Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after ‘Danish text’ leak | — This fiasco gets funnier by the minute.

The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN’s role in all future climate change negotiations.

The document is also being interpreted by developing countries as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.

The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as “the circle of commitment” – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    #29-bobbo-the “most likely” impetus for some kind of big change in the world will be the irrational use of a nuclear weapon.

    A nuclear strike would certainly bring on big changes. Once the first population center is vaporized then there will be no stopping it.

    That should please Al Gore because he will finally get his man-made global warming.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    What? You didn’t see this coming!

    Oh, come on now! Haven’t you yet figured out that Man Made Global Warming is being used as a vehicle to push a “New Colonialism”?

    All great empires were built on the back of slave labor. America included.

    The latest “Great Empire” is a cooperative of wealthy nations.

    So who are the slaves? All those less wealthy nations who will become dependent on cap and trade for their economies. We say “jump”, you say “How high?”

    You didn’t think we were giving away money for nothing, were you??

  3. Thinker says:

    Just can’t resist!


    or contain myself.

  4. Benjamin says:

    Scotto said, on December 8th, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    “More arable land, longer growing season, at the expense of not being able to build on sandbars and atolls. Sounds fair to me.”

    Then farmers will have to work twice as hard to plant two seasons worth of crops a year. They’ll grow twice as much food, but that is twice the work.

    “If Humankind WAS able to customize the climate, I think we might choose warmer rather than colder. Don’t ya think?”


    “I’ll believe Jerry Pournelle over Al Gore any day.”

    Read Fallen Angels by Jerry Pournelle. North Dakota is slowly getting covered by a glacier while green cops drive around in green police cars and search for people causing global warming.

  5. bobbo, change is all about maintaining the status quo says:

    #34–Benji Door Stop==you balance scientific inquiry with science fiction?

    You do know the first is objective, constantly changing, being refined and at its best is just our best guess at having a chance to influence our fate? While the second is a story told to and evidently lapped up by idiots???

    Still you take the stupidity a few steps forward by actually trying to substitute rationality with imagination.

    What a door stop.

  6. Benjamin says:

    bobbo, too busy drinking the Kool-aid said, on December 8th, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    “You do know the first is objective, constantly changing, being refined and at its best is just our best guess at having a chance to influence our fate? While the second is a story told to and evidently lapped up by idiots???”

    Like when CRU made up their climate data out of whole cloth? Of course I don’t confuse actual science and science fiction. I just thought that since Scotto liked Jerry Pournelle he might like one of his books.

    How about addressing the meat of my post instead of an off topic comment at the end.

    Still you take the stupidity a few steps forward by actually trying to substitute rationality with imagination.

  7. Benjamin says:

    I’ll be here to comment back to you bobbo as I am stuck in a blizzard. 🙁

  8. bill says:

    Let’s set fire to the rain forest to try and keep warm!!

  9. Leave Your Reply In The Sky says:

    Too bad all these climatologists will have to look for work.

  10. Benjamin says:

    # 38 bill said, on December 8th, 2009 at 2:20 pm

    Let’s set fire to the rain forest to try and keep warm!!

    Even we “deniers” and “flat-earthers” think that is a bad idea. I welcome a longer growing season though, but I like the rain forest because it is made of wood.

  11. bobbo, change is all about maintaining the status quo says:

    #36–Benji==stuck huh? I HATE the cold. Condolences.

    Meat. What meat?

    Evidently you think:

    1. Global Warming causing ocean rise and less total land will also create more “arable” land. Did you factor in the more violent weather that will result from more energy to fuel it? Crop loss from floods etc? What climate model did you use to actually calculate the resultant arable land, or did you just pull this out of, out of, ((be kind, turn over a new leaf)), – – “the darkness?”

    2. Extended Growing Seasons. Can’t tell if you are pro or against this. You know what happens when there is more work than you wish to do yourself? You hire other people to help you. Writing as if the farmer will be overworked is 8th grade naivete.

    3. You would choose warmer weather? Based on what consequences?? Purely your own or the worlds???? It would “be nice” to avoid snow in winter and heat waves in summer but WORLD CLIMATE doesn’t work that way. Did you think about this AT ALL???? Thinking about it more closely, what do you think???

