Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after ‘Danish text’ leak | — This fiasco gets funnier by the minute.

The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN’s role in all future climate change negotiations.

The document is also being interpreted by developing countries as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.

The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as “the circle of commitment” – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Guyver says:

    It’s interesting to see how the Liberals evolve their agenda from “Man-Made Global Warming” to just “Global Warming” to now “Climate Change”.

    What’s with the polemics? And if someone asks for some scientific proof to be persuaded, they’re somehow a “denier”?

  2. Ya know, it would be a lot easier to control climate if we could just install some entire world air conditioning. We could control the entire temperature of the world after that. Power overwhelming!


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