Maybe it’s a coincidence.

So – any other Android users want to talk about the upgrade? I’m still hoping that I can get it to become a WIFI hotspot like you can with Windows Mobile.

  1. Will says:

    Did you try PdaNet?

    Haven’t tried it myself.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]

  2. Marc Perkel says:

    Looks like it supports wired tethering but not turning the droid into a wireless hotspot.

  3. NRenich says:

    I applied the update and have not had any issues as of yet. I did notice that sounds, like alerts, seemed louder then before like they turned up the master volume or something. Maybe it’s just me. Also, with my stereo bluetooth headset (Jabra BT8010), it seems to connect much faster, also has less echo during calls. Camera auto-focus is fixed/faster.

    Still waiting for:

    – Signatures in non-gmail app.
    – Exchange sync schedule. (Like peek/off-peek from WinMo Active Sync)
    – Ability to change color tags of google calendars and email accounts when you have more than one.
    – Ability to snooze or dismiss individual items on a calendar alert without having to open or dismiss all.

  4. Personality says:

    The unlock swipe bar is different and the power bar is dark grey now. That’s all I know after 4 seconds with the new system.

  5. Toxic Asshead says:

    I noticed a sluggish hangup also. Browser seems faster. DU certainly loads faster. In general mine seems snappier overall.

  6. rcburwell says:

    Applied the update day before yesterday. Having many problems the same as yours John. Screen goes black and unresponsive after a call hang-up. I’ll guess I’m waiting for update 2.0.2 to fix the 2.0.1 fix. I expected better from Motorola.

  7. dmmiller2k says:

    I’ve also noticed the new unlock screen and other minor visual changes, as well as slightly louder sound in general. And at least once the screen proximity blanker failed to unblank the screen at the end of a call. But aside from those things, I see very little difference, good or bad.

  8. Jeff K says:

    Biggest improvement — attachments work with Exchange.

    The new lock screen and unlock motion threw me a little.

    The main panel seems a little snappier.

    Haven’t heard complaints about the echo since the upgrade, so hopefully that’s been reduced…

  9. wilkinte says:

    Hey Mark:
    what about the keyboard, feels really flat to me, is it functional?? thanks for your detailed reviews

  10. Hey, I recently received a HTC Tattoo and I have to say that I love Android os it is by far the best mobile os I have played with. The endless supply of apps makes every day with my phone an adventure.Sorry for my rant I just wanted to share my experience with android os. Have a great day and thanks for a superb blog.


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