1. Faxon says:

    No no no no. He isn’t a suicide bomber YET. Can you do an interview with a rapist who hasn’t raped anyone? A robber who hasn’t robbed?
    It is impossible to interview a suicide bomber.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Crap, I thought it’d be Achmed, the Dead Terrorist.

    SILENCE! I KILL you!

  3. The DON says:

    Lol @2

    It should be titled “interview fith a failed suicide bomber”

  4. Dallas says:

    Another religious fanatic justifying anything in the name of god. These guys are on the extreme end of the loony bell curve.

    Thank goodness the prevalent religion in America (you know, the nice one) is largely under control by separation of church and state.

  5. jescott418 says:

    With Iraq becoming a powder keg again. I really expect our troops to remain intact for some time to come. Seems as though its already falling appart. We just do not understand that these factions will never get along. Its perpetual war.

  6. Daniel Little says:

    Cheers for the interview, it was well worth watching, and its great to see he asked some good hard hitting questions

  7. JimR says:

    I can cure him. I’ll taze him after each answer.

  8. pfkad says:

    Frightening. How can you reason with a true believer?

  9. Crazy Canuk says:

    #4, you need to see the documentary entitled ” Jesus Camp”

  10. Benjamin says:

    Agreed. He is not a suicide bomber yet. Solution is to take him to an empty field and let him suicide bomb where bystanders won’t get hurt.

  11. Buzz says:

    This channels Rowen and Martin, 1979:

    So you’re a Taliban suicide bomber, and you’ve agreed to be interviewed.

    Yes. Now?

    No no no no no. Interviewed isn’t the same as blowing up on camera.

    Oh, I get it. NOW???

    Wait, stop. I haven’t even asked a question…

  12. Greg Allen says:

    I was struck by how anti-intellectual he was.

    To him, a fatwa by “some Arab scholar” outweighed centuries of well-known an well-established Islamic ruling against suicide and the killing of innocents.

    He’s willing to die, kill and devastate but he won’t spend ten minutes of research on the subject.

    It reminds me of people in America who call up talk shows or spend hours on the internet demanding we “nuke ’em all” — yet they refuse to do even the lightest research about who they want to wipe-out.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    >> pedro said, on December 8th, 2009 at 9:43 am

    >> Amazing! He sounds like the Obama apologists in the blog. “I do it because my leader told me to”

    What a load of crap, Pedro.

    I am constantly amazed at the conservatives’ ability to project all their own worst traits on liberals.

    The conservatives WILDLY CHEER LED Bush & Co. while they betrayed nearly every conservative principle as they sent America careening into the ditch.

  14. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I like the doily on his head, nice touch! Gay I guess…

  15. Special Ed says:


  16. Dallas says:

    #9 Canuk, I’ve seen excerpts from it but not the whole thing. Of course, this is seen as OK because the loonies here don’t wear a turban.

    #10 Pedrito, so what do you do here on earth to be admitted to the kingdom? Do you strap one on (a bomb, not your dildo) just your ordinary holier than thou bigot?

    #16 LOL. Like the pic

  17. Greg Allen says:

    >> Crazy Canuk said,
    >> #4, you need to see the documentary entitled ” Jesus Camp”

    I did see Jesus Camp.

    I am one of the few people I know who has personally known both Christian and Muslim fundamentalists.

    I see lots of similarities between the two groups.

    As joke goes — the main difference between Christian and Muslim fundamentalists is the delivery method of their bombs.

    Seriously, this terorist’s startling arbitrary irrational absolutism is very similar to what I hear from my Christian fundamentalist friends.

    Also, his cruel “group think” seems to be universal among violent fundamentalists, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh or atheists.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    >> Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection said, on December 8th, 2009 at 11:45 am
    >> I like the doily on his head, nice touch! Gay I guess…

    You gotta be kidding me — calling his hat “gay” is the best you can come up with after watching that interview?

    Many many Muslim men in Pakistan wear that hat or a similar one in all kinds of countries.

    You have to admit — it’s no more “gay” than those dandy fancy-pants cowboy hats so many American wear.

  19. bobbo, change is all about maintaining the status quo says:

    #19–Gary==the notion that there is little difference between various fundamentalist groups is not new, ((What really is?)) but still is worth thinking about.

    More interesting, more difficult, more contested would be to finding the distinctions among them ((if any, to what degree)) that are worthy of understanding====all to the real goal of doing the same thing with “traditional conservative beliefs” and these same fundamentalist groups.

    Whats the difference? Is it of degree or type? What saves a traditionalist from being a fundy? What can save a fundy from being a nut-bag? Would that same factor save the traditionalist????

    Yes, recognizing ourselves in others we hate is a worthwhile exercise.


  20. clancys_daddy says:

    Since he admits he is a suicide bomber to be, does that mean he is guilty of attempted murder.

  21. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #20 – Greg, certainly I jest. Although if I had to wear one of those doilies on my head I’d commit suicide too. I don’t know how this idiot can claim to be a suicide bomber if he isn’t dead. He needs to strap on a bomb and visit his family, there needs to be a life guard in that gene pool.

  22. maryland157 says:

    I was laughing when at 4:36 when he said that 72 virgins will be waiting for him in heaven.

    Doesn’t he know that all the virgins will be like this:

  23. brm says:

    Muad’Dib! Muad’Dib!

  24. Special Ed says:

    BRM, you do and you’ll clean it up!

  25. Animby says:

    Surrounded by 70 virgins for all of eternity? Sounds more like hell…

    During my time in Afghanistan, I met several Taliban and talked with a couple of them. If you can get them to talk about their faith, you soon find out they are not thinking on their own but are completely channeling their mullah and his opinions.

    By the way, I’d be willing to bet this guy is NOT Taliban, just one of their wannabes. Taliban translates to “student” and they wouldn’t waste years of study by throwing away one of the students. No this guy is more dangerous: he is a true believer, not a thinker.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    I can’t see any difference between this guy’s blind hatred against infidels and Republicans hatred towards Obama. That guy could have been John C Dvorak.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    How is this any different from US Marines that give their lives for “freedom” (Oil), and are told by their TI’s that they may die, but the Marines live on, so they are immortal.

  28. deowll says:

    #8 You protect yourself and those you love from them.

  29. Cursor_ says:

    This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people in the US.

    THEY are NOT Muslim.

    He emphatically states that Allah is nothing unless it is an Allah that follows some Arab nutjob.

    This is no different than Christians or Jews that disdain the command to love thy neighbour as thyself and go off to kill others that do not agree or prostrate themselves before their so called authority.

    Please stop calling them Muslims, Christians & Jews. They are none of these. I may not totally agree with these faiths, but at least I can show them the respect of not calling these loons part of them.



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