Yes, she broke the company’s rules, but ending the scumbag tyranny of the credit card companies and banks has to start somewhere. Here’s the transcript.
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A good girl!
I have had BofA for many years…. They have had numerous chances to screw me… sometimes it was even my fault. BUT, I have NEVER been screwed by them. Every problem I have had they handled with in a pro manner and the result was in my favor.
I can’t explain…I realize everyone considers them EVIL, but my experience has not been that. I don’t work for them, and I am not rich. No need to attack me for either of those reasons.
I also have many friend who have walked away from their thousands in credit card debt. They still have cell phones, nice cars, Blah-Blah. They just decided not to pay anymore.
Lets meet some of them as well…just to be fair.
After B of A bought out Countrywide (which gave us 15+ years of exemplary service) we recently had to reset our passwords to continue making online payments: sign up, wait for the new password to get mailed to us, login again, wait for ANOTHER auth code to get emailed to us, try again, call customer service when it didn’t work…
the agent was very nice and walked us through a 3rd reset effort. I pointed out that the passwords didn’t get sent to us in time to make the payment w/o the xtra charge. She said, “the system was set up to start working Nov 16” (*after* the due date). So there was no way to pay online without incurring a charge. B of A made sure they got a whole lotta extra charge payments last month by ensuring former Countrywide customers could in no way pay online until after Nov 16. (we were supposed to have called in a payment – of course, that cost $15, too.)
This does not bode well for a happy lender-customer relationship.
First, there’s this new invention called mail that allows you to have your payment hand-delivered from anywhere in the US for the low cost of just 44 cents.
Second, I’m pretty sure charging you a late fee on your first payment would be a violation of RESPA, so I’m going to call BS.
#3 Mike –
I have had a BofA account for over 30 years,,, and I am leaving them this week and taking my deposits with me. They were a decent company to work with in the past, but they totally suck now. They suck suck suck. They have become the KMart of banks, with terrible service, outdated equipment, grungy locations, lowest quality staff and a “we-don’t give a shit” attitude.
The clincher came when in one of my several accounts my balance dropped under $7500, so they started charging me a $20 “service fee”. Yes… I needed to have over $7500 in that checking account in order to not be charged a monthly fee. Screw them. In the aggregate I have over $100,000 in BofA, yet they wouldn’t backtrack that bullshit fee. Screw them. I am taking my money elsewhere.
If you haven’t dealt with a higher quality company, you may not know the difference.
My choice now is to bank with Charles Schwab. Excellent service. Use any ATM from any bank for no charge (they refund any fees). Credit card at 6% fixed (not teaser) rate. FDIC insured accounts. A personal ‘banker’ you can know and call. No fees for anything normal, and great interest rates. Service that makes you smile.
After dealing with Schwab, I know now just how bad BofA really is.
Unfortunately I agree with #1. Capitalism is all about making money – period. Each company should be maximizing their profits. If f***ing over their customers, the environment, or any thing else does that then that’s what they should do.
That said “customers” have the power to set the rules and the fines/consequences for not following them. Its called Government regulations and/or laws.
When I was in the 3rd Grade, we had a “bank day” every week. A small manila envelope with at tiny deposit book was provided, and kids would deposite their tiny amounts of cash into BofA. The envelopes would go to the bank and be returned the next day. I think I deposited about a dollar a week, maybe. At most. In change. Eventually, this program was dropped, because it was so politically incorrect for kids to compare deposit books. Anyway, I stayed with BofA until I was 19. At that time, I was struggling, but trying to make it on my own. All I remember is how nasty they were to me when I went into the bank, because I had long hair. This was the late 60’s. I quit them then, and have been glad ever since. Wells Fargo has also gone to hell. I now bank with my Credit Union. And hoard gold.
I’m with BOFA and I hate them to the core. Why haven’t I moved, say US Bank? Because they suck to the core as well. Remember the US Bank scandal a few years back when there weren’t even around the west coast? But BOFA is a piece of sht for having to charge you for anything, I mean fcking anything.
If you’re maintaining your account then you’re mostly safe but once you’re late or they find something on you just prepare for a possible hell.
Add to that the constant marketing BS calls late at night. I’ve complain to several different branches, called online to have them stopped and still nothing. And yes, they are BOFA affiliated.
