Is Bill Maher writing for them?

The darts reflect blacks’ resistance to interracial romance. They also are a reflection of discomfort with a man who has smashed barriers in one of America’s whitest sports and assumed the mantle of the world’s most famous athlete, once worn by Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan.

But Woods has declined to identify himself as black, and famously chose the term “Cablinasian” (Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian) to describe the racial mixture he inherited from his African-American father and Thai mother.

This vexed some blacks, but it hasn’t stopped them from claiming Woods as one of their own. Or from disapproving of his marriage to Elin Nordegren, despite blacks’ historical fight against white racist opponents of mixed marriage.

  1. sam says:

    “white racist opponents of mixed marriage” Really says it all. Racism is illegal according to Bloomington IL. police department and human relations department. Our very existence is racist! i.e. illegal and forbidden!

  2. Arkyn1 says:

    “…a man who has smashed barriers in one of America’s whitest sports and assumed the mantle of the world’s most famous athlete…”

    “But Woods has declined to identify himself as black…”

    Which barriers exactly has he smashed? If he doesn’t self-identify as Black, then I would say none. Caucasians and Asians are well known to be avid golfers, and very good ones at that. He simply adds one more to the mix.

    Can’t have it both ways. As a Black man, I could care less about Tiger Woods, his wife, and his “transgressions”. Not to mention golf.

    He’s just not important.

  3. The0ne says:

    Sounds like he’s just like almost every asian kid I know and read about, that his Caucasian, Black, Jewish, Chinese, Mongolian, Indian, Native American, Bushmen, Alien and even Charlie Brown’s Uncle or Aunt.

    These kids don’t know who the fck they. They are so clueless that they will make up ancestry sht from hearing a rumor. And yet when call upon to defend their description, they are plain ignorant. Literally ignorant.

    Take my nieces for example. They are so caught up in this crap that they think they are Chinese, Japanese, Laotion mixed. No, you are fcking Hmong, PERIOD. Live with it and be happy that you are and not one of those freaks.

    This “fad” sickens me as does most people with identity crisis issues, like craze lunatics.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    So he likes Amazon Women from the Moon.

    Who doesn’t?

  5. qb says:

    He’s lucky. Good thing his wife paused for club selection while escaped to his Cadillac.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Reading articles like this one makes you realize that there are still quite a few imbeciles out there.

  7. Floyd says:

    #6: Agreed.
    Most Americans have mixed ethnic backgrounds, and more people marry people that don’t have the same ethnicity. “Race” just doesn’t matter anymore, unless it’s IndyCar, NHRA or NASCAR.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    The biggest news story here is how the media love to build people up and with greater excitement love to tear them apart.

    The second is how justice comes in many forms and colors. Tiger’s arrogance and the need to purchase status symbols will prove very expensive. In the end, he has no one to blame but himself for his poor judgment and destroyed reputation.

  9. jescott418 says:

    Well I kinda see that point. Some other article pointed out that Tiger does not consider himself Black. Maybe he felt that being Black was not good in a White man’s game.
    Maybe its why he married a White woman??
    We all know this who sorted affair is getting better everyday.

  10. NomDeUser says:

    The photographer must have been a blonde white girl.

    How else to account for the general leering quality of the image?

  11. JimR says:

    Re: BRM, “This behavior obviously occurs in the minority of blacks. Most black people don’t act like this. But it happens often enough to notice. Especially when white people seem to go out of their way *not* to make us feel uncomfortable.”

    The scars of the oppressed run deep. It will take another few generations before the remaining blacks who have experienced racism personally or by association, to heal, forget, or be ignorant of the past, and move on.

  12. Rich says:

    “#6: Agreed.
    Most Americans have mixed ethnic backgrounds, and more people marry people that don’t have the same ethnicity. “Race” just doesn’t matter anymore, unless it’s IndyCar, NHRA or NASCAR.”

    If most Americans have substantially mixed ethnic backgrounds I haven’t seen it.

    For some people, race matters. After all Tiger chose white. Hmmm… possibly race matters not only to lefty guilt-ridden types?

  13. igeek says:

    Who cares what he is or what he likes. If the show In Living Color we’re still on and making a skit about it, we’d all be laughing our heads off.

