For those who don’t believe in global warming, how do you explain the melting ice caps? Not dealing with the issue of man made or not.
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That’s actually a poor question, with a simple answer. An opponent to man-made global climate change can still argue that global climate changes naturally and constantly, and the melting ice caps are just the natural course of events as the planet heads out of an ice age into a warm period.
Also, that is the saddest polar bear I’ve ever seen.
Don’t they tend to melt a bit in the summer and freeze more in the winter? The Earth hasn’t always had ice caps for most of its history. In act there are jungle plants beneath the ice in Antarctica.
Polar bear methane. It’s especially ice-unfriendly. That’s why you never see polar bears with wine coolers. Or any mixed drinks, for that matter.
Winds are melting the artic.
From NASA’s site:
“Nghiem said the rapid decline in winter perennial ice the past two years was caused by unusual winds. “Unusual atmospheric conditions set up wind patterns that compressed the sea ice, loaded it into the Transpolar Drift Stream and then sped its flow out of the Arctic,” he said. When that sea ice reached lower latitudes, it rapidly melted in the warmer waters.
“The winds causing this trend in ice reduction were set up by an unusual pattern of atmospheric pressure that began at the beginning of this century,” Nghiem said.”
Does anyone actually think the planet isn’t getting warmer? Seriously, anyone? Now… how much is man’s fault… that’s the question. There is this…
Honest (fudge factor significantly smaller than the actual data) graph of just last 2000ys of Earth temperature variations:
a)Warming? yes until recently
b)Human caused? most likely not
c)Caused by what? Solar activity related. It almost stopped since 2007. Years since than we are in literal Global Cooling. What can we do about Solar activity? Nothing.
Re: Polar Bear image: check the Medieval Warming period… Polar bear survived hundreds of years warmer than modern age just “recently” in terms of species history.
because…. ice can melt?
Just because polar ice melts doesn’t mean a rise in sea levels. Haven’t’ you ever done the simple experiment where you fill a class with ice, then fill it to the BRIM with water. Let it melt, and guess what? No water spills! 😮 This is an old Mr. Wizard experiment.
That’s because Ice is less dense than water, and that’s why it floats. Ice will “displace” the amount of water volume the ice is made up as. Even if it’s towering a mile above water level it’s not going to raise the level of the water after it metls since that water is already displaced.
So unless most of this ice is sitting on lot of LAND (which the south pole is) don’t worry about being in Waterworld in 50 years.
Besides it SNOWED in California, and I live like 12 FEET above sea level in a 100 year flood zone. Global warming my ass.
Why can’t we just go back to what this really is? pollution? Give a hoot, don’t pollute.
Antarctic ice cap is growing thicker, explain that…
There’s been a lot of chatter (some of it on this blog) about how the buzz in the 70’s was a coming Ice Age.
Well, I remember when Conservatives denied even the planet was warming. Now most seem to accept some level of climate change, but think that it’s a result of natural processes or we’re coming out of the Medieval Ice Age or whatnot.
Ship have sailed through the northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. How can there now be something going on?
The Ice Shelf was in Kansas 50K years ago. Who caused it to receed?
Polar Ica caps are growing, Obamabot. 1 million km2 in one year.
Did Tiger Woods sleep with this bear? Apparently he prefers blondes.
C02 Suffocates humans
Destroying Forests that & use up the C02 and create breathable oxygen
Possible Extinction Level Event. When that change does happen and thing start getting out of whack, it will snow ball faster than we can respond.
GLOBAL WARMING. It’s crying wolf and making you look stupid.
I don’t know the cause of any warming.
I do believe we should have a more considerate approach to the environment.
But for this so-called ‘Climate Change’ I question the motives of the politicians, big business and others.
Can’t we fix things without making a select group very, very rich and not bankrupt the middle class and poor?
Cap and trade just seems like another rip off to get some already rich people even richer.
So if there is a problem lets fix it without the political posturing and outrageous greed!
I think there is a simple answer which is that there are natural cycles.
1- CO2 melts the ice which in turn creates plankton.
2- The plankton eats up the CO2 (which melted the ice).