Ultimately, I don’t think consumers have a good choice to turn to. I actually thinking of closing and just keeping my money at home.
Not all companies are out to fck their customers, especially if you do things right. To me it’s a fcking shame those of you making this comment hasn’t experience companies like this. Real damn shame and I’m thankful. Attitudes like
that wouldn’t survive in companies like what I’ve worked for and am currently in.
That’s not to say I haven’t been in companies like what you’ve mentioned, oh dear I have. I’ve worked for an Aerospace company providing faulty actuators to NASA, Boeing and others could not understand how the fck anyone from the floor to top management would willingly do this. But like you said, people want jobs and people are lazy, stupid, morons who think of nothing more….less to save the people in jet planes, shuttles, helicopters when accidents happen and the motor doesn’t work.
You know how long I last in these companies after finding out, that’s right…have a conscience and resign; don’t be a stupid fck and stay knowing what’s going on lol It’s not worth it for anyone even if you don’t consider yourself that highly.
29.99% is usury. Credit card companies should be entitled to get their money back plus a fair interest rate. Fair is something below the interest rate they are charging.
I don’t go to banks. The last time I went to a bank was to try to get payment on a returned check. That was a horrible experience. I had to go back three times before they honored the check one of their account holders had written.
I use the credit union and it is customer oriented. I needed a car and they lent me the money to pay for one. No questions were asked. (I have a 790 credit report so that helped.) I never have to worry about missing a payment because it automatically is deducted from checking. The interest rate isn’t too bad either.
I’m convinced banks open up brick and mortar locations for realestate investment and ability to write them off. The only time I go a bank is to deposit my tenants rent check. I mean, do they actually have a vault anymore? I doubt it.
I quit BofA about 6 months ago. Recently did the same with Citi and HSBC. Their fees and rates are obscene. The other posters are correct: Credit Unions or on-line bankers (Schwab, E*Trade, ING, etc.) are the way to go.
There is a great documentary movie about this topic…its called “Maxed Out”.
The banks favorite customers are people that just declared bankruptcy….because the banks know they cant declare bankruptcy again for 7 years. Anyone using a credit card that they don’t pay off every month should watch this film.
Any business that screws their customers won’t last. How the big banks do it and get away with it are beyond me. Maybe they roped enough sheep into believing they are getting a great deal.
The same attitude as the health insurance companies. Just screw anyone trying to get covered or paid.
#10, I think you missed my underlying point. Most business can not F**k over their customers. The “market” would put them out of business. In cases where market forces are not sufficient to force business to act in a manor acceptable to the general public we look to government to force acceptable behavior through regulation and laws.
What most people see in this example is the failure of BofA to act in an acceptable manor. What I see is the failure of Government to define and then force acceptable behavior.
Of course I am sure there are some people that think this type of predatory capitalism is just fine.
I don’t think I have, your first paragraph is all I needed to read 😮
I guess B of A is Bunch of Assholes?
/Tiger wouldn’t sleep with her.
At least she got out with her soul intact.
Dear lord! Acting with morals in a large corporation? What bazarro parallel universe is she sending this video from. I want to live in that one!
Quick little story about Capital One. They’re not quite as bad as BOA, but almost.
I had a fixed rate credit card with Capital One for over 5 years and a savings account with them for 2 or 3 years. This spring they announced that they were going to double the interest rate on my credit card for no reason (account in good standing, no late payments, etc.). They did give me the option of closing my account and paying off the balance at my current rate, so that’s what I did. Of course I was pissed off, so I also closed my savings account and vowed to never do business with them again.
Except I apparently didn’t properly close my savings account. I still have $0.02 in my account. Every month, Capital One is kind enough to pay for the paper, ink, and postage it requires to update me on the status of my 2 cent balance. It’s not a big thing, but it makes me smile every time I open a statement. My little way of stickin it to the man.
The people at the top at B of A are trolls that would do anything for a buck.
The only reason I do business with them is they were allowed to buy my bank and I like that people that still work there.
Yes, corporations are in business to make money. But they have completely forgotten that there is a word and a concept called “enough.” (In fact, I sometimes wonder if that’s still a word in English.) The largest corporations are acting more and more like a pack of rabid dogs and less and less like an organization of human beings.