Myostatin is a critical gene in the human body that plays a regulatory role in many processes, including the deposition of fatty tissue. It also blocks muscle growth. Animals or humans born without the gene show freakish muscular growth and the ability to perform athletic feats that take their peers years of dedication and training.

Of course all that comes at a price. […] Those with an unusually high amount of muscle have been shown to live to shorter lifespans in some studies, potentially due to increased rates of organ failure.

Undeterred, researchers are pushing ahead to look at ways to block myostatin and make us into supermen (and women). Researchers at the National Children’s Hospital (NCH) and Ohio State University have demonstrated how gene therapy can be used to selectively upregulate follistatin in muscles according to Singularity Hub. Fullistatin blocks myostatin, allowing for tremendous gains. The macaque monkeys involved in the trial were endowed with super biceps.

The center is now filing the preliminary paperwork to start human trials.

  1. Faxon says:

    Uncle Dave been reading weird science magazines today?

  2. chuck says:

    And the survey question is:

    Would you take a pill that gives you freakish muscular growth, but is guaranteed to kill you by age 50 ?

  3. Animby says:

    Okay, Dave. You’ve shown the freaky side. Did you think there might be a positive reason to do this? I suspect they are pursuing a treatment for muscular dystrophy. Bastards are trying to force Jerry Lewis to retire!

  4. deowll says:

    Seniors and sedentary types might like this as well.


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