
The “inconvenient truth” overhanging the UN’s Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world.

A planetary law, such as China’s one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days.

The world’s other species, vegetation, resources, oceans, arable land, water supplies and atmosphere are being destroyed and pushed out of existence as a result of humanity’s soaring reproduction rate.

Ironically, China, despite its dirty coal plants, is the world’s leader in terms of fashioning policy to combat environmental degradation, thanks to its one-child-only edict.

The intelligence behind this is the following:

-If only one child per female was born as of now, the world’s population would drop from its current 6.5 billion to 5.5 billion by 2050, according to a study done for scientific academy Vienna Institute of Demography.

-By 2075, there would be 3.43 billion humans on the planet. This would have immediate positive effects on the world’s forests, other species, the oceans, atmospheric quality and living standards.

-Doing nothing, by contrast, will result in an unsustainable population of nine billion by 2050.

  1. Dallas says:

    #53 Pedrito. Appreciate you recognizing President Obama’s Nobel Prize. It’s an incredible achievement for such a young, but truly worldly president.

    It must sadden you that Obama received an honorable award from a world leaders while Cheney has an arrest warrant in Vermont.

  2. Dr Dodd says:

    #71-Dallas-It’s an incredible achievement for such a young, but truly worldly president.

    The real question is why does such an unworthy young and worldly person receive the Nobel unless it is a payoff for future service.

    Gotta love it when a corrupt politician is openly paid off for betraying his country and they call it a prize.

  3. Outside the scientific community, calls to address overpopulation often meet vigorous, ill-informed criticism and blatant hostility from both the left and right. Most of these sorts of objections are either obstinately ideological or stem from financial interests dependent on population growth for profit.


    Global Population Speak Out

  4. Guyver says:

    71, I don’t have a problem with the guy winning the award if he actually did something demonstrative to earn it.

    Looks like the Europeans are playing the classic textbook American game of lowered standards for African Americans. If I were Obama, I’d be insulted for getting such a hand out. But then again Liberals have no problems with hand outs. 🙂

    SNL Spoof of Obama winning the Nobel: http://tinyurl.com/ydrzl5d

  5. Phydeau says:

    #73 Ya know, Guyver, it would have been perfectly reasonable to accuse the Europeans of sucking up to the new American president, in hopes of getting a better deal whenever they have to deal with him. If you’re of the wingnut mindset that sees Europeans as a bunch of pussies, I could see how you’d think that way.

    But you had to throw race in there… hmmm… that says more about you than it does about Obama. Works that way with a lot of wingnuts, I’ve found. You just kinda exposed yourself there, dude. And perpetuated the stereotype that the Republican party is full of racists.

    But hey, I bet some of your best friends are black, right? Riiiiiight…

  6. Phydeau says:

    #76 Ah, the old “pretend my racist comment wasn’t really a racist comment but a trap for someone who pointed it out” trick. Nice. 🙂

    FYI: people who bring a black person’s race into a conversation where it’s irrelevant are generally perceived as having a “thing” about race. Whether the Europeans are sucking up to Obama with the Nobel prize or not has nothing to do with his race.

    You could have claimed the Europeans were kissing his ass without bringing in his race.

    You could have expressed the opinion that he didn’t deserve the Nobel prize without bringing in his race.

    But you didn’t. You played the “race card” by injecting his race into a topic where it was irrelevant. That shows you have a “thing” about race. Whether you realize it or not. I’m just calling it out.

    FYI, Tiger Woods is, according to his wikipedia page, “one-quarter Chinese, one-quarter Thai, one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch”.

    Thanks for proving you’re a partisan hack that only sees the world in shades of Democrat vs. Republican.

    Oh dear… you’re not one of those cowardly Republicans who’s pretending not to be a Republican right now because the Republican party is in such a sh*thole, are you? Tsk tsk.

    FWIW, I’m a liberal. There isn’t a political party that represents me. Maybe the Greens, if they weren’t so focused on the environment. Right now, the Democrats are the closest thing. And they’re not that close. 🙁

  7. RBG says:

    CO^2 rises and the “settled science” of global warming results in zealots – and flattening and even lowering of global temperatures. Liberal Al Gore gets an Oscar.

    Two deadly wars and the campaign of “Change” results in zealots – and continuing and even escalating war. Liberal Barack Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize.

