When it rains it pours.

Found by William Tildesley.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    This nonsense is brought to you by the same crowd who claim,

    “The number of guns in a society CAN’T POSSIBLY be linked to the number of gun deaths. Just the opposite! Guns make us safer!”

  2. Tbeale says:

    Hey bobbo the clown, where’s that swine flu pandemic…..? Hmmmm?

    The Idiots will fall for just about any scam.

  3. BipBop says:

    Bobbo read the wiki article once more please..

    Thermal expansion, which is well-quantified, is currently the primary contributor to sea level rise and is expected to be the primary contributor over the course of the next century. Glacial contributions to sea-level rise are less important,[8] and are more difficult to predict and quantify.

    There is actually several explanations and research papers that point towards under-sea volcanoes that can more easily heat up the earths oceans and create this sort of thermal expansion. You can do the science experiment in your own home.. or by simple knowledge in physics. Take an inside swimming pool, increase the temperature in the air of the house.. see how fast it will heat up the water in your pool. Then put some heating cables under your pool and turn them on… check which one will increase the pool temperature the most and fastest. I know amateurish way to do it, but it shows the effects more clearly. There are a lot of science articles on this.. google is your friend. 15 years ago we knew of about 200 under water volcanoes to date we know of over 5,000 active – and they contributes to 75% of annual magma output. The heat of magma is over 13 times the boiling point of water.

  4. BipBop says:

    And for those so pro-AGW.. please explain to the rest of us “deniers” why every single one of these scientists and earth lovers are doing this:


  5. JimR says:

    “15 years ago we knew of about 200 under water volcanoes to date we know of over 5,000 active”

    Well OBVIOUSLY man is not responsible for an increase in volcanic activity. There must be a peer reviewed paper on the effect of this increased activity on CO2 levels and warming of the oceans. Anyone?

    In the meantime, I found this interesting…
    http://tiny.cc/450PeerReviewedPapers supporting Skepticism of “Man-Made” Global Warming.

  6. Bob Brobst says:

    I like this guy!!

  7. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #32–BB==well done. You have me there. I doubt the climate models have factored in the long term/overall core cooling of the earth yet no one can deny ocean rise could be caused by an increase in underwater volcanic activity.

    The fact that all over the world, the great majority of glaciers are melting is just a coinkydink===but thats not proof.

    So==back to my first argument==is the possibility of volcanic activity so well established as to overrule the notion of co2 pollution? I think not, but your mileage may vary.

  8. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #33–Jim==Craig Loehle sounds good from the wicki until you go look at the Heartland Institute:


    The Heartland Institute, according to the Institute’s web site, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is “to discover and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems”.[1] The Institute campaigns in support of:

    * “Common-sense environmentalism”, such as opposition to the the Kyoto Protocol aimed at countering global warming
    * Genetically engineered crops and products;
    * The privatization of public services;
    * The introduction of school vouchers;
    * The deregulation of health care insurance;

    and against:

    * What it refers to as “junk science”;
    * Tobacco control measures such as tobacco tax increases (the Institute denies the health effects of second-hand smoke);

    This is a dickhead institution. We all know dickhead institutions only hire dickheads to work for them and dickheads are not to be trusted.

    I won’t look at what the link might mean by “peer reviewed.” Peer review by other dickheads I will assume. Hey–could be Dr. D ((you know who I mean, dickheads always staying close to doodypants.))

  9. honeyman says:

    Great. The options are global governance by the climate fear hegemony or fascist Britain under Nick Griffin.

    I’m so sick of this bogus debate.

  10. be_in_p says:

    Nick Griffin believes that the British people should have the choice to decide if Britain remains a European country, or becomes a third-world country via immigration of third-world people. If you other readers believe that makes him an “evil Nazi”, then you must believe the British people should not have that choice. Thus you are for the genocide of the British people, and it is you who are the “evil Nazis”.

  11. tonyedit says:

    Now children, go and read #38s comments there.

    Now, who’s side of the debate is this guy on?

    Right, you lot ponder that and I’ll just start packing up the kids for a trip to Blighty in the Prius. By the way mister small p, does the fact that I’m white mean that I would still qualify for genocide against the English people? Is there a form I have to fill in as a non-Caucasian?

    Shame on you Dvorak.

  12. JimR says:

    #36, bobbo… LOL… yep Craig Loehle sure seems like a doodypants.

    …but there are over 500 different other names (sample estimate) attached to those papers, and I don’t believe guilty by association is appropriate for BOTH sides of this argument. However, the bulk of these 500 are probably not as colluded as the IPCC marching band.

    Peer reviewed is peer reviewed. The same rules apply always. If you dispute a whole slew of them you may as well throw suspicion on every one. Good scientists are getting their names trashed because they dare speak out … just because the discussion is deemed over by the loudest and most financially backed howlers.

  13. Benjamin says:

    So bobbo, if you believe that global warming is man-made and caused by C02, even though water vapor has a greater effect as a green-house gas, what do you propose to do about it?

    Please come up with a plan that will not affect my way of life, won’t increase the costs of goods and services, and won’t cause my employer to have to cut back on staff and production (which would affect my way of life.) I am not interested in a tax on carbon and I am not interested in losing my personal and economic freedom.

  14. Jim says:

    Maybe the doubters would do good to actually read about science from real science news site. Not Fox News!!!! Earth More Sensitive to Carbon Dioxide Than Previously Thought http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091206162955.htm

  15. be_in_p says:

    #39 if you believe you are “white”, then you must believe there is such a thing as a “white people”, and that they somehow differ from “non-white people”. That makes you an evil Nazi, so you go hang your head in shame. You also sound like you think John’s readers need to be protected from free speech, when it is free speech that needs to be protected from people like you.

