Some fun real news for you guys.

  1. df says:


  2. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    File this one under “Time I will never get back”.

  3. The0ne says:

    fun stuff. he’s a good guy btw. Don’t know who this parez fellow is and wouldn’t even dare to google him up lol.

    KTLA in Los Angeles, bound to get a few more attention I would suspect. 🙂

  4. hhopper says:

    Cubano and Miami native Perez Hilton is the internet’s most notorious gossip columnist.

  5. Zybch says:

    Who/what is a Perez Hilton?

  6. Guyver says:

    Where’s the part where the news anchor goes berserk?

  7. The0ne says:

    Sam, the anchor, is usually nice and calm. I guess this is his berserk mode in comparison. He’s well known amongst celebrities.

  8. Faxon says:

    Get this crap off of the blog!

  9. MattB says:

    Hey, it’s Michaela Periera!

  10. George says:

    Remember back about this time in 2001, when America stopped caring about stupid bullshit?

    That didn’t last very long did it?

  11. Killer Duck says:

    The news anchor clearly hates gay men. I’m sure that Perez will file a hate crime complaint.

  12. Dallas says:

    I miss Walter Cronkite

  13. The0ne says:

    Sometimes you guys are too funny 😀

  14. Jay says:

    Anyone who says “my luxury office” is a dbag.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    This anchor’s rant seems like an inter-gay tiff to me.

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    Aw it’s good to see Michaela Pereira again. Not seen her since the TechTV days, she’s still very cute! 🙂

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    no i think it was an all out anti-douche bag rant. Perez Hilton is a complete talentless asshole, and deserves that tongue lashing from KTLA for being such a self-important fucktard.

    ”I gotta post on my blog…” Any fucktard with a cell phone can post on their blog at ANY TIME.

  18. Buzz says:


  19. Gigwave says:

    …and Perez has his own rebuttal video pointing out this guy’s lies. But I can’t be bothered looking for it.

  20. goreacle says:

    just another LA / Hollywood rope smoker. Who gives a fuck?

  21. Mr Diesel says:

    Perez Hilton – the best part of him ran down his Momma’s ass. He is a no-talent shitstain on the underwear of society.

  22. spsffan says:

    I watch KTLA morning on a somewhat regular basis while puttering around getting ready for work. Sam Ruben is not my favorite newscaster, or even entertainment reporter, but he is an honest and reasonable guy and is well respected in the celebrity community.

    Perez Hilton needs to be put in his place a lot more frequently and strongly that this. His place incidentally, is on the dung heap of boring, talentless attention whores of history.

  23. Rick Cain says:

    There are two people I wish would retire from the public eye, Perez Hilton and Man-Fay.


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