peter schiff(This is the guy who predicted the recession.) I was reading an article about him from January where he picks five stocks. Below are the stocks, original and current prices, and growth:

Of course all this has been reengineered. If you actually followed his advice WHILE all the changes were happening in 2008 you would be broke, or close to it. READ THIS analysis.

  1. Proud Alien says:

    DOW didn’t grow 29%, just 18%.

  2. Proud Alien says:

    Another thing:

    Vitasoy International: + 60%
    Duet Group: + 5%

    Where do you get your data? What am I missing?

    Just FYI, I use Google Finance. You?

  3. Cherman says:

    #1, do the math right.

    #2, Links and article info.

  4. qb says:

    So Cherman, I assume you did the smart thing and invested heavily with Euro Pacific Capital?

  5. TTHor says:

    Peter is actually pretty smart, listen to his podcast and you’ll know. And next – he’s on his way into politics, alongside Ron Paul.
    There is indeed real HOPE!

  6. Mac Guy says:

    So? I picked Amazon last year at 37.50. It’s now 4 times that.

  7. jp says:

    Hey Cherman. Let me be your financial advisor. It appears that you have let your political beliefs color for your financial acumen. The best people to make money off of.

  8. Common_Sense says:

    Duet Group – Lowest closing price anywhere in Jan 2009 was $1.58. so you’re saying that he happened to make that comment on a day when it dipped that low due to some short-term market force, and then closed back above? The closing price on Jan 12th was 1.96. That means if an investor could have read that article on Jan 12 and bought right before the close — he’d be in the hole right now with a negative return.

    Plenty of possible variables to account for here – it’s a foreign holding, could be currency fluctuations, stock splits or reverse splits, etc., though I don’t see any according to google finance, I can’t completely discount the possibility. Or the possibility that the original article writer just flubbed.

    As for the Dow: #1 DID do the math right – though he took the YTD numbers.

    DOW close Dec 31st — 8776.39
    DOW close Friday — 10388.90
    +18% YTD

    For a fair comparison, the real numbers to use are DOW from the comparison purchase date, so for DUET you’d use Jan 12th — which was lower at 8473.97, so the gain from that date is +22%)

    I find your number odd, though — what date did you use? Your 29% number doesn’t match the Dec 31, Jan 12, or March low close to Friday’s close. I can’t figure out what you used.

  9. Proud Alien says:

    #8 Exactly my point. The impression I get that the poster, Cherman, doesn’t exactly know what he’s talking about. That said, Peter Schiff is one impressive dude, that’s for sure.

  10. bpapau says:

    Getting a bit sick of all the Peter Schiff love.

    A lot of people made money off the collapse and saw it coming. One guy made like 4 billion off it. Peter Schiff is the only loudmouth out there telling everyone how awesome he is. He also called that the collapse would happen 5 years ago, and has been wrong in every prediction over the last decade.

    You have Schiff saying we’re all doomed, and Buffet saying we’re okay. No offense, but I’m going with the guy with a 50 year track record of being right.

  11. Luc says:

    The guy with the 50-year track record of being right may be trying to lead everyone to think that we’re okay when we really aren’t so that his secret investment decisions turn out as planned and he is right once again. Foolish people are vain. Smart people ain’t.

  12. The Warden says:

    We don’t need Peter. We have Obama, the half White Jesus who will lead us to the Holy Land where everyone will live in peace and harmony without greed or corruption. Almost like what Obama accomplished as a community organizer in Chicago.

  13. Somebody says:

    Buffet! Bah! Madoff did a lot better for his clients.
    For a while….

  14. Rick Cain says:

    Timing is everything. Schiff doesn’t have a crystal ball, but he’s darn close.


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