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Damn Press makes a issue of surprised..
I usually don’t side with Gates, but this stupid bitch had it coming. Of course an “Event Planner” is going to be at the dinner. Does this report think event planners just go home after planning the event and hope everything turns out OK?
Who does this report work for?
I meant Gibbs, not Gates.
If I had to bet on the next person going all Ft Hood, it would be Gibbs. I am betting he’s going to be stepping down in the next 6-8 months.
@ #4 That wouldn’t be surprising. Presidential press secretaries usually have a pretty short tenure for whatever reason. Clinton had 5 and Bush II had 4.
You are the A-Hole for the using that word in the posting.
She was badgering him and he was condescending.
That should be the United States worst problem.
What Alf said.
Gibbs should not have compared a WH reporter to his child, but I could see why he did – she asked a question, then asked it again, and again, and again, even after he answered it.
She was badgering like a child, and his calling her out on it was appropriate. He’s got to have a better way than comparing her to a child, though.
Oh, and Alf – Dvorak sets the stage for this forum. He referred to a WH staffer as an a**hole. How does that differ from Tim’s equally crude b-word usage?
Then you went and pulled the same stunt calling Tim an a**hole yourself. Quite frankly, I consider the two words to be of equal insult and crudity – using a**hole for a guy, and the b-word for a woman. Sexist? Probably…
Ok, so she might have been asking the question in a forceful way, but he totally blew her off and didnt answer the question. but we should all know that the press, the people, and everyone else on this planet are worth less than a squirt of piss to people in the white house.
Gibbs had the right to be irked, but not unprofessional.
Here we have one incompetent admin guy covering for another incompetent admin gal, and both covering for their incompetent boss.
The real question should have been “Has Desiree Rogers ever slept with Tiger Woods?”.
Freedom of the Press does not mean Freedom to Harass.
This lady (and I use the term loosely) is one step removed from paparazzi.
Good for Gibbs. Personally, I think he handled it much better than I would have. I would looked her in the eye, said, “Question Answered,” slapped a big L on my forehead
looked around the room, and asked, “Next Question?”
News By Incessantly Raising Questions, 101: Whatever you do as a reporter, don’t shut up. The news story is not in the answers to any question, the story IS THE QUESTION, nothing else.
If you can adopt a characteristic motormouth stream of picky, insistent detail by detail questions, then in the eyes of your contemporaries, you win. The other reporters will pick the story up something like: “The White House, barraged under a mountain of deflected questions could not lend any satisfaction to the inquiries.”
…and she was EXACTLY like a pre-conscious sub-teen in the level of discourse she was fomenting.
Okay, we’re ready for your “fomenting at the mouth” follow-ons.
He really is a mega asshole…! and he is coming down for sure! First time ever I hear the press sigh after his demeaning comparison…and these are normally poodles so the sigh tell me something is changing big time. And finally! The teflon guy in the white house and his cronies has to face reality. And it won’t be pretty!
why is this April character wasting press conference time with silly questions? we need a second press secretary just too handle the inane daily tabloid-like entertainment gossip/news.
story #1 can be Gibb’s lost his cool for just a moment and was mildly condescending to some one who had it coming
She was badgering him. Don’t see where The term “a**hole” is warranted here. He’s right, there are more important things to answer questions about.
One more snide to you, a-hole Cherman.
I would never call on her for a question ever again.
She wasn’t asking a question. She was just showing off. I’m all in favor of challenging the powers that be, but let the challenges be on things that matter. I’d say that the A-hole was the reporter, not Gibbs.
The whole WH is staffed with a bunch of AHOLES. Obama, Royal Ahole Emanuel, L Summers, etc etc.
AGain, 2010 will hopefully be the crazy glue that will shut down the half white ahole in the white house.
“Cocaine is a hell of a drug” – Rick James
“Meth is a hell of a drug” – Lois Griffin
Gibbs is a twat. The bitch reporter is fucking stupid. So they deserve each other.
The real question is…will that reporter find herself without the WH Press Pass very shortly??
There was no reason to persue that one that close.
Cherman uncensored … 100% garbage
Do these reporters get paid by the length of their questioning or just according to how annoying they are? I’ve seen many of them (most these days) who would just keep talking forever if their (supposed) questionee didn’t interrupt them with an answer, or at least a reply.
Whoever came up with that headline seems totally biased to me, if fact lately most of the shit that gets posted here has had unfair or untrue tabloid style headlines. dvorak seems bitter no matter what the subject and now his posse of asshats are running with it. boo, I say bring back the old DU.
I am no fan of Gibbs. Mostly, I’m surprised he’s lasted this long! But if anyone deserves the a-hole appellation in this video, it’s the reporter.
Cherman, you have no credibility on politics. You should have been criticizing the previous administration’s press secretary for his handling of the D.C. press corps as well. At least this reporter wasn’t screened and was allowed to get under this idiot’s skin. Both parties are filled with incompetent fools. Start biting both sides or start posting on other topics.