    4. Substituting critical appreciation for SF Fantasies already covered.

    5. What Kool Aid? I will assume YOU assume too much from whatever posting of mine you extrapolate from. But I could be wrong as who can tell what the frick you are actually thinking.

    6. The CRU is one data point. IPCC/your own understanding should be made up of many/thousands of data points. Common sense informs you of this. Dogmatic irrational posturing takes you away from this.=====whatever it is that CRU actually did, or whatever you think they did. SO WHAT??? If a Russian Crazy Scientist falsified data to show that anti-gravity levitation could work, when found to be false would you say that “gravity has been disproven” or only that the Crazy Scientist has been proven a fraud? How do you determine on which subject to draw your lines appropriately vs wide from the mark????

    I call the above a real lack of fundamental analytical skills. A door stop against opening one’s mind to the legitimacy of issues being considered. Please correct me.

  12. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Johnny (aka John C. Dvorak)
    To: anti-Climate Change Retards

    Note: What ever I say about Johnny goes double for you Retards.

    I just “love” all of these anti-Climate Change stories that Johnny puts on this blog.

    Johnny gets his stories from the same place he gets his information on Climate Change—out of his ass.

    There are so many stories it is hard believe Johnny’s ass can be that big. His ass may be like Doctor Who’s TARDIS-small on the outside much bigger on the inside. His brain is just the opposite.

    Dvorak, stick with your column. You just showing your ass when you deal with Climate Change.

  13. JimR says:

    Many previous generations have lived through much warmer periods without the horrible predictions of the IPCC. This is a NORMAL cycle! This chart uses valid scientific data. Get your head out of the sand and look at the whole beach for a change.

  14. Ah_Yea says:


    Haven’t you learned YET that Logic, Reason, and Sanity have no place here at DU!!!

  15. Toxic Asshead says:

    Ain’t life fun?

  16. Animby says:

    My two favorite comedians:

    Sister Mary Hand Grenade

    Every post is a laugh…

  17. jay says:

    this bullshit out of 13 years of studies and they find 3 problems for one year only.

  18. qb says:

    I think global climate change is a fact. I think man’s activities contribute to these changes. I also think these conferences are mostly pointless but the solutions and changes we need to move beyond these problems are closer to reality than ever. However those who have contributed most to the problem have no stomach for the solution because they can’t think any differently.

    How we think about our stewardship of this planet will change, but the baby boomer generation will need to vacate first and eventually their great-grandchildren will look back and shake their heads.

  19. This global warming is among the biggest scams foisted or hoisted onto the western world
    What has the UN done to serve mankind other than serve itself
    Biggest bunch of liars , cheats and cases known to mankind – never mind the nepotism

  20. B.Dog says:


    You’re thinking like a Haitian — they burned their rain forest and are (or oughta be) real sorry now.

  21. BipBop says:

    Obamaforever: your comments only spew insults, you demand that people show you proof, which you do not read, yet you fail at showing proof yourself, you only re-iterate what you hear from the 8pm news.

    “The science is sound, the science is sound..” No it is not! It was manipulated, it was not properly peer reviewed.. that is not sound science. 4000 scientists based their decision to support this, based upon 620 authors of a document, where several scientists claimed their articles were taken out of context and manipulated to fit the overall direction of the document. The other 3380 scientists that agreed later based that decision on what they thought was sound science.. later finding out the science was not sound. Hence UN scientists and IPCC scientists are now quarreling and have gone out against each other (what the bloody news!). Well buddy, The Guardian broke this story.. it didn’t come out of JCD. Not only that, several hundred newspapers have broken this story within the last 12 hours. Suck it!

    Global Winters: I am juggling it with the bailout.. both are pretty good scams. Not sure which get the first place in all of this. The bailout succeeded and i hope this one fails. I would hope these guys could make an agreement on sanctioning companies that spew out chemical pollution in nature though.

