Last 20 seconds are the best.

  1. nakedDudeOrDudette says:

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. OOOoooOoooOoooOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… ooooOoooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo ='(

  2. Faxon says:

    Good. This will do more good that all the beach cleaning days imaginable. Old,ugly people, keep it to yourselves….

  3. Richard says:

    Gosh, I’m glad California, in these hard economic times is able to come up with the funds to enforce these really important laws.

  4. The0ne says:

    Blacks Beach here in San Diego is still open 😮 I wouldn’t go there though, even it’s across from UCSD 😀

  5. Dallas says:

    This new law coincides with the obese epidemic.

    This new law would help identify real beached whales.

  6. Jeanne says:

    I don’t think this is a new law. The Beach Patrol enforces the existing law when they feel like it and when they have access (at Black’s Beach). And, there is no law regarding having to prove beauty when nude.

  7. joaoPT says:

    Hey!! We’re Flabby, We’re here, get used to it!

  8. JimR says:

    $20 a head to use a beach? What a rip off.

  9. nick the rat says:

    america, land of the insecure sheep creatures.

  10. Mathew says:

    You have to pay to go to the beach over there?

  11. MrBuns says:

    There is at least one beach in the world where people are in significantly better shape than at other nude beaches. Yes, it is near a university campus which helps, but on top of that there is a several-hundred-step set of staircases that deter many out-of-shape people. I am not going to say where it is lest fat Americans find out and try to go there. (The stairs deter fat people, but does not eliminate them completely.)

  12. Jeanne says:

    No, you don’t have to pay to go to any beach in San Diego County. Just another example of Fox News’ lack of research. Seems strange though that the news reporter said that as he must have known as he was at San Onofre.

  13. The0ne says:

    you pay for parking in some beaches but there are plenty that are free that one should always go to. Imperial and Torrey are paid parking to access beach. Nude beach is totally free of course, but I highly doubt anyone not “fit” will ever make it back up as it’s a sheer cliff walk-down 🙂

  14. Jeanne says:

    #13: Sorry to seem nit-picky, but Torrey Pines is free if you park right at beachside. Plus, you can park along Carmel Valley Road. If you want to go to Black’s and don’t want to walk down, you can always walk in from Torrey Pines or La Jolla Shores, depending on the tides. There are plenty of out of shape nude people at Black’s.

  15. See Me Feel Me says:

    This is old news that’s twisted to fit into FOX viewers square minds. They lie and the rangers lie about the crime and sex crimes. The truth is this issue came up last year again as it has for decades off and on, and the nudist organizations that promote nudist areas as a part of travel sued to keep the park open for nudity in one section far away from the general public that’s at the edge of Camp Pendleton. State parks do not forbid nudity, after all people were born that way. I think people should just start start saying they are bi-sexual and making nudity part of their religion, thus invoking federal protections. Then if rangers arrest them they can it’s a hate crime against their sexual preference and religious prejudice violation perpetrated by the state.

  16. Rabble Rouser says:

    This could be a good thing, if “the people of walmart” frequent these beaches!

  17. Oscar alias xpenguin says:

    American brains should be forbidden! Nude sun bathing is naturally many more bad as bombing other countries for oil!


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