    But I don’t think you can say there’s a trend developing or anything in common here – except maybe the words zealots and liberal.


  8. ECA says:

    Can I suggest 1 little thing?

    CAN we FIX this world, and OURSELVES before things JUST DONT WORK??
    In the USA and a few other places.

    WE have MODIFIED our foods, to the point we have to use chemicals to FORCE them to grow.
    WE have modified the MEAT animals to the point they DIE in <5 years.
    WE process our food to the point that we have OTHER THINGS TO EXTEND its volume and make you THINK you are getting the SAME amount..

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    #74-Phydeau-It’s a conspiracy…

    You play the fool well, but then you’ve had a lot of practice.

  10. Phydeau says:

    #80 I don’t know how much practice you’ve had, Dodd, but you play the right-wing nutcase very well yourself. 🙂

    And I say, bravo. Keep on representing yourself as “conservative”. It’ll scare all the thinking people away from the Republican party.

  11. Phydeau says:

    #82 You go ahead and spin it that way, Guyver. You brought up race where it wasn’t warranted, then claimed it was just a trick question when someone challenged you. Maybe people will believe you.

    My apologies for calling you a cowardly Republican. Not that being a Libertarian is a step up. 🙂

  12. Guyver says:

    83, No spin was needed. I clearly made a statement that pointed out that the Europeans were no different than America with a cynical abrasive comment. If you’re still convinced that I’m somehow a “racist” for making such an abrasive comment and that logically the only conclusion you can make is that I’m a racist, then you’re just jumping to a hasty conclusion. A logical person would know there are other possibilities other than the single one you’re concluding. You just take things racially.

    I gave you the straight dope and you’re predisposed to see things from a racial perspective. Oh well. I’m not worried if you’re not convinced. Your logic is crippled due to your partisan viewpoint.

    As for Libertarian not being a step up, I don’t go asking government for hand outs, help, or anything else. I can actually do well on my own without government. It’s Liberals and Conservatives who try to use government as an instrument of force.

    Liberals use it for money and Conservatives use it for morality. Liberals have a herd mentality pushing for group rights while Libertarians / Conservatives push for individual rights.

  13. Guyver says:

    Difference between a Liberal and a Conservative: http://tinyurl.com/yhodvqx

  14. Uncle Patso says:

    # 4 Milos:
    “I’m tired of all of these nutcases worshiping the planet. These people care more about the planet than they do for human life. We are the top of the food chain. […]”

    Don’t you get it? No planet, NO FOOD CHAIN! No food chain, WE ALL DIE!!!

    – – – – –

    # 55 Guyver:
    “44, Phydeau, I’m not religious and I’m pretty comfortable with science. I just don’t go for government regulating and running my life / lifestyle.”

    Yeah! I used to have this cool business where my cohorts and I would hang out at the crossroads and relieve weary travelers of their heavy, inconvenient gold and other burdens. Then the government made that illegal (by armed threat!). I think the government should reimburse me for my lost income!

    – – – – –

    The next sentence in the article after the excerpt shown here is:
    “Humans are the only rational animals but have yet to prove it.”

    Sadly, I think the rationality of the species is overestimated…

  15. Rick Cain says:

    This is just pure logic. When you overpopulate you cause problems that just can’t be fixed.
    Dubai has to use massive convoys of trucks to haul away the fecal matter because the sewer system can’t handle the number of people living there.

    The Chinese and the Indians are going to have big problems in the next 100 years. I think its time to send them condoms, not technology.

  16. Eva says:

    I can only imagine what this would do to taxes. If the discrepancy between those who work and those who don’t – in this case the elderly – increases even more, it’s going to be a nightmare

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #82, Guyver,

    77, Phydeau, You see what you want to see. That is your prerogative. Nice try in trying to skirt that fact that you were simple-minded enough to fall for it. FYI, I was baiting and you fell for it.

    You “acted” like an idiot and someone believed you. Gee, I wonder how that could have happened?

    You don’t get it.

  18. Phydeau says:

    Yeah! I used to have this cool business where my cohorts and I would hang out at the crossroads and relieve weary travelers of their heavy, inconvenient gold and other burdens. Then the government made that illegal (by armed threat!). I think the government should reimburse me for my lost income!

    Not that anyone’s reading this thread any more… but that’s a great one, Uncle Patso! 🙂


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