  22. Glenn E. says:

    After I saw that video documentary refuting Global Warming, on Youtube last year. I’ve little doubt that part of what these “talks” are all about, is keeping the developing third world countries, like in Africa, from having a reliable source of energy production. Solar and Wind just isn’t going to cut it there. No one’s proposing that the “rich countries” rely on Solar and Wind power, solely. So why tell the African nations that they can’t ever use coal or oil, to run power plants? This keeps them poor and under-developed. So their labor costs will always be rock bottom. And the monarchs of world finance can count on them being the poorest alternative to labor in the US, Canada, and Europe.

    Also part of this Carbon Conspiracy, I believe is the diamond and gold mining monopolies. Because by keeping these developing nations, where the mines are located, just barely developing. Keeps them too poor to expect a better life and living wage. So the workers will continue to work cheap in the mines. More profit for those at the top.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    I call CBS tv the Carbon Broadcasting System. They seem to be the most fanatic about producing the Global Warming propaganda. This past week or so, its been a bunch of lies about the sea rising to wipe out the Maldives Islands. Completely ignoring any evidence that the sea levels haven’t changed significantly anywhere else in the world. A subsiding tectonic plate could easily account for why the Maldives is “sinking”. Not that the water is rising. Similar to what has been happening to Venice Italy, for decades. Unstable geography. CBS also recently claim the melting glaciers of Greenland will cause the world’s sea level to rise as much as two feet by 2050. Which isn’t going to lead to the sort of projected total inundation shown in the movie “WaterWorld”. In fact I seriously doubt that all the glacier mass of the north melting, could raise the sea levels more than a few inches.

    CBS only mentions that Greenland villages might benefit from a permanent warming trend. Not knowing if it really is permanent or not. Making mention only of mining its mineral wealth. Probably by monopoly concerns. But what about Canada and the Soviet Union? Which could benefit greatly from reclaiming some of their perpetually frigid lands. Before the “Little Ice Age”, northern Europe was warmer and could grow more crops, than it can today.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    What a bunch of effen retards. I don’t think anyone on this blog did any investigation other than read the exploitative headline.

    This was “leaked” a week ago! It is only one of several discussions.

    The usual crowd of self masturbation is in a frenzy as if this is evidence that forces of communism are being stopped.

    Thousands of scientists that have studied the matter agree global warming is happening. A handful of disillusioned and/or bought and paid for scientists disagree.

  25. pilgrim says:

    If, according to Discover Magazine,”The average American creates roughly 22 tons of carbon dioxide every year”,is true. Then what are you going to have to give up to reach 2.67 tons as prescribed in this leaked text? Your car or bus will only get rid of 2.

  26. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Mr. Fusion
    To: All anti-Climate Change Retards per #57

    Mr. Fusion, I am afraid we are casting pearls before swine in trying to talk some sense into these imbeciles.

    Your “self masturbation” phrase brings up a very interesting image. I am seeing an image of the Retards forming a circle jerk party. They are doing the dirty deed while reading the infamous hacked emails.

    Pedro, you and Johnny can take turns being in the middle.

    P.S. I have learned that pedro no longer has a goat. He has traded it in for a donkey. The donkey is not what he really wants because at this very moment he is collecting cans along the interstate to get his heart’s desire-a mule.

  27. reality says:

    climate change is a redundancy – it always changes. we are in a period between ice ages – temperature will always rise and fall over a period of time.
    the real issue is acceleration of change and there is not enough pre-historical data to make even decent stabs at a prediction. We could throw the 600b tarp funds at it and still not find a 2nd data set better than tree rings.

    global warming is a marketing campaign which is not being fact checked by any scientist. anyone who questions data or scientific method with pundant is destined to live a worthless couple of minutes.
    the days where most journalists even pretend to remove themselves from a story are long gone.

  28. Devoido says:

    During the medieval warm period, when the Earth remained considerably warmer than it is today for a number of centuries, the world flourished like no other time before or since. Shortly after the warm period ended the bubonic plague wiped out about half of Europe’s population.

    Coincidence or connection? You decide.

  29. Devoido says:

    It’s funny, the only bought and paid for scientists are the ones promoting the great global warming hoax. You see, if a scientist didn’t support man caused global warming, then they couldn’t get the research grants, so, the majority of scientists actually do not have to pretend they believe in man caused global warming, because they are not being paid to do so, and therefore do not need to go through the elaborate theatrical process of having to fabricate supportive evidence via rigged studies and or doctored data.


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