The “inconvenient truth” overhanging the UN’s Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world.
A planetary law, such as China’s one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days.
The world’s other species, vegetation, resources, oceans, arable land, water supplies and atmosphere are being destroyed and pushed out of existence as a result of humanity’s soaring reproduction rate.
Ironically, China, despite its dirty coal plants, is the world’s leader in terms of fashioning policy to combat environmental degradation, thanks to its one-child-only edict.
The intelligence behind this is the following:
-If only one child per female was born as of now, the world’s population would drop from its current 6.5 billion to 5.5 billion by 2050, according to a study done for scientific academy Vienna Institute of Demography.
-By 2075, there would be 3.43 billion humans on the planet. This would have immediate positive effects on the world’s forests, other species, the oceans, atmospheric quality and living standards.
-Doing nothing, by contrast, will result in an unsustainable population of nine billion by 2050.
From: Obamaforever
To: pedro per #29
I see that you are still fighting mental health.
pedro, I will be blunt. The best part of you ran down your old manโs leg. I am thinking there was a tear in the condom. We should sue the manufacture of the condom. No tear, no pedro. How wonderful!!!!!
P.S. perdo, you need to stop wasting your time on the computer. Spend your time picking up cans along the interstate so you can collect enough money to buy the mule you always wanted.
33. They will have to turn gay and adopt african babies.
stay at the top as the bottom is eaten up..
OR we have to add more CRAP to make our food last longer..
In nature, if the predator decimates the animals below. The predators Family dies, IF NOT the predator.
BECAUSE there isnt allot of enforcement. you loose benefits. And the population in china is VERY hard to count.
2 other points.
Farmers NEED a hand, so they have children to HELP. Many can die young and its better to have an EXTRA one handy.
China’s WESTERN and SOUTHERN border are very hard to patrol. Many people come into china and are never counted, or are OVER counted.
Wow. dvorak.org/blog is well on its way to becoming the new little green footballs.
Would it really be a bad thing to have fewer people on the planet? No one is saying “kill people.” They are just saying “don’t have kids.” Is that so terrible?
I need to add a few points for the idiots HERE.
The USA supplies about 30% of the worlds food supply, mostly rice.
We over extend the amount the ground can grow.
we modify and do strange things to OUR food, so that we can sell it to other countries.
We are already Over using the water supply. As those in california. (MONSANTO)
The odds say that by the TIME you get your water at the Mouth of a river, it has Watered 2-3 farms and Watered a few lawns and been Drank upto 10 times and FLUSHED..
The under ground water ISNT replenishing itself, we have to recharge it MANUALLY..Which means its NOT FILTERED thru ALLOT of rock/sand/mud/… Its STRAIGHT out of the river.
Dont worry about your beef, as MORE AND MORE will come from the dairy(worst meat around). With cattle Dieing about 5 years after they start giving Milk. Full of Strange chemicals and ONTO your kitchen table. Actually, they have reduced Dairy cattle by 50% over the years and INCREASED the amount of milk/cheese/Ice cream. And you wonder why the TEEN GIRLS look so much better.
UNLESS you are rich, you will be eating DAIRY cattle.
For you HUNTERS, it will be even more fun, as ANYTHING you hunt will need a TAG. LIMITING hunting to the point, you MIGHT get 1 tag in 5-7 years. For those that dont understand this..Since the white man COME-Th..over 1/2 of all the wild animals are DEAD/GONE/you shot them.
For those of you propagating the IDEA of decimation of the Central European WHITE MAN. I suggest you look at your OWN history and think about the CRAP you have cause in the NAME of being WHITE/CHRISTIAN(a jew by any name)/….(I wont go there, Why not) Hitler/Mussolini/… You may think Alexander was GREAT but Genghis and his SON took over more area and lands then ALEX ever knew of. Start with a tan and join the crowd.
#38 Ever since Obama won the wingnuts have been extra jumpy. They see librul conspiracies behind every tree. Sucks to be them… and to be us, who has to listen to them. ๐
If people advocating this is out there picketing it’s it ironic? Should they lead the way by umm…killing themselves first? Now that’s something I could definitely follow! ๐
Canada’s National Newspaper. *snort*
I love talking to Americans… ๐
I suspect a lot of the wingnut response to this is of the fundie type, i.e. God said go forth and multiply, so let’s do it, and God will provide. They’re not that comfortable with science anyway, so all this talk of carrying capacity and non-renewable resources probably just makes their heads hurt.
And if worst comes to worst, they can always believe that the Rapture will come and take them away if the world goes down the toilet.
I read in the Population Bomb that by the 1970 and 1980 their will be mass starvation if we don’t halt population growth.
The question was asked about China’s one child policy “how come China still has significant population growth?โ
I expect that when the policy was introduced a large part of Chinese population had not yet had it’s child. The population was always going to keep growing for a generation or so.
Whatever anyone says there are many finite limits to the size of the human population on Earth, have some fun calculating some of them.
