1. SilkySaul says:

    Seriously.. what an idiot.

  2. EricPhillips says:

    Best quote from 911: “…y’know, that’s not gonna happen.”

  3. a schtick in your eye says:

    … meanwhile, the guy in the picture is shitting bricks.

  4. Marc says:

    Uhmm dey took ur jorbs!!!!

  5. jim says:

    Took ur jorbs!!

  6. EricPhillips says:

    Durka dur!

  7. ± says:

    This guy must vote Republican or Democrat.

  8. clancys_daddy says:

    Give him two dollars, tase him twice for general stupidity and charge him a dollar for each time.

  9. eggman9713 says:

    Why is abusing 911 not a misdemeanor at least? Unless he is nuts, in which case he needs to be committed.

  10. Whozwho says:

    Idiot uses images of non public figures without their permission.

  11. FRAGaLOT says:

    He dialed 9+911? Was he in an office building where he had to dial 9 to get an outside line?

  12. McCullough says:

    #10. Hey! That’s my cousin Cletus…he gave me permission for a 6 pack of PBR.


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