3- Then the ice returns after the plankton has eaten the CO2.
4- repeat…
In the tenth century, the Vikings had dairy farms in Greenland that are only now re-emerging from 30-foot thick sheets of ice.
The world used to be warmer. It also used to be colder. It changes _all_ _the_ _time_.
The only difference is that now, there is money to be made scaring the crap out of people.
Besides, more people freeze to death than die from the heat. It might be beneficial if the climate was a bit warmer. Who decided that warming was a bad thing?
Great, it’s natural, we can abandon all this carbon credit cap n trade BS then.
I wish the bloggers on this site would get their shit together.
Half of them are against the idea that climate change is real, the other half are for it.
gromnie said “In the tenth century, the Vikings had dairy farms in Greenland that are only now re-emerging from 30-foot thick sheets of ice.”
Which again proves the point we are in a warming period. I think that cases is closed. Whether it is caused or helped along by people is the question– or to put it another way, are we smart enough to figure what causes it.
Here’s my thing– carbon was captured in the form of fossil fuels for million of years (or if your a Creationist, hidden there by God 7000 years ago for unknown reasons.) We are releasing that carbon over the course of a few hundred years. Is there no payback for that.
PS- Feel free to call me an imbecile, jerk or moron– it’s really strengthens your side of the argument.
Black carbon soot. Do a Google search. The world’s (and most notably China’s) coal-fired power plants and other sources of black carbon are changing the albedo (look it up) of the polar ice caps. Its carbon, but not CO2.
Science research can be such a messy process.
(and that’s the beauty of it…will somebody pleeeease tell the world about this!)
A person working carefully for years on their great thesis about a phenomenon and is sure he/she can publish a breakthrough is suddenly interrupted by some little whippersnapper bounding in and saying, “Hey, what about this new data? It shows you’re all wrong.” There goes my career…and possibly the prestige along with it. One is expected to trash their work and cheerfully jump on board the new train. Tough titty.
But then….even newer data comes along that shows ALL these folks that they were wrong the whole time. They hoped and hoped they’d be right.
“But alas, the meatball doesn’t work that way.”
– R. Crumb
(and any religious person reading this should understand that THEIR theory is subject to crash-and-burn, just like everybody else)
Except…..the poles on Mars began melting at the same time as Earth’s. Solar cycles and/or ocean current variations. Can we prove it. No. There is not a temperature database that can be trusted.
The ice is melting just like the fucking ice melted millions of years ago you stupid bastards. Ever heard the term ICE AGE? Ever wondered why that term refers to a period in history and not today? Stupid motherfuckers.
Well this was a useful post, is this a blog or a discussion forum? it’s hard to believe that the science is settled given all of these differing opinions.
From the person who thinks that plankton eat carbon dioxide, to the person who believes that more people freeze to death than die from heat, to the one who thinks that the ice caps are growing, you people are ALL IDIOTS! (sorry if I offend idiots worldwide)
Damn, all you have to do is look at the temps from the start of the industrial revolution. Look at the long term trends, not individual years, and you will see that since we started using fossil fuels, the temps have gone up. END OF DISCUSSION! It’s a freakin’ fact!
Just because some of you don’t want to hear the bad news, and make up outrageous fiction, does not make the fiction fact! It’s still fiction, no matter how you cut it!
There are a lot of extreme hot and cold periods in Earth’s history that I would not want to live through. Just saying that things were worse in the past doesn’t solve anything– what caused them and are they the same things causing climate change today.
The other things is that that this fight is so polarized, finding unbiased info on either side is tough. Although the anti-climate change folks seem to be going for the personal attacks. Do you guys feel inadequate?
I get a kick out of the people who think they know what’s really going on.
Trends are pretty damned easy to spot, and this trend is no exception. The real question has been posed here several times, yet knuckleheads like #24 keep posting.
#5, there are people who dispute the planet is warming, man-made or not. Someone who took apart and ran NASA’s GISTEMP code found that the increase in temperatures comes from NASA’s adding and removing thermometers. The longest running thermometers show no increase in temperature.