  16. tonyedit says:

    At #43 I was just using “White” in a context typical of Mr. Griffins worldview mister small p.

    Here’s something he said in “The Rune” which was an anti-semitic rag he edited in the mid nineties. BTW, in 1998 he was found guilty of inciting race hatred at Harrow Crown Court for denying that the Holocaust ever took place.

    From Wikipedia…

    Referring to the election of the BNP’s first councillor at a 1993 council by-election in Millwall, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, he wrote:

    “The electors of Millwall did not back a post modernist rightist party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan “Defend Rights for Whites” with well-directed boots and fists.”

    – That’s the context of white I referred to. The one the xenophobes, racists and radical nationalists of the western world world cling to in an attempt to hold onto their precious fantasies of an ethnically and culturally pure homeland.

    My criticism of Dvorak rises from what I perceive as bad editing. I have high regard for him as a journalist and personality but I’m disappointed that he would consider a hateful character such as Nick Griffin as worthy of contribution to one of the most pressing debates of our time.

  17. JimR says:

    #42, one way is to stop spending billions of dollars trying to pin the current change in climate on you and I.

    We have been deemed guilty of a crime against humanity and we will pay hefty penalties for such things as heating my house with natural gas when the temperature drops below freezing 6 months of the year.

    Just think, if all that money and determination were spent on alternative and abundant energy sources… using all that scientific talent and coordination worldwide to pool our knowledge and develop less carbon dependent sources… spent 15 years doing THAT instead of counting tree rings and poking holes in glaciers… we would be in much better shape today and probably have thousands of peer reviewed papers on alternative energy solutions AND a reduction in CO2 by now.

  18. BipBop says:

    #33 JimR – there are several peer reviewed papers.. if you google you got one guy who runs a website that has chronologically looked at peer reviewed docs on undersea volcanoes and their contribution to global warming. Read a hoard of them that is why I know about it. I suggest a quick google, it came up in the top 5. Posting links here needs approval first.

    #34 Bobbo – There is actually a mixed growth/shrinkage of glaciers.. example Norway.. briksdals glacier has been shrinking but it’s sister glacier one fjord over has doubled in size. I have pictures of Briksdals glacier 100 yrs back and it was barely falling over the mountain tops, compare it to pictures 20 yrs back it was all the way down to the tourist huts, now it is on its way back to the mountain tops. We call this sort of pulsating action “breathing” of the glacier. South Pole has increased while that of the north has shrunk over the last few years, but increased after, gaining some 30%. To put that into perspective the antarctic has 90% of earths ice and 80% of earths fresh water..that is heck of a lot more than the arctic.

    Like i’ve pointed out before and will do again.. i don’t say that volcanic activity is the sole creator of CO2. No doubt humans cause CO2 as well, I just think that we attribute and give ourselves too much credit. I also think that these volcanoes contribute more than CO2, they contribute direct heat to the oceans, and as a result contribute to thermal expansion of the ocean, which again contributes to rising sea levels. They’ve found under-water volcanoes right under the arctic pole as well as on greenland, melting away the ice.

  19. Rabble Rouser says:

    How much money is Exxon-Mobil paying this guy. He’s obviously a lobbyist.

  20. JimR says:

    Re tonyedit, #45…

    It was the organizers of the summit meeting that let him speak. And why not? I would have too if I were arguing for the other side. The scientist to his right looks downright giddy.


    “South Africa added new impetus, saying on Sunday it would cut its carbon emissions to 34 per cent below expected levels by 2020, if rich countries furnished financial and technological help.”

    Sure we will! The USA will gladly give you 2… no 3 trillion dollars.
    Heck, make it 4 trillion. Line up everybody… it’s a free-fort all!

    Wait!!! Did they say technology??? What technology? I’m still burning natural gas to keep warm.

  21. tonyedit says:

    JimR #49.

    Agreed. I’m just a bit disappointed and feel like having a little cry.

    Oh, and I think South Africa was probably winking at China. You guys are as screwed as we Irish no? Natural gas? Hell, I’m standing in a foot of water burning polar bear carcass in a barrel cos believe it or not, we just suffered the worst floods nationally in living memory.

    Hark, is that the sound of fiddle from yonder hill?

  22. be_in_p says:

    #45, you personify what needs to be corrected in Western countries, if there are going to be any in the future. Perhaps one day you will be convicted of disallowed thoughts, as Nick Griffin was.

  23. tonyedit says:


    “you personify what needs to be corrected in Western countries”

    Oh this is becoming fun.

    Mister small p, are you implying that Mr. Griffin is a victim of thoughtcrime?

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    Time to change the name of the blog to “Climate Change Debunked While You Wait”

  25. Mark T. says:

    To the Honorable Nick Griffin, HEAR, HEAR! Well said!

    Nice find, John C.!

  26. Animby says:

    Nick Griffin is a loon.

    But even loons can be right now and then.

    “Pope Gore.” hehehehehe

  27. russ says:

    Everyone seems to be missing the simple side to all of this fuss. They have finally found a way to tax the air we breathe and some don’t seem to care about that fact!

  28. jimmyblue says:

    Shame on you Dvorak this guy’s a fascist who denies the holocaust.

  29. BipBop says:

    #58 Couldn’t agree with you more, posted the exact same thing in another post on this site. If that isn’t horrendous, I don’t know what is. Just wait for the oxygen and nitrogen tax.

  30. Rick Cain says:

    Who knew that the entire scientific world revolved around tiny East Anglia!


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