Is Bill Maher writing for them?

The darts reflect blacks’ resistance to interracial romance. They also are a reflection of discomfort with a man who has smashed barriers in one of America’s whitest sports and assumed the mantle of the world’s most famous athlete, once worn by Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan.

But Woods has declined to identify himself as black, and famously chose the term “Cablinasian” (Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian) to describe the racial mixture he inherited from his African-American father and Thai mother.

This vexed some blacks, but it hasn’t stopped them from claiming Woods as one of their own. Or from disapproving of his marriage to Elin Nordegren, despite blacks’ historical fight against white racist opponents of mixed marriage.

  1. Animby says:

    10% of the population is black. Therefore, 90% of the women available to him are white. Probably more on the golf circuit. Perhaps the occasional black woman he met was too moral to sleep with a married man?

    I remember a beautiful black woman I was seriously involved with. She was accepted without question into my peer group of friends (although less so by my mother) but we often felt uncomfortable when with her black friends. I will say her family didn’t seem to notice what color I was. They were great.

    I’ve maintained for ages, blacks are among the worst racists in the USofA!

  2. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

  3. Nappy Headed Ho says:

  4. JimR says:

    #32, Animby, I think you are confusing ‘racist’ with ‘hatred’. Racism includes a belief of superiority. I think you’ll find that the “most blacks” you are referring to still feel the opposite… deprived and oppressed (by whites)… a good reason for anger, whether still valid or not.

  5. Animby says:

    I gently disagree. Although many (most?) definitions of racism include the concept of superiority of one race, it has become to be defined also as intolerance toward others because of their race. One could argue that intolerance is based on feelings of superiority but I argue it can be caused by feelings of fear, jealousy, etc.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    This is most complete and realistic definition of racism I have ever come across.

  7. i just wrote something here that would have made a great living color skit, or at least i think so. there is humor all around this situation lol.

  8. oh before u go to that link it uses language that may not suit some. just a caveat.

  9. Rich says:

    Hey RBG- people marry and make friends with whomever they want. It’s personal choice and freedom- get used to it!

  10. Buzz says:

    In the dark, it’s all pink.

  11. Guyver says:

    It’s bad enough he had an affair, but to marginalize it over his choice in women? I hate to be a master of the obvious here, but is it possible that in Tiger’s professional field and circle of friends that the vast majority of people he interacts with are white? This is almost sounding like some people may accuse him of self-hate.

  12. RBG says:

    41 Rich

    And the fact that these marriages and friends are mostly of a particular race, well, that’s just a big fat statistical coincidence, right? Personal choice and freedom does not excuse racism. Get used to – at least hearing – that one.


  13. preference says:

    Preference does not mean bigoted. Get you head out of your ass!

  14. RBG says:

    If course racial preference does not mean bigoted. It just means: 2. racist – discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion. I’ll let you look up discriminatory.


  15. Rich says:

    With all due respect to “preference” and “RBG”‘s comments, to these people preferring a white wife to a black on IN ITSELF is the crime, because you like a white wife over a black one. Your “evil” is liking and choosing the white one over the black one. The terms used are irrelevant. These people are mad.

    We have to stop trying to please these race-trading lunatics.

    My wife will be blonde or brown with blue or green eyes and china-white skin.

    That’s my choice.

  16. Doodie says:

    Would he be racist if he only dated women with darker skin?

  17. antiger67 says:

    shame to this Tiger Woods, i’m never watching golf anyway. What a looser, cheating his wife, also a big time racist doing high order racial discrimination against black women. He should be beaten by a dozen strong black women, plus his wife.


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