Perhaps the architect should have thought about the effects of sunlight and shadow on his design.

Found by Art Snyder.

  1. birddog says:

    Maybe the artist did think of the sunlight

  2. A Nony Mouse says:


  3. deowll says:

    I believe both of you are right. I think the the photo was touched up a bit to get the desired effect.

  4. Bastian says:

    Or… this was constructed on purpose by someone who loves penis

  5. someinternetguy says:

    Or maybe it was photoshoped by someone who loves penis!

  6. Nugget Coombs says:

    You should have called this one “Pricks of the Day Dept.”

  7. Eldon says:

    The sun never shines in London anyway.

  8. Dallas says:

    Cute, but highly suspect as being photoshopped

  9. Phydeau says:

    If this is authentic, it belongs on

    Run, do not walk, to that site. It is one of the funniest things on the web.

  10. 1ofmany says:

    Look at the openings and you can see it works out perfectly and isn’t photoshopped. Besides, I’ve seen this picture from various angles a few times over the years. Here’s another view:

    BTW, good call Phydeau.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Cherman / pedro would love this place. So many great photo opportunities.

  12. test says:

    Maybe if you opened your eyes and saw the solar phallick symbol on every street corner and advertisement, it wouldn’t be so new to you.

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Notice how they all twist left. Definitely liberal. Will the indoctrination never stop?

  14. Glenn E. says:

    If it isn’t photo-edited, it’s caused by the way the pavement contours the light “shadow”. So it’s not the architect’s fault. It’s the pavement engineers’ fault. But I doubt they were paying any attention.

    For a more deliberate design, check out the scene in Dune (1984) where Duncan Idaho talks to someone in the hallway, of the castle. Sorry I couldn’t find a photo. Apparently, they’re tightly controlled.


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