  14. brm says:

    #11 JimR:

    “The scars of the oppressed run deep. It will take another few generations before the remaining blacks who have experienced racism personally or by association, to heal, forget, or be ignorant of the past, and move on.”

    Give me a break. Quit making excuses for asshole behavior.

  15. Faxon says:

    I, fortunately,am Italian. 100% Italian. Way back, there may have been some mixtures of Muslims in there when they invaded the Roman Empire, I guess, but nobody can be sure. Therefore, I am 100% Italian. Luckily. I am not confused at all. I know who I am. Mr Woods, apparently, does not. If he likes to fuck white woman, I can see why. If he likes Asian women, same thing. It’s the other ones I don’t understand. That’s my prejudice. So I’m a racist. So what? I like woman. Does that make me sexist? Probably. Liberals love labels, and they seem to going apeshit over this guy’s labels.

  16. brm says:

    My friend is half Korean, and he doesn’t find asian women attractive because they remind him of his mother. lol

  17. Dirk Thunderbuts says:

    If I made all that money I wouldn’t sleep with black women either.

  18. Floyd says:

    #13: Most Americans have mixed ethnic backgrounds. While my surname is Irish, and I come from the Midwest, I know I also have German, Dutch, English, Scot Irish, and Cherokee in my ancestry. My wife is also from the Midwest, and has Irish, German, English, and Danish in her background. Her ex-husband was English, German and Potawatomi.

    We live in the Southwest now. There’s an even broader mix of people there, including people from the eastern US, southwestern Indian (several tribes), various Mexican groups, Asians, and Spanish.

  19. Faxon says:

    One other thing. I work with an intelligent black woman. She has always shown irritation and “racism” whenever she talks of a black man marrying a white woman. “Diminishes the race”, she says. OK. So she is, categorically, a racist. Show me I am wrong. Another black person who is a racist. And all the blacks who are pissed off that Mr Woody is fucking white women. Same thing. Racists. It is laughable.

  20. brm says:


    “Diminishes the race”

    Holy shit. Try saying that as a white person!

  21. Joe says:

    Tiger is one-quarter African American.

  22. Jmsbrtms says:

    This is very simple. The Media has to prime the pump with Tiger Woods’ destruction before they can report on Obama’s failures.

  23. JimR says:

    Re: BRM “Give me a break. Quit making excuses for asshole behavior.”

    BRM, I didn’t “make” that excuse. It is legitimate fact, and exists on it’s own.

    What I did offer is understanding… something obviously lacking in your shallow response. I don’t like the way some people act, but I do understand there are often valid reasons behind negative behavior.

    The last of those still feeling slighted will most likely be dead in 100 years… unless they are taunted and called assholes by those too short sighted to see the bigger picture. Their hate will dissipate, instead of the “Excuse” being passed on to their offspring. Just suck up your indignation and ignore / avoid them… the most sensible thing to do.

  24. JimR says:

    Re #24, EDITOR… can you end the italics after the first paragraph for me? THX

  25. RBG says:

    I think we need to get rid of society’s racist marry-within-your-own-race thing before we can deal with who Tiger dates.


  26. Doodie says:

    Tiger Woods Photo Emerges after Counseling Session with Wife…
    Shocking…I feel bad for him. This pic is ridiculous.

  27. Gallwina says:

    Holy Jesus…

    I am Scottish (born there), American, and Irish (50%, 25%, 25% respectively), but most just see me as “white”. Let me say, there are many different forms of white. I consider myself Scottish, but I won’t deny the other parts of me.

    Tiger grew up in Cypress, CA… Let me tell you, I lived in Cypress… it is a VERY white community. Just because he is married to a white woman, or had affairs with “white” women, who gives a rats flying ass… BTW… Jaime Grubbs doesn’t exactly LOOK 100% white… and Rachel Uchitel is just a low-life hussy that likes to get other women’s men… Not saying that what Tiger did was unexcusable…

    And its a bunch of bulls**t that if he was married to a black woman that she wouldn’t take it… A lot of people’s skin doesn’t judge how they act… Get with the program people…

    Stop using color as an excuse for anything!!

  28. deowll says:

    The guy is of completely mixed ancestry.

    It’s a matter of personal taste. I didn’t notice because I didn’t care. I still don’t care.

  29. Dannythedog says:

    “Can’t we all just get along”?


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