Great piece, as usual, by Glenn Greenwald:

On the night of June 10, 2006, three Guantanamo detainees were found dead in their individual cells. Without any autopsy or investigation, U.S. military officials proclaimed “suicide by hanging” as the cause of each death, and immediately sought to exploit the episode as proof of the evil of the detainees.

Admiral Harry Harris, the camp’s commander, said it showed “they have no regard for life” and that the suicides were “not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetric warfare aimed at us here at Guantanamo”; another official anonymously said that the suicides showed the victims were “committed jihadists [who] will do anything they can to advance their cause,” while another sneered that “it was a good PR move to draw attention.”

Questions immediately arose about how it could be possible that three detainees kept in isolation and under constant and intense monitoring could have coordinated and then carried out group suicide without detection, particularly since the military claimed their bodies were not found for over two hours after their deaths. But from the beginning, there was a clear attempt on the part of Guantanamo officials to prevent any outside investigation of this incident.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    As usual, the real meat is in the details.

    In particular, the Obama administration’s handling of this whole mess.

    “The problem, however, is that the Obama DOJ has been using every Bush tactic — and inventing whole new ones — to block the lawsuit from proceeding. As The Washington Independent’s Daphne Eviatar detailed in October, “the Obama administration has surprisingly endorsed the same legal positions as its predecessor, insisting that there is no constitutional right to humane treatment by U.S. authorities…

    This pic says it all!

    Yea, change we can believe in…

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    It sure seems that Bush is turning out to have been some sort of friggin’ genius!

    After all, if Obama, the brilliant Harvard Professor and Constitutional Scholar, is following Bush’s lead, then what does that say about Bush?

  3. Dallas says:

    #2 I wouldn’t make the connection quite like that. However, if this is your attempt to associate Bush to Obama, nice one !!

    I can see why Republipukes strive to prop up the Dick in Bush regime with something great like Obama.

    The GOP should hold their head high for the invention of the modern day death camp! Someone had to and it’s a natural for the GOP!

  4. sargasso says:

    This is hardest for me to understand, it is a US Marines base. Army, Airforce, Navy, maybe that could happen. But not on a Marines watch.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    #3, I don’t have to make the connection, Obama is doing it for me!

  6. GetReal says:

    So much for America being superior in every way.

    It makes me sick to my stomach to see the way my country has fallen to such depths.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    If you think this is bad, just wait for Cap and Trade and the true cost of universal health care.

  8. Dallas says:

    #7 Just wait for the true cost of Dick in Bush Iraq war idea. Oh wait, that one’s already here.


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