On October 24th I bought this new HP laptop with Windows 7 on it. Two days ago it died hard. Had a few internet connection problems and it got a confused connection to a remote share. Usually a reboot clears that up, so before I rebooted I decided to check to see if there were any updates to download and there were two. I downloaded and rebooted and it seemed to be hung up after not booting up to a login prompt. So I powered it down as that tends to get Windows to repair itself and it came up to an HP recovery utility that HP had added.

I have to admit that I wasn’t paying close attention and one of the choices was “Restore”. In the windows world sometime when it crashes it asks to go back to a “restore point” or things like the way it was on the last good boot and such and I sad yes and it began formatting my drive without any working.

So – I’m REALLY PISSED at HP for having a utility that formats your drive without giving you any warning. So I had to install everything from scratch. They had a partition that had the OS on it to reinstall itself and it took over 2 hours to just get back to the point of the way it was when I bought it. In fact the first attempt at it failed and it actually took 4 hours.

So I had to wait hours because HP had added scripts to install all this CRAP and I decided that for $130 at Walmart I can get a virgin copy of Windows 7 without all the HP crap, and I’m glad I did.

No HP utility that’s going to format my drives. No adware. No HP monitoring utility. Not 30 trial version of Norton Utilities. No Quickbooks trial. No adding their suggested bookmarks, none of that.

I know Windows 7 comes “free” with a laptop but quite frankly it is worth $130 to me to get an OS that doesn’t take me weeks to delete all the extra crap they add in. It’s absolutely clear to me from not just what I saw but the phone call with their tech support that they don’t test their add-on in the real world. You certainly don’t format a drive without telling the user that you’re going to do that. My opinion of HP just dropped dramatically. I used to say, “Get an HP laptop.” Now I think not.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Some ignorance among the experts here.

    Did anyone get a manual with their latest (or three) laptop? One that explains what to do for EVERY catastrophic failure?

    Why would Marc, or any honest person, want to hack a copy of software. It is illegal and some people do care about that. Besides, when MS’s checks the license for upgrades it will see two machines using the same license.

    Windows 7 is new. It does not do things the same as Vista or XP. And, as Marc points out, it did not check to see if the owner really wanted to format the HD.

    And finally, if you don’t want to read Marc’s posts, don’t.

  2. Animby says:

    I was about to castigate Perkel for not paying attention when #1 pissed me off. When was the last time anyone read a manual about their damned laptop? This is not 1990 for gawd’s sake. We know how to use a laptop. Probably didn’t even come with a printed manual.

    I’ve always cautioned people against HP gear. Too much money for too little power and WAY too much crapware (but that applies to lots of companies). Also, way too many flashing LEDs. The first thing I do with a new laptop is (not RTFM) but strip it down to the bare OS. Even special utilities. They’re seldom worth the time and trouble to use. Having said that, about 6 months ago, I bought an HP Mini. It’s a little slow with Win7 but otherwise a pleasure to use. It came with no crap preinstalled. No manual. And an installation disk (XP Pro) – not a hidden partition.

    And to Zybch: I have had three Toshibas and taken the to places you see on the National Geographic channel. They have always treated me very well. My ex-wife just emailed me a couple of days ago complaining about problems with her Tosh and asking what to replace it with. I suggested that since she’d gotten SEVEN years trouble free performance, maybe she might like to get another one. (Damned cheap Scots!)

  3. someinternetguy says:

    This so-called “IT expert” doesn’t the know difference between Windows system restore and the manufacturer’s system restore?

    Pays again for something he paid for the first time!

    Another classic example that proves Perkel is as dumb as a door knob!

  4. ECA says:

    There is an INNATE problem with laptops.
    You dont know if they are LEMONS, until at least 1 year after they are released.
    There are GOOD and BAD for most companies. and HP has suffered a few set backs.
    90% of all laptops ARE NOT made by the major corps. SOME other company makes them and the SELLER just tags their name on it.

    Another point is POWER. I warn those that get/want a latop that they are BETTER at BUSINESS and simple gaming, and NOT TO push it with NEW GAMES. Many still dont get the point.

    PS. first thing you do, is take the DVD and WRITE THE SERIAL CODE ON IT, with a SHARPIE. ON THE TOP. Best warning I give people. AS most cant find the paper work AFTER THE INSTALL.

  5. ZZman says:

    Reminds me what I heard in the background while on the phone with my friend. “I hate you, you suck, I’m leaving you, (slams the door)”. As I freaked out he was all calm, so I asked if his girlfriend really left him, and he said: ” No no, she was angry about her HP laptop, finally slapped it close and now is on her way out to buy a MacBook Pro. Her company supplied the laptop, and even it’s 2 months old with Win7, it had already bunch of problems. Their company deal is, you will get what you are given, or if you want a Mac you will pay the price difference”.

    That might not look funny on paper, but when a woman gets angry and yells everything with high pitched Chinese, it sounds very convincing.

    Seems to me HP has made lot of bad quality laptops, I have heard several complaints, Win7 seems to be OK, but requires lot of extra work.

  6. WTB-Dvorak says:

    Dvorak, take this idiot’s blogging privileges from your site. It was humorous at first, but now this moron is just shitty’ing up your blog. Help us John C. Dvorak.

  7. Welcome! says:

    Marc, I would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of consumer level computers! Please enjoy your stay!

  8. Um. A Waste says:

    It has gotten to the point where I can read a headline on Dvorak’s blog and then I think to myself “where the fuck did this come from?” and “why is this news?” Then I look up and see that this jewel of a post is from no other than the one and only epic fail of the internet, Marc Perkel. Dvorak are you sleeping with this clown because I can’t figure out why this crap makes it to your blog. Perkel must suck a mean dick!