Gotta Love the sign… My reply would be: “You First”
Sorry, but this is just more mere “the end is near” f**kery…
I think a even more dire stat is that we are living longer. I know people who have 10 children. They are not rich and I wonder how they will ever be able to give all of them a equal chance in education? I have one daughter and know what the costs are. The trouble is many of us do not look at our lives practically.
Overpopulation in any environment is always self-correcting. Based on the comments above, the general intelligence of the human species is inadequate to prevent Mother Nature from taking the necessary steps, and perhaps the next iteration of evolution (or intelligent design, if you prefer) will be more successful at not soiling its own nest.
For those who say that overpopulation is a myth… what happens when all 1.2 billion Chinese want as many cars per capita as we have in America? A huge increase in the demand for oil, for steel, for everything. A huge increase in air pollution. So we get more expensive resources and more polluted air.
America has 5% of the world’s population and consumes 25% of its resources. What happens when the rest of the world decides it wants the American lifestyle and the consumption of resources that goes along with it? Does anyone see a problem here? I googled “Number of cars in America” and got about 250 million. “Number of cars in China” in the low tens of millions. Is there enough oil and steel in the world to build and run a billion cars for the Chinese?
#51 It’s a serious problem that liberals will have to solve. Technology innovations, recycling programs, efficiencies and conservation will help but ultimately we need to curb population growth.
Good news is that as people become more educated the fertility rate decreases. Also, as more people distance themselves from the Catholic church teachings of unbridled breeding, will the problem get mitigated.
Heh-heh. I had three committed relationships with women (including an actual marriage) and none of them produced any of those squalling little shitters. I see it as a stroke of dumb good luck. I know some married guys, too, who very much regret having been caught in the parent trap. (although there are some of my relatives who say, “Oh the poor thing” behind my back)
I joke about it with my sister (who also didn’t have any kids). We should get a medal for this, or at least a plaque to hang on the wall, that says in fancy script, “Thank you for your excellent restraint.” From the UN or some such official body.
For those NOT seeing Starvation..ITS because we are here, and NOT OVER THERE..
We can hit Africa, India, and many other countries including S. america and even the USA..
Its entertaining that you dont know about SITES taking donations to SHIP SHEEP and CATTLE to some locations, so a FAMILY can have MILK.
“Soilant Green” will save the earth!
41 Phydeau
Of course you could never accuse the lefties of a fundie response:
“In reaction to the March 29 maritime deaths of four seal hunters, Watson (Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society chief)declared the deaths of seals a “greater tragedy.”
“But what “good work” can compensate for Watson’s advocacy of a population-decimating cap of one billion people, or calling human beings “the AIDS of the Earth?”
“Watson is the symbol of a movement that originated in a desire to improve the planet’s physical condition, but transmogrified into the zero-sum dogma of eco-spirituality, in which the object of worship is the environment, and the messianic goal its return to a pre-civilization Edenic state. In this scenario, Earth is perennial victim, mankind eternal villain, the consumption of natural resources original sin. No emotionally manipulative appeal is beyond the pale for this pagan religion’s demagogues…”
From Toronto’s National Newspaper.
#58 Sure there are fundie lefties, fanatical tree huggers, fanatical PETA types, fanatical save the whale types. And they have practically zero influence on anything in America, unlike the fundie Christians who rule the Republican party (in an uneasy alliance with the bankers).
This is why environmentalists love totalitarian societies, despite their bad environmental record. Population control and reduction is a major part of their agenda. Sierra Club came very close to adopting anti-immigrant policies as well for similar reasons.
I’ve had three wives and only produced one child. Does that make me an ecologist?
By the way does no one else find the lady in the photograph to be a hypocrite? A good looking hypocrite but still …
#60 Yup, MikeN, that’s why you hear environmentalists praising the old Soviet Union and Communist China all the time. Not.
That was a particularly inspired bit of flaming wingnuttery… well done! ๐
#24, re. Be fruitful and multiply: I think that’s actually an admonishment to get an adequate amount of fresh fruit every day, and learn your basic mathematical skills.
#24, re. Be fruitful and multiply: I always interpreted that as advice to get an adequate amount of fresh fruit every day, and practice my basic math skills.
Diane Francis is one of Canada’s most right wing commentators and has in the past promoted conservatives issues. She is far from being liberal.
Financial Post was form by Conrad Black, the one that is in jail now, as a voice for conservatives. There goal beyond finical new was was to actively use their position as a major media publication to promote conservative values and issues, i.e American style health care for Canada.
Several countries in Europe have done this. The majority of their populations will be of middle eastern origins in less than 5O years and the natives will be in small minority status in 100.
Any population that does this is up for a Darwin award.
#66 little pedro, do you even read the messages before you vomit out your little tweets? Looks like you have your stock phrases you use over and over again. Beats thinking, I guess.
Do you want to give us some evidence that environmentalists have praised the Soviet Union and Communist China? Or are you just mentally masturbating, as usual?
I hear Indian food is good.
an old Chinese curse..
“May you live in interesting times”
say it all.