Pompeii was destroyed by the volcano Vesuvius in 79AD. There is evidence to suggest the volcano will massively erupt again fairly soon and potentially wipe out the the area southwest of it where 2 million people live, including the neighboring city of Naples.
Giuseppe Fiorelli took charge of the excavations in 1860. During early excavations of the site, occasional voids in the ash layer had been found that contained human remains. It was Fiorelli who realized these were spaces left by the decomposed bodies and so devised the technique of injecting plaster into them to perfectly recreate the forms of Vesuvius’s victims. What resulted were highly accurate and eerie forms of the doomed Pompeiani who failed to escape, in their last moment of life, with the expression of terror often quite clearly visible
Awesome! Good work Google!
Yeah, we’re killing the planet with “climate change.” The planet is big enough to take care of itself. Go ask those people frozen in volcanic ash if they feel particularly threatening to the biosphere today.
I visited Pompeii, on a visit to Italy and found it disturbing. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, on top or an active volcanic field with nine cones, one of which is active.
#3. make that, “dormant”, not “active”.
Thanks for the links.
Naples is I’m told a lovely place to visit but sooner or later it is going to end up like Pompeii. Of course we have a few cities in the states that can expect to get buried.