  9. Animby says:

    Ok, Waste. We got your point: you don’t care for Perkel’s contributions. You didn’t have to take swipes at him under at least three aliases!

    “shitty’ing” ?????

  10. The Pirate says:

    #32, Mr. Fusion,
    What I suggested is perfectly legal. Since you fail at reading comprehension I will say it again.

    By purchasing a HP laptop in this case you received a Win7 license key for that system. This is usually printed on a sticker on the bottom of the laptop. If your OS fails and you want a fresh copy of Win 7 on your computer simply borrow a Win 7 disk, any legit disk will do, install Win 7 as normal, and when activating input the Win 7 key on the back of your computer NOT THE KEY ON THE BORROWED DISK.

  11. Rich says:

    I’ve had an HP Pavillion for years and was aware of the dreaded “restore” utility. When I upgraded the HDD I set the cloning software to ignore (not copy) the evil “restore” partition. Then I just periodically image that HDD. Viola!

  12. zorkor says:

    Surprised to see something here about HP laptops considering my HP Tablet just recently died and so did my friends and another of my friends. Are the HP laptops committing mass suicides?

    I used to recommend HP to everyone over stupid ugly Dells and gayish Sony Laptops. But not anymore. To put the icing on the cake, the recent Laptop reliability survey which put the HP in the least reliable brand sealed the deal that HP laptops suck.

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    Each and every HP laptop that I have seen over the past 5 or so years has failed within a year or two. The culprit is the power circuit on the motherboard. Being the hardware guy for over 20 years, there are only three makes of laptop I would recommend. They are Apple, Lenovo/IBM, and Toshiba (though not the cheap Toshibas).

    HP, Dell, and others often put teaserware on their machines, due to the low cost. They get a kickback from the software developer.

  14. Somebody_Else says:

    I don’t know why these companies make it so hard to do a clean install of Windows. Users who are smart enough to do a clean install aren’t going to use the crapware that comes with the system anyway.

  15. dusanmal says:

    @#44 Some smaller brands can surprise too. My ultra-compact Fujitsus are glitch free for years of heavy use and abuse. Older one still beats any netbook in performance, and practicality (at 10.5″ size 2.4 lbs with all “bells and whistles” like optical drive, card readers, extension slots and innumerable interfaces)

  16. Seth says:

    Marc I know that HP recovery program well. There is a warning that tells you if you proceed that ALL of your data will be erased. Face it, you didn’t pay attention and clicked through the warning and now you want to blame HP for your own laziness.

  17. jccalhoun says:

    Face it, you didn’t pay attention and clicked through the warning and now you want to blame HP for your own laziness.

    This is standard behavior for Marc Perkel. He makes a post about how someone else is wrong and he’s mad about it, then people prove that he is actually the one that is wrong, and he never admits he was wrong. It happened when he posted about the post office’s Forever stamps and when he posted about php

  18. The Pirate says:

    … The squirrel hasn’t checked in yet so we are dubious of the long-term results.

  19. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #48, jc,

    In fairness to Marc, he doesn’t post bullshit topics along the lines of “Cherman” or even Dvorak. So far this blog has gotten 50 hits, many with worthwhile comments.

    As with any of the other editors, if you don’t like the topic, don’t post.

  20. ECA says:

    Im only going to STATE something..If your opinion is different..go away.

    THE COMMON USER. 80-90% of those in the world.
    READS the warnings AND…
    Calls a NERD
    Pushes the button anyway

    NON-common USER, ones that have done it before, a few nerds…
    READ the bottom line, as there isnt Much above it that makes sense..And push the button.

    The Computer knowledgeable..
    have done this at LEAST 10 times..
    KNOW what it says..(unless something changed, opps.)
    PUSH the button.

  21. SteveJobs says:

    # 14 I hate f* idiots like you. During those years you didn’t even touch a Mac, so why were you defending PCs then? Most people defending Mac are switchers, so they knew the pain. You are not welcome.

  22. uketommyv says:

    Lol. sorry to hear that. I dont trust HP anymore i Had 2 laptops. one back in 2001 and another one in 2005. Both had major hardware problems within the first 2 years of life. off course by then the warranty was off and they wanted to charge me a lot to fix them. I said fuck hp, they are absolute garbage. Not to mention the bloatware. Any way next time dont buy another copy of windows, if you have the origanl key. just donwload a copy from torrent of your version of windows and just type in your original key. that way youll have a clean windows install without the crap. good luck.

  23. Ed Hayes says:

    Someone mentioned you could use any Win7 Disk and use your HP serial number from the bottom of the machine. Doesn’t the user need an OEM version of Win7? That is what WinXP requires. Or has the retail/oem difference vanished?

  24. masteroffm says:

    no reason to go out an purchase a full new copy of Windows 7, the ISOs dont matter between OEM/Retail/VL. Could have downloaded a legit ISO from the links in this article…

    and at the end there is a link to creating a universal ISO that can install an version be it Home/Pro/Ultimate

  25. Floyd says:

    I’ll jump in to vouch for Toshiba also. Their laptops seem far more substantial than either HP (friends) or Apple laptops (ex wife has an Apple).

    My first Toshiba laptop lasted 4 years until a hard disk died.
    My second has been around 2 years. Only problem has been because of pilot error (me), and that was fixed quickly.

  26. bkgraham33 says:

    The writer of this article is an idiot. I don’t know who he is, but it sounds like he thinks he knows more about tech than he actually does. Any techie knows what a restore disk from HP/Dell/etc.. does. I’m tempted to point out other statements he made in his story that annoyed me but I’m too lazy right now so I’m not going to. Bottom line, the author needs to quickly come to terms with the fact that he’s not a very bright tech dude and simply needs to keep his tech complaints to himself if he can’t come across like he knows what he’s talking about. K, I’m